Destroying Dalaran is bad and you should feel bad

That looks interesting so I may check it out.

  • I read it. I liked it and gave a comment. I think you should write more.

I think I’ve posted in like four Blom threads total. The one I posted the most in was definitely the fourth of July thread. That one also milked some tears and mined some salt.

Honestly I’ve come to enjoy how his threads cause people to react. I’m not an RPer either here or in-game, never look at that side of forums, but the instant negative reaction people have when they see him in GD just…literally posting about the game makes me laugh.

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I just wanna say if people want to bring a distinction to say that the Alliance of Lordaeron is different from the Alliance of Stormwind, the Blood Elves don’t get to blame the Alliance for Garithos anymore.

That wasn’t the Alliance, it was the Alliance. You can’t put that on the Alliance.

There were four on this topic, yes.

I know some probably do, but I don’t blame the Alliance for Garithos. And I never blame the players for anything the Alliance does, anyway. Only person to blame for that is Blizzard, and in-universe, the Alliance leaders.

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Are you counting the 4th of july one that he edited and changed to a “kill all horde” thread as usual after it got enough attention?

Yes. That one was fantastic.

He should have left it on the topic of fourth of July because that was somehow enraging people even more than his RP.

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No, but I probably should, to be fair. I am counting one that started as an RP thread.

Who doesn’t?

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I think I posted in one other about Dal. Something about being Gladghar that Dadghar might be Deadghar.

Mostly just came here to say the same about Dalaran but couldn’t resist poking a bit of fun at the perennial hypocrites of GD. :slight_smile:

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I’m mostly poking fun at recent arguments I see of “but the Alliance of Lordaeon isn’t the same Alliance we have in WoW”.

Which would mean it was the Alliance of Lordaeron and not the WoW Alliance that was responsible for Garithos, despite some Horde posters loving to bring him up as an argument of “times the Alliance did bad”.


Like people who claim there’s some emotional unrest while leveling ad hominem as a rule of thumb rather than under duress?

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Noting obvious hypocrisy and vocalizing that it is present is not an ad hominem.

Yeah some can’t separate that out. But also some Alliance still try to claim Lordaeron. Some of it is probably trolling but some of it might be a misunderstanding of the lore.


This is, though, and doesn’t even note any obvious hypocrisy. It just calls people perennial hypocrites.

You’re free to feel called out if it registers as appropriate.

Who said I felt called out? I haven’t been a hypocrite. I’m just pointing out that you’re not quite doing as you suggest you are. What was the hypocrisy, and where did you point it out? Hypocrisy is a noun, by the way, and a nonspecific one at that. To point it out you’ll have to be a little specific.

Could be he got abducted for being a powerful mage, the Nerubians did kidnap folk as we can see in the fourth zone when we go to free them

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He got Frodo’d.



lol Baine writing the last few expansion has definitely affect the his image as a Horde leader… I have not heard anything about Thunderbluff but I have seen and heard how a lot Horde players disdain for him and consider him Alliance.

The only reason I think some Horde players don’t ask for his death is because the Horde can’t spare any more Leaders (it literally won’t make lore sense to even be united as Horde if we lost more leaders IMO), all thought if he died or killed most would not care much at all… they would only focus on why it had to be Horde that die more than why poor Baine!? (IMO) :woozy_face:

But if the Horde had spare leaders like Alliance seem to have and you ask them to chose which Horde they willing to give up as a Loot Piñata, a lot would give up Baines name to put his head in Silver Plater… in fact they love to join in and help you! :rofl: (IMO)