Desire: Stromgarde

All I want is just a Horde (hell, I’ve even take neutral at this point) capital city with the same amount of detail and ‘life’ that Boralus had put into it. All Horde ever gets is low effort cities or ones that are a pain in the butt to get around in. Orgrimmar is nice but we need more than just it, Blizzard.

Also I don’t count Suramar, as it’s a quest location with hostile mobs and no vendors. I’m only counting the actual cities.


But is it really infighting of the Big Brother Arathi Empire is pointing a gun at Stormwind to attack it’s allies?

Also, Villain bat Turalyon you cowards.

I think what should happen is Turalyon should declare he hates the Alliance and wants to destroy them, then immediately take over the Horde (they all fall in line obediently and immediately) and become the new genocidal Warchief.

Sorry, the rule for Hollywood remakes is you cant do it more than once in a decade.

I’m almost positive this is why Dalaran is going to die.

I mean, has Dalaran -really- done anything positive for the Alliance?

Well, it did give us a pretty neat beer garden…

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everytime someone asks to villain bat turalyon i wonder why they’re so allergic to good storytelling

listen, it doesn’t actually equalize things to have characters on both sides of the faction line to be character assassinated

it just gives everyone a bad story

i feel my brain shriveling up


The only Alliance Leader they could have realistically Villain Batted was Varian, but they were too gunshy to do it.

I mean, technically Genn could go feral now that he’s not ruler of the Worgen but…is it really likely to happen?


It dawned on me when I read this, that I’m not sure I ever saw the entirety of the Horde equivalent in Dalaran.

So, I logged in just now and went up there to visit The Filthy Animal.

In the end, the Horde did not in fact get a beer garden. They have a basement with cheese, baguettes and a few giant wine barrels.

I am not opposed to any of that, but now I know why they are always so angry.

No beer garden.

And now I am left to wonder as someone who has rarely played a Horde char, how much of Azeroth I have not seen?

Hoping that’s what Silvermoon will be with the revamp!

We just need an Alliance - only mace that’s a chair and the emotional damage will be irreparable.

In all seriousness, Turalyon makes the best choice for going rogue because he’s a fanatic, has no patience or respect for non-Alliance races and groups and has already been teased as being puppeteer’d by Xe’ra, imprisoned his own wife and probably would be down to drink that Arathai Empire Kool-Aid without even blinking until the damage becomes too great to ignore, or reverse.

Its also make for a great plot point to stom Human Interests from dominating the Alliance agendas.

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The man who single handedly prevented the Alliance from doing a [Insert Real World Event That Comes to Mind Here] to the Horde in the wake of Lothar’s assassination by Doomhammer.

Yes the camps were horrible. The camps were the compromise Turalyon got the nations of the Alliance to agree to in regards to the “Orcish Question” that didn’t involve a whole lot of fodder for the Scourge down the line.

Yet I keep seeing people saying he ought to get the Bat because he’s religious. Hell, not even Not-Sylvanas 2 holds her imprisonment against Turalyon.


Honestly, the “the Alliance needs to be the villain for once!” conversation has been going on for so long it’s a little cringe.

Would it be good storytelling? Five years ago, maybe. Now, it would look so incredibly stupid and clearly be there to make the Horde feel better about choosing the genocide faction.


It’s the only reason Alliance exists. We’re a plot device. Once you accept it, it makes things so much clearer.


Literally everyone but five or six Horde players understand what WoW is about and every post and plot device is just trying to explain the story to them.


I’m all in favor of the Alliance getting a little grim on the Lion, but the problem is we’d need characters that could realistically do that.

And none of the Blue-Side characters really do. Yes they drive the narrative of a lot of expansions, but they don’t really do anything else. Jaina had potential in Battle for Azeroth with her “Warbringers” short and song…but nope. She’s back to be BFF with Thrall and talking about the love of peace and friendship.

Genn could have, but he understands his hang ups enough to know he can’t rule Gilneas in the modern age.

Moria might have had some potential if they hadn’t lobotomized her as just a right and helpful lass back in MoP. Velen had a bit of prospect until he got thrown down the Lore Hole again. Tyrande got close…but no she and Malfurion are playing House in Amirdrassil.

Like we get on the cusp of getting a Bluesider with some actual malice to them and Blizzard yanks them back into the Baine category of impotent leader. Not Sylvanas 2 I’m sure will have a Raid fight where we have to slap her around until she comes to her senses and controls the darkness within her (Which, given Blizzard’s history, is just going to be gross in all contexts).


The characters would have no problem doing it if the writers wrote it.

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Yeah, but no one would buy it. The Alliance has been so weak and passive for decades that any aggressive action on their part would just look stupid and tit for tat now.

Horde players need to come to peace with being the bad guys.

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It’d be like if they wrote a major action scene for Baine, at this point. Would anyone realistically buy Baine Bloodhoof being a potent Warrior in his own right?

I still remember first meeting the guy as a hostage to Centaurs back in WarCraft 3.