Despite the promising start, this is the most toxic the wow community has ever been

a pvp server is what it is.

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See this is what I was talking about. Pvp server players regretting their decision due to the insane populations making the game unplayable, and the people who rolled on a pve server have to chime in with their infinite wisdom.
We get it, you’re not facing these issues, your input is worthless and all you’re doing is trolling or trying to get a pat on the back, either way you contribute absolutely nothing of value with posts like this.

How do you even know what was said if you didn’t read anything? Why are you here if you aren’t going to read anything?

Too soft? Clearly you aren’t on the receiving end of a 45 minute corps walk. It took me 45 minute to get to the entrance of BRD. Not an exaggeration at all. 45 Minutes of getting killed by 3 - 10 as soon as I res. How is wasting my limited play time being dead have anything to do with being “too soft”? My time is being wasted on people honor farming. It’s not randomly ganking it’s not pvp on a pvp server it’s being a limited resource for someone else’s gain.

It’s nothing like Vanilla and there were only 3 PVE servers at launch in the EU.

“But the Classic community is so much better than the retail community. Seriously.”


You’re wrong. Vanilla was not a “gankfest” It happened occasionally and it could be annoying. On Classic it’s literally constant. Even in a major city if you are PVP tagged in the wrong place you’ll get ganked there, too. If you get on a flight path and go AFK you’ll come back to a corpse. If you want to go to BRD it’s at least 30 minutes just to get near the entrance so no it’s nothing like anyone could have known it would have been. And clearly you have no idea what it’s like.

No one would have signed up for a 10k player PVP server. People signed up for the Vanilla experience and a crowded server is not it.


That might be true if you hadn’t stated this:

“Classic overall” refers to PvE servers as well. I don’t disagree that the vast majority of PvP servers are a huge fail. But that isn’t all of Classic.

I’m really enjoying my community.

You’re wrong, though. No one expected servers to be as large as they are. It was never ever like this in Vanilla, not at all close. I will not be going to UBRS, LRBS, BRD again unless I can get there in the time it takes to get there and not the time it takes to get to my body 15 - 20 times. I’ve got quests in Lights Hope I’ve completed for weeks, but haven’t turned in because I don’t want to waste the time it takes to go from the flight point to the quest giver to the flight point again, because it’s going to take at least 10 minutes.

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Agreed. IMO what makes these forums so toxic is the fact that it is a 15 year old game. There are plenty of guides on just about anything you need to know online so complaints are basically the only thing for people to post about since there is not all that much in-depth discussion to be had on the actual content of the game itself.

If it was a new game people would be able to discuss changes/content they would like to see but such posts are basically blasphemy here due to the #nochanges crowd.

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classic wow is not vanilla and there are x20 the people playing.

you cant do anything about player choice.

Read your post, a lot of people will easily agree with you and I do to some degree.

Several posts have been made in how to deal with imbalanced servers (as a player in the under populated faction), but most of the players who come to the forum to whine about PvP servers come here only to whine and don’t actually want help of to improve on them selves; they would only be happy if victory was 98% handed too them.

Make no mistake, these same people are the same as the bulk of the horde who over populated their own faction. If the tables were turned, the same crap would be posted coming from the opposite faction just in reverse.

The point I am trying to make is it’s a problem with the modern gamer being weak minded and lazy; nothing more.

This right here is the worst part of the current situation, imho. There are certain guilds that can be counted on for this stuff as well. I can take the ganking while in mid mob fight, I can take being rolled by groups of L60s. But nothing takes the wind out of the play like individuals and groups that spam spit, violin, lol emotes, and tea bagging.

It is what it is, and the game fosters sociopaths like them.

The silver lining however, is that the friends you make during this period will have a very strong bond. Make enemy lists, KoS lists, but most importantly, keep you friends list up to date.

You’re wrong about no one expecting servers to be as large as they are. Blizzard opened up a fraction of servers compared to Vanilla. They announced mega servers and they announced layering until phase 2 when it would be removed.

Blizzard should have committed themselves to creating an AUTHENTIC Vanilla experience with authentic server pops. But that’s all water under the bridge now.

Point is, we knew what they were doing.

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People are largely the same as they were back then, but now there are many times more people per server and a larger number of these selfish players.


I didn’t know how many servers they were going to open until they day the game went live. That was the only time anyone could have known.

What are you talking about? I have no problem farming BRD for hours to get the gear needed to progress. What’s being lazy about not enjoying it taking 45 minutes to get into a dungeon?

Hey, the other faction circumventing chat restrictions between factions by using /e and typing that out is reportable btw. So next time those jerks go ham, have fun reporting em n smile :blush:

I’m not wrong about Gankfest Servers being garbage :cocktail:

I didn’t say “Vanilla”. I said Gankfest Servers :cocktail:

Well, there’s a lot more players today, than then, and we’re a lot more knowledgable :cocktail:

I can imagine Gankfest Servers are constant ganking, that’s why we (generally speaking) shouldn’t play on them :cocktail:

I expected this :cocktail:

Clearly, I do. IK Gankfest Servers to be garbage, that’s why they no longer exist in Retail, and I made the wise choice in rolling PvE. But go on, tell me more about how “out of the loop” I am, please :cocktail:

Then play on a Low Pop Server and not a Medium, High and/or Full one :cocktail:

And playing on a Gankfest Server means you’ll get ganked. Period :cocktail:

If you frequent the forums, announcements were everywhere. If you care, at all, about the authenticity of Classic, you’d keep up with it. Take it as a lesson learned and keep yourself up to date on things that are supposed to be important :cocktail:

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