Desire: Stromgarde

No, and now we’re manabombing Stromgarde in retaliation for your demand.

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Then I’ll take the consolation prize of scouring Hillsbrad Foothills from orbit.

Sir, Hillsbrad doesn’t have a king that actively has a name celebrating genocide. Manabombing Stromgarde as the update is acceptable… also idk about Hillsbrad. I think it’s just the most fought over place on Azeroth.

No, you don’t understand.

I built Hillsbrad. Not Vanndrel the character, but Vanndrel the Player. The man commonly known across the Interweb as GCRust. (GC Rust not G Crust as my wife continues to mock it as)

WarCraft 2 was a formulative game to young me, and the creation/fortification of Hillsbrad was a big part of it.

And since Cataclysm, I’ve had to tolerate it being one giant “Concentration Camp Gag Zone”.

This isn’t me memeing in universe here. I want to wipe what Hillsbrad has become out of the game’s coding entirely.


Oh… in that case carry on sir. I understand whole heartedly with the amount of pain you went through there.


Listen, not all of us are lucky enough to have three timelines.

Many moons ago, I was leveling on an RP-PvP server with college friends and the open-world Tarren Mill PvP was utter insanity. Skeletons littered the ground in all directions and the poor levelers were insta-killed by 60s, yet we kept coming back.

I wonder if breaking ground anywhere in Hillsbrad unearths the countless skeletons from the RTS games and oldschool PvP. It’s a wonder Hillsbrad isn’t a lot more haunted.

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Is that why the Blight there self-animated? All the death in the area reacting with that strain and the lingering psychic impressions of the countless corpses buried beneath the cold earth?

No. It’s Blizzard at the time going “ha ha, Auschwitz is funny!”

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It’s not all it’s cracked up to be, believe me. I have three sets of hands and three sets of feet. Even for a Forsaken, that’s just too many.

please send help

But you’re the Horde! You once had three Warchiefs at once! Be proud of your heritage!

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challenge: failed

suramar mentioned a Lot

but i have another pick

Dalaran Crater? Imagine if the mages of Dalaran end up resettling over there and turn the crater into this like

Really cool mage enclave. You go down into it and there’s this really neat sense of elevation and mystic awe as you climb around it.

Not just putting buildings around it, not just filling the hole up, not just putting Dalaran back in it

But putting stuff IN the crater.


Also I fear that if we’re going to have a Alliance internal conflict as rumored, Blizzard is likely going to give Stromgarde the shortest end of the stick since the cowards would never let us sack Stormwind.


I mean, Old Dalaran was built where it was built precisely because it was a nexus of powerful Leylines and well-placed between the more powerful Human Kingdoms of its era.

Rebuilding a new, neutral school of magic, built between Dalaran Survivors, Gilneans and Forsaken, built both above and under the ground with the crater itself serving as the center-piece, a constant reminder of Dalaran’s loss and the hole it has left in Azeroth’s arcane traditions as a whole?

Holy :poop:, thought just came to me.

Dalaran is gone.

The centralized authority that stopped Mages just going and doing whatever is gone.

Thousands of years of magical theory and knowledge, irreplaceable relics and hard-won advances in arcane studies, all gone.

The people who stopped everyone, Horde, Alliance or otherwise, from recklessly opening Portals and Gates and would send out sanctioned hit squads to target offenders, is gone.

We’re about to hit the Wild West of Mages here. There is no more universal authority on the arcane. No universal training school. No guidance, no centralized research, nothing. Its every race, every group, every mega-faction, for itself unless something dire happens in the War Within and we all start pitching in to rebuild Dalaran, and even then, we’ve been set back thousands of years.

And the Dark Heart feeds off of arcane power, in addition to other sources. And most of our Legion Artifact Weapons were left in the care of Dalaran, canonically, after the end of the Legion invasion at the Broken Shore …


We’ll spare Stromgarde and allow it to be revamped and not made into a Loot Pinata house in one condition.

Sint has to end the line of Trollbane.

Isn’t the only surviving Trollbane a very old man?

Unless there’s some grandkids or great-grandkids running around offscreen, that’s inevitable.

Unless … the Lothar bloodline isn’t the only one that made the trip across the ocean?

Trolls everywhere when Danath finally dies all sigh in relief, only to learn that an entire bloodline of Trollbanes just popped up at the head of a fanatical army of Humans, Elves and Half-Elves and we have thousands of years of PTSD all come barrelling out at once.

See, my character will literally just gesture to it when explaining why Humans are exactly the same as orcs. The only difference being instead of gunning for Kaldorei they gun for his people and that trolls managed to withstand the constant genocides and invasions for thousands of years.

I am hoping that Arathi ends its weird flagging rotation, because first of all it makes jokes sense to force flag players on PvE servers and should never have been a flaggable contested zone.

Honestly even though I would love to see it revamped to have the horde ruins finally cleaned up and a Stromic town built in its place, I am fine with JUST removing the force flagging. That’s my sole criticism with new Arathi is ifs unique contested status that happened in an era when forced flagging for entering zones was already going away.

Remove the PvP flag and then RPers can ignore the timelocked hostility like we always do.

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I am loving the new optimism that the Alliance are going to have an infighting problem.

Like watching one of those videos of dogs chasing a ball that didn’t get thrown.


It would be very Alliance of us to immediately start bickering once we hit peak human kingdom capacity.