Destroying Dalaran is bad and you should feel bad

You’re the one making light of an on-going war to try to “win points” on a video game forums

You lose this comparison, as usual

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You really need to stop trying to use Ukraine and Russia to deflect the issue you want to argue, especially when you’re not using equivalent analogies.


I accept your concession.

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To be slightly fair there, the rubble around the zone suggests that Korthia was a structure similar in scale to Oribos before the Jailer found his comically oversized Legend of Zelda Hookshot and smashed it into a mountain.

That aside, hoo boy, this thread set itself on fire huh

It was bound to happen, my detractors have a meltdown every time they aren’t allowed to send my thread to the shadow realm.

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Oh hey blom, I still see we’re sharing fiction so here’s mine :slight_smile:


I can do it too.


So Dalaran is in two locations in the game AND has already been destroyed once in the lore.

I think we can stop taking Blizzard Lore seriously in WoW at this point. They can destroy whatever they want, just don’t eff up my raid tier.

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Ummmmm, so Undercity still stands?

Loses an argument so tries to banish my posts to the shadow realm again.

Horde aren’t sending their best.

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The only one who lost an argument was you, since you started talking to yourself, essentially.


I’m going on vacation until mid august tomorrow morning anyways, it’s just funny how thin-furred some people are.

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Who was thin furred? I’m the only one who bothered talking to you, Blom. I even argued with people you usually argue with to do it. I’m many things, but easily offended isn’t one of them.

That’s why you and Malgorok are trying to send my posts to the shadow realm lol

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I flagged exclusively posts in which you falsely quoted me.

It’s one of very few things I will flag for. Slurs are the only other I can think of.

Can we not spoil the next expansion’s content in the thread title? Please?

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At least you admit it, I will give you a modicum of respect for that.

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The hell we do, stop trolling.

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I am an honest person. Though, if you think it thin skinned to hold others to that honesty… I have bad news.

They’re not entirely wrong though. Baine is its chief, and he’s as alliance as anybody…