Despite the promising start, this is the most toxic the wow community has ever been

PVP is what it is. People who get ganked get frustrated, but ultimately understand (at least I think they do) that this is the only way to get honor right now and everyone and their mom thinks they’re gonna be ranking so they have to go hard.

10v1 ganking of a level 48 trying to quest immediately followed by tea bagging and 10 people spamming “gobacktoretail” however is just needlessly toxic, and it’s absolutely everywhere.

Then you add in all the people with legitimate issues about not being able to so much as log in without being corpse camped until they log off, and the trolls have all the fuel they need to turn any conversation into nothing productive.

#nochanges, go play retail, pvp happened on a pvp server, get gud, etc are just some of the phrases that contribute absolutely nothing to any conversation, but are littered throughout every topic as every third or fourth post.

Inside the game the community is divided. People are at eachothers throats for not jumping in to save them from the 10 man raid despite them also only being 1 person. People begging others to come help them finish a quest only for it to go silent and have the person log off. Dungeon groups are already near the edge of frustration after a 45 minute corpse run to get into the dungeon and a single wipe is often enough to blow a fuse. That is if you can find a run in the first place, since most people log on with a limited amount of play time and don’t think it’d be fun to spend it dead. To top it all off, guilds who aren’t regularly pvping just log until raids start. I’ve never seen less than 50 people active on any day in my guild until the few days following p2, now we’re lucky to get 5 until a half hour before raid time.

Then you have the cross server/forum issues. The PVE server folks that feel the need to poke at the people trying to express their frustrations. The horde PVP players laughing at the alliance players crying. The alliance players pushing back and going too far when a horde player posts, etc.

I know this thread is going to devolve into 90% trolling, and things like “its supposed to be a war duh”, but in my opinion, these last few weeks have completely destroyed the wholesome classic community I had experienced prior to this. I truly believe blizzard has done irreversible damage to classic overall with their lack of communication, lack of actions, and oversights that led to servers being this densly packed with people farming honor at every turn.


100% agree. Well written. Too bad this forum is full of halfwits that won’t be able to properly comprehend a word you have said.


I can’t imagine much real discussion coming from this, but I’ve just been frustrated since P2 began and this is the only outlet where I feel I can express my feelings on the matter, and at the same time people can just ignore it if they want.


This is simply a continuation of the War mode debate. Faction pride has something to to with it as well I guess. I still think that the horde may break when Nax gets here and they need those Pally buffs. But if you played retail for the last year you can not be surprised. Toxic then same toxic now. By in large the Horde being the Horde


Ah ill have to add this one to the list.


Lol… guy says he 100% agrees the community is toxic… then calls everyone halfwits in the next sentence. Don’t ever change forums!


I should have specified this was in my experience, and I stopped playing retail part way through legion, so I have no actual opinion on the toxicity of BFA.


Can I have your stuff?


Such a compelling contribution.


Unfortunately, it won’t go ignored, despite the majority of people who will comment on this thread are completely unaffected by these issues.

Take for example, Tentonbeef above me.


yeah your contributions are amazing “halfwits”


I’m not quitting yet. I enjoy logging in for raids and the interactions I have with my friends/guildies still, but the boiling point is always getting closer. I’m hoping bgs are a relief to some extent, but ultimately my subscription relies on making transfers available.


But me no know big words!


“halfwits” UNITED!!!


It sucks I get it. Move on. Never know why this game consumes people’s lives. Maybe you will feel better when you leave. Just a little push and your life could go a better way.


“is only game…why you have to be mad?”


Phase 2 has been a disaster. The biggest complaint about Phase 1 was slightly running out of things to do. Phase 2 has been awful.




It’s okay to have feelings about a game and still live a real life. It’s not like people are complaining this is ruining their lives. People obviously have an emotional investment in the game and are rightfully upset with how things are going.


Regardless of how everyone else sees it, phase 2 literally caused enough people to quit that it prompted a reaction from blizzard one week in announcing it’s end. WoD’s flying removal announcement couldn’t even pull that off, which speaks volumes about how bad this ended up being for the game’s health as a whole…