Desire: Stromgarde

As opposed to the Dynasty of one of your major kingdoms dedicated to a literal embodiment of Death itself?

The Scourge is fine so long as they have Tusks?

I’d be inclined to agree with you if Blizzard didn’t give us one nice thing and not ruin it for once by making Bob Salami a actual entity of death insteaf of one actively trying to spread undeath for personal gain and lols.

Also I imagine that if Eyir was present around Stormwind similar things would happen.

I’ll tackle this when I get home and have a keyboard.

Right, let’s try this again because nonstop 422 errors are a JOY, especially when you have to reset the Tower and 40 minutes of typing and editing goes out the window.

My problem with Turalyon is not his religion, its his Class. He’s a Paladin, and therefore uses the Light. The problem is that the Light only responds to the strong-willed who believe, absolutely and without doubt, in their cause and course of action.

And he’s Light Forged. We saw in the ‘Rejection of the Gift’ cinematic that Xe’ra’s return made his eyes glow the same colour as her, and on her getting turned into glitter, in one of the few actually useful things Illidan has done without it being a Monkey’s Paw scenario, his eyes turn brown again.

I don’t think Turalyon is going to go insane or secretly have been a Dreadlord all along, I think, if the hints certain NPCs are dropping in the Beta for the War Within are accurate and make it to the actual game, there’s a very real chance, given how much more advanced the Arathai Empire is with the Light, and how blindly Turalyon trusts in it despite all the nonsense Xe’ra got up to, there’s a good chance he won’t notice himself being pushed in certain directions by a very powerful Light User who is far more skilled in less combat-orientated uses of the Light.

We know the Void can manipulate minds. We learned in Shadowlands that all of the Primal Powers can do the same things, it just takes more effort to do something not naturally aligned with said Primal Power, hence why it took so much effort to create Cauliflower Menethil as a Barbie Undead vs any hick Necromancer raising a Forsaken.

Unlike Garrosh or Sylvanas, who went Villain out of selfishness and personal pain, unlike Kil’jaden who genuinely believed Sargeras’s offer until it was too late and he got to watch his world get engulfed by the Fel and his people either consumed by it or turned into mockeries of their once noble selves by the Fel’s corruption of their minds, bodies and souls, Turalyon honestly might do it out of compassion, believing with his whole heart that he’s ending war for good, that everyone, even the Horde, will benefit from becoming one under the Light, a unity of purpose, goals and dreams to a better world for everyone, even the Orcs who cost him so much, even the Trolls whom he has generations of bias and bigotry towards, even the Undead whom he sees as a direct affront to his faith and the memory of the people of Lordaeron.

Its not villain-batting, at least not from me. He’d make for an impeccable foil for us simply because, he’s not wrong, but the people behind him on this are.

If my head gets any bigger, I’m not gonna fit through these doorways. Thank you, though, in all seriousness.

Trolls have gotten the short end of the stick since Vanilla, the only people that come even close to their level of L is the Gnomes when you think about it.

And its kinda a Blizzard trope that unless you’re a favourite race of a primary Dev, you’re gonna be eating a lot of gravel and being told its ‘good content’ by the Devs. But Trolls in particular are an example of a reeeeeeeeeeally awkward pair of tropes Blizzard relies way too heavily upon for story beats.

"Might makes Right" and

deep breath

"We have killed these savages/weaklings/heretics/monsters and taken their lands as our own, we are so noble and selfless and heroic Fast Forward a few generations oh no, these savages/monsters/heretics/brutes are killing us and taking our lands for themselves, they are vile and monstrous and no sane creature would do this!"

Hell, the only races who can generally say their hands of clean of this are the Gnomes and the Tauren, and they are literally second only to the Elves and the Trolls when it comes to being folded like an omlette when the story needs ‘Sacrificial Offerings on the Altar of Plot’ to prove just how villainous and evil the new Big Bad is for the next expansion.

There are far too many Forum Posters who need this tattooed on their foreheads.

Okay, let’s see if this much shortened version actually gets to post …


This thread is reminiscent of old forum posts. People actually got angry and offended over which leader’s gonna get villain batted next and which almost non-existent faction is good, bad or otherwise. Some things never change.

Honestly, Blizz has a terrible track record for what it does to characters. They’re looking for shock and surprise more than what a character, race or faction deserves. And it sucks. It does. There’s no reason why they should do some of what they do. You can’t make an IC judgement without knowing that Blizz doesn’t care what happens for future storylines as long as the latest one is surprising.

As far as trolls, I really was looking forward to watching Vol’jin as leader. The Sylvanas leadership plot could have held off another couple expacs as far as I was concerned. It wasn’t good in any way. But no…some story leader decided it was how they wanted to introduce Shadowlands and instead of Loa being manipulated, we had the Dark Lady be the one, so Vol’jin - who would have made such a more interesting leader during Shadowlands - had to be ousted. Why? If I had to guess, somebody wanted to blow up the Night Elves’ tree for shock factor and didn’t care how it affected RPers, only that it was loosely ‘rule of cool’ to destroy something.

Turalyon was pretty much off my radar until the whole ‘lock the wife up’ and ‘I am my scars’ incidents. Given the past corporate culture of Blizz, I found this writing pretty cringe when I viewed it in that light. I’m not thrilled with where his storyline could go in the future - or Alleria’s, either. Honestly, I’d be happy if they’d drop both of them as lead characters and give us someone else to carry us into the expac.


The problem is they make SW and Org the places where you can get almost everything done. From professions to portals.

If they would specialize some profession things to certain cities, if they made it where a city can only have 2 or 3 constant portals (depending on layline proximity), then we could see more players in some of the other cool city locations.

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Might be an unpopular opinion, but I feel travel has become way too easy and takes away from the immersive quality of the game. I enjoy taking boats and airships. Always have. Its so warcraft.


For sure. Way too many. It would be cool if there were ships and zeps that made stops to other places.


I don’t think it’s unpopular necessarily. But it is one of those things where convenience outweighs desire for immersion in that way.

Yeah I get that.

There was something special about having to find a port, with a ship that went to the other continent… rather that hearthing into a portal room that leads to… everywhere.


Oh yeah, I loved that aspect. It really is a shame it’s been stripped so far. Maybe there could be a middle ground where portals instead take you to the area where the boat or whatever takes you there is.


I find it a bit sus that the mage with portals is commenting on travel being too fast… almost as though they wish to return us to the days where we tipped mages for portals.


Haha! Touché!

I’ve actually gotten a few tips from people asking for portals. Like this expansion, this year. It was really nice. Didn’t expect it for obvious reasons but people still tipping.


It’s a conspiracy by the big portal industry to increase cost of portal travel I’m onto you.


I mean, I’d be down for some non-Expansion Specific World Quests where we’re going out and doing stuff in older zones to keep stuff like the Portal Rooms active, beating down threats so caravans can pass through with trade goods, pay our factions so guards and the like get paid or can be equipped with better armor and weapons.

Have it directly tie into the function of such QoL features and if you personally do it and contribute to the Server’s ‘Supply Bar’, you get a chest with resources or pets or transmogs.

Its content for dull spots in a expansion, players can get Slice of Life content from new Wait Awhile interactions, it just strikes me as a win for everyone.


Thats heresy Gentarn. That would require effort and thought to keep old zones relevant and detracts away from the very narrow focus of this company!

You are hereby ordered to report to Blizzard’s reconditioning encampment in the Outback where you must wrangle invasive camels.



Sorry. Muscle Memory.

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Nah nah.

I knew what I was invoking when I said that.

Do you know how much money we make exporting the bastiges to the middle east?

Not really, I just recall reading about how the camels are starting to cause issues cause they’re too big for any local predator. Telling me we should release lions into Australia.