Desire: Stromgarde

I feel like a really solid writer could come in and figure this nonsense out. That said, will it happen? No. Will we get a really solid writer who could pull it off? No.

We’re the extras in a horror movie who get killed in the first 20 minutes.

I do like the hats though, so I have that going for me.


WoW has had really solid writers, though.

It’s never worked.

Hell, Gentarn’s the best we got and he’s got to more and more openly resort to fan fiction and I myself gave up on the plot after it was revealed WarCraft’s cosmology is functionally the Transformers.


It is cringe! If you’re still mad go outside! Unless it’s unsafe for you due to weather condition, health, mobility or other concerns not listed :dracthyr_lulmao: or read a book or play another game or watch a new TV/movie show.

That expansion came out in 2017 and regardless of faction it was pretty heavily disliked so idk what this Alliance needs to pay comes from. It sucked for both factions and the overall health of the community lol.

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We need to go back to Wardads of Dadnor. At the end of Hellfire Citadel, instead of the Dark Portal opening up to Archimonde again, the Fel Legions of Stormwind should have marched forth to begin their conquest of Draenor, led by the Tyrant Lothar and the First Death Knight Turyalon.


Okay that would be pretty cool ngl

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Plus, its revealed Khadgar (Who had received a model glow up for Wardads) was never our Khadgar. But rather this AU version of Azeroth’s. So when he says “And Bring Me His Skull…for reasons” about Gul’dan…he wasn’t lying. He literally consumes Gul’dan’s power.

Then we have to fight through a dark mirror of our Azeroth, rescuing AU Medivh from captivity.


I honestly don’t see why it’s such a big deal to point out the Horde are very clearly cartoon villains.

Alliance gets clowned on for choosing the boring faction that never gets anything good (and we’re right to be clowned on for that–it’s patently stupid to play the Alliance in World of Warcraft). Horde gets clowned on for choosing genocide crybaby faction.


Because villain batting Turaylon is not character assassination and is good story telling given he already showed he can do that when Xera get destroyed?

Listen. I’ll tell you what. When the Alliance in an expansion gets an entire group expanded upon lore wise, gets a whole storyline and gets them talked up like their grou; will finally get something nice only to have Blizzard go “LOL” and ruin everything in one raid by proving the only reason it was built up was to the other faction feel nice sacking it and undoing basically all good feelings provided without providing anything else as consolation? Then I will consider the “But Turalyon cant be villainbatted…” arguments.

Until then, I am perfectly ok with both sides of the faction line get slapped with that since the troll community got slapped with BoDA and literally all of WoW lore to the point Vol’jin being Warchief was outright ruined because of a creative control individual at BLizzard having a Sylvanas bodypillow.

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Lohkash, mate…Trolls have been ICONIC in WoW’s history as Raid destinations. I’m still miffed Warlords somehow dodged the requisite Troll Dungeon/Raid.

You really can’t be mad about something that has been narratively consistent since WoW launched.

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I can be annoyed when the only thing trolls get portrayed as is losing and getting no wins for their troubles.

Oh yes, soooooo great to constantly show up when you get shot in the face. Oh it is such great representation when everyone else’s characters get to actually enjoy the scene in RP.

Imagine if we did the same thing, but replaced trolls with humans getting curbstomped in similar fashions. Everyone would be screaming bloody murder about how unfair it is their favored group is only used to let others look cool instead of getting to look cool themselves.


Better way to put it. You’re basically telling Night Elves to be happy they showed up, but instead now you don’t give them a new capital at the end of Dragonflight and do everyting to just keep treating them like trash.


How many expansions have not featured a troll dungeon? I feel like…one?

Hey, come on. Trolls got to massacre night elves in a genocidal fury in Darkshore. Don’t you feel good about that?

As it means absolutely nothing… No, not at all. More so when Blizzard went “lmao Horde lost both Warfronts cause we cant have Alliance actually lose a fight.”

I literally cannot tell with you where your character ends and the player begins, but this is getting ridiculous.

“The Alliance can’t actually lose a fight.”

Nethergarde Keep

The Horde has lost canonically three minor questing hubs and a Capital City which has since been returned to them. The Night Elves had to relocate to the other side of the planet for their new capital. Stop with the nonsense “The Alliance always wins”.

Yes. We win the story. We lose the gameplay areas. Are you intimately familiar where Sindormi is in multiple zones just to do content?!


I also don’t see how it’s controversial to point out the Alliance always lose. There was a CM whose entire job it was to yell at Alliance players for not liking the story.

Horde can feel bad about choosing the genocide faction, but why? Why not revel in the cartoon villain role? It looks so much fun.


Because if anyone wanted to be a Cartoon villain they’d roll Forsaken.

That’s so goofy, though! Literally every Horde race has been involved in some insanely villainous action! Orcs, Trolls, Forsaken and Goblins are constantly fighting over being the worst people alive! Even the Tauren are horrifying villains by their total obliviousness to the crimes of their peers! Why is it so difficult to accept that?

Just a reminder: Centaur skin rugs are still all over the place in Ogrimmar.

Same reason it’s difficult for Male Human Paladin players to grasp that having a Dynasty of one of your major kingdoms dedicated to Genocide is not seen as a positive thing. But hey, everyone just tends to ignore that.

Listen, though, this is silly. Every evil action of the Alliance only makes sense if you squint while the Horde just literally incinerates civilians over hurt feelings!

The discussions over moral ambiguity are over. It’s ridiculous to pretend this is still that game.