Desire: Stromgarde

It’s been years since the end of BfA. I think it’d be really cool if Stromgarde was transformed into a permanent city, at least similar to how they repopulated Gilneas.

What cities or areas do you wish were fully developed for better RP? (Challenge: don’t say Suramar City. I know you’re thinking about it.)





I mean, if the rumblings are true and Midnight might be a Alliance Rebellion/Arathai Empire take-over Expansion, having Stromgarde become a new Human capital could be a fun twist.

The heart of the old Arathai Empire becomes our training ground and supply depo for fighting back against the new Arathai Empire, with Ironforge being under constant siege and having had to collapse the tram between Stormwind and Ironforge to keep the Arathai out.

If we’re talking cities that should be renovated/made more accessible to players, and we can’t say the City of Gondolas?

Thunder Bluff and Gnomragon. Two cities vastly under-utilized and could definitely do with a fresh slap of paint and a ton of more pixels. The Mesas of Thunder Bluff expanded and hollowed out to provide housing, storage and the like for the Tauren people and provide accomodation for ambassadors from the Taunka, High Mountain and Yaungol peoples.

Gnomeragon should have been recovered by now and turned into a vast fortress for all of Gnomanity, its great industrial powers rekindled and turned to embracing the new technologies and sciences the Gnomes have discovered and re-discovered in the past decade and advancing the Alliance’s economic might and technological advantage over the Horde.


Gnomeregan is a really good pick, tbh.

With how cool Mechagon looks like in BfA, I really think a wholescale mechanical city of the gnomes could really work as a fullscale city.

With the new tech for underground zones, as well, it could even be relevant to whatever expansion its connected to - perhaps serving as a gateway to something beneath Khaz Modan.


I’d prefer existing cities be upgraded and given all the amenities Orgrimmar and Stormwind have: Chromie, Trading Post, Embassy, starting quests for major expansions etc.

Otherwise, Hearthstone Gadgetzan plz


I’ve always thought that, when an expansion starts, instead of getting a quest that says: go to Orgrimmar, there should be a quest to go to your racial capital. Get news from YOUR leaders, then maybe have to board a ship or an airship to wherever the troops are assembling.


it’s been at least 2 minutes since I posted this:


Ngl. There’s no reason that city shouldnt be the capital. Mid and steel huts in a red sand desert, or one of the most advanced elven cities to still exist.

I’d like for them to please do away with the now three existing timeline phases surrounding Undercity and give us our full city back :frowning: I am jealous of (and happy for, but still very jealous of) all my night elf friends who have such an awesome open zone in Bel’ameth.

And maybe if they open up the downstairs again, they could throw in a few extra chairs while they’re at it. In general, I would love to see WoW build in more empty areas in cities and zones that can be used for RP.


How could it if I destroyed it in multiple warfronts?

I have a list. These don’t necessarily need to come in TWW and I’m also keenly aware of how much dev time/money these updates would take that largely would be for the benefit of roleplayers but still… one can dream.

One, I agree with Stromgarde. If you’ve been up there recently, the closed section has an WoD garrison-style inn, headquarters, mage tower, tailoring/alchemy/smithy huts, and even a tented picnic area. I was immediately inspired to host some sort of weekly event or perhaps make it some sort of hand-wave, generic “Anytown” placeholder for walk-up RP, but though the area canonically is in control of the Alliance, weekly BfA warfronts toss it to the winner.

Update Stormwind City
Stormwind is charming but so very, very dated. The embassy, SI:7, and class trainer areas use updated assets and they show such amazing potential for what a 2024 Stormwind could be. I’d love to see the city as atmospheric and lived-in like Suramar and Boralus. They could tie it to some sort of post-war economic boom except this time, the Stormwind nobles pay their laborers on time.

As mentioned above, it’d be amazing if Gnomergan finally became a faction city and positions itself as the technological wonder of the world. Imagine above-ground trams on rails, tech institutes and universities, museums, an airport, and cozy gnome domiciles outfitted with the latest innovations.

Update Orgrimmar
Orgrimmar’s WoD revamp was based in Garrosh’s Iron Horde vision so it sorely needs an update not only from an asset but also thematic perspective. Since it’s still the center of the Horde, give it huge, open-air markets for multicultural exchanges, more hookah bars, training facilities… and more chairs, for Tyr’s sake. Also, make it less confusing to navigate. I still stumble around and lose myself in “updated” WoD Orgrimmar.

Update Ironforge
Given that Moira is canonically a competent ruler and united her people, give Ironforge a facelift to reflect its new and successful era of her leadership. If Gnomeregan becomes a real city, update Tinkertown so it highlights Dwarven engineering.

Update Suramar
Why is so much of this city hostile? Are shal’dorei still canonically hostile to outside groups? Make it more walkable. The designers who poured their heart and soul into it should be able to show off their work.

Update Silvermoon
Silvermoon does not have a barber. Silvermoon. At least remedy that and add an AH, too.

We left Undercity in quite the blight-covered heap. Will it stay as ruins or be occupied again? Maybe this iteration can be less cartoonish than the original and use some of the incredible Brill and other Forsaken town assets to really hit that macabre vibe.


My sleeper pick is turning Alterac back into something usable. Imagine a zone where only a part of the city is inhabited because the people are still trying to reclaim and resettle.

Also it’d be a good excuse to remind people that Classic Hillsbrad was way cooler than Cata Hillsbrad. The quests linking Hillsbrad and Alterac are pretty amazing, I enjoy that kind of connectivity.

Could do a Pandaria and connect the zones like Valley of Four Winds and Krasarang are.


if i remember correctly, a section of the city was made friendlier, less hostile npcs

Who’s Strom, and why are we guarding him?

Strom Boli, and they are guarding him from me.


Silvermoon also doesn’t have a harbor, despite Quel’Thalas having been a major naval power. I think there should be a large harbor all along the stretch of coast between the upper edge of Silvermoon City and the east edge of Sunstrider Isle. (However, there are two AHs in Silvermoon City.)

I would change a number of things in Silvermoon. The harbor would be connected to a system of canals similar to those in Suramar, with boats moving through them; the Bazaar would be packed with shops and stalls with winding paths between them, not open and empty like the Bazaar is now; there would be a handful of residential districts spread around the city, each of different social classes and each with a number of empty houses; there would be more and larger official buildings (like Sunfury Spire and the Hall of Blood) with RP-worthy offices and meeting rooms in them; the western ruins would be rebuilt and partially populated; and in general there would just be more – more markets, more small, winding side streets, more homes, more empty shops, and more nice little nooks where players RPing bards or artisans or market-stall keepers could slot themselves in.

Having seen the Classic edition of Orgrimmar, I strongly prefer it. It feels like a real place where real people are living, and there are a lot more neat little places to explore in it. Heavy fortifications (with spikes) are appropriate in some areas, but it’s a city. People live there. It should look like people live there. Modern WoW would need a much higher-rez version, but I would be very happy if the city reverted to a layout much more similar to the pre-Cataclysm version.

I don’t have a lot of specific wants, but I would much enjoy it if an updated Stormwind had an expanded canal system with year-round rideable boats. I like canals with boats in them.

I know OP said not to say this one, but a Suramar with no demons in it where the Nightborne are not hostile is actually the main city revamp I currently want, in large part because I can’t imagine it would be that hard.

I don’t feel that Undercity is sufficiently crypty. It needs more little side passages leading to things like tombs, touching shrines to people’s former lives, and the remains of mysterious rituals.


So… imma add a few things here.

Update Dazar’alor

Update the city so it has all the facilities that the other faction capitals have. Break tradition with the silly idea of only faction capitals on the main continents. Make Pa’ku totems useable for all for better navigation and open the space inside the temple that we see so the interior of the temple can be visited by people and the space used. Also move Talanji from the top of the temple on the open air throne to the interior throne room that looks throne room like.

Also, I would add a district to the city for the Vulpera so they have a space that is populated by Vulpera and not stranded all the way out in the desert.

Update Boraleus

Honestly… I don’t think I’d change too much of it because I’ve always liked how the city has felt. I think the only real change I’d make is open up the keep and have a space where Jaina can stand and pose as the Lord Admiral she is.


Honestly… literally anything to show that the gnomes have been making progress on their reclaimation efforts and to give gnome players a bigger, updated space to run around in! I’d probably not reclaim all of it, but I’d shift it so the upper reaches of the city are entirely reclaimed and radiation free with gnomes moving back in to their old homes to finally set up while the lower reaches can be a new dungeon of combating what has gradually mutated down there into something even worse over the process.


I agree Silvermoon should have a large harbor.

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Also agree that we should have a proper harbor for Silvermoon. At least something along the lines as Rastari Warport on Zandalar or the one in Stormsong Valley for Quel’thalas.


Give me back Theramore you bastards.