Deserters in Mythic +

Had a key earlier where everyone was in coma but the healer. They were kind of bad. But we were using utility/cds to make up for it the dps was averaging about 9k, tank not over pulling, all the stuff was getting kicked. Kiting the bursts. Waiting for mana. We had plenty of time to time the key. Heals just leaves. It was pretty annoying.

Coms* mistype

If you have a way to force players to stay in bad groups, let someone know. Once all the other games pick up your idea, you could be a millionaire.

In order for there to be a solution, there has to a problem. If people are quitting on you this often, the problem is you.

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It can if you put a two or three day in-game penalty. Yes I have played a game like that in the past.

So all the leader has to do is kick you and then you’d eat a 3 day in-game penalty.

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I’ve been practicing immense amounts of patience this week in mythic+. People that are rude while also aggroing the whole dungeon on accident and not doing any mechanics.

It’s blizzards fault really. These people have never done a keystone in their lives but they’re here because the raid is way overtuned. They’re upset they have to do keys and they’re also lousy at doing them.

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do people who complain about this stuff use io and a player’s experience to build their groups, or do you just invite the first five randos who sign up?

are you inviting people to your +10 key who have never completed a +4?

I run a LOT of keys. close to 40 this week alone. Many with friends, some pugs - I’ll pug into a group in LFG, or I need to pull a member or two from LFG to fill a group.

I have seen one key - one - fail* these past two weeks because it was going poorly. It was a +16 dos, and if I’m being honest a big part of that was my fault. I apologized to the key holder, he said “np dude it happens” and we went on our separate ways.

I simply don’t see the problem that some of you do.

*by fail I mean disband. I’m not setting “timed” as a criteria. many of my keys these first two weeks haen’t been timed… and I haven’t seen a big problem with people leaving.

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Blizzard will just have to design a reasonable system, not determined solely by players to hope to discourage ragequitters or trolls, we all know it will be abused despite a legitimate run by players who will ragequit or merely to troll another legitimate player.

The only way I can see this that can work is IF the following can be met in order to punish the player in question, if its a repeat offense, which is found after the player leaves a certain amount of times, say maybe 2-3 times at least (And this has to be before completing the dungeon or not running the time out yet) to be able to view this as a offense by the system in place before being able to effectively report the player in question.

With this in mind, we avoid abuse from the players indiscriminately like how automated reporting just decides to but it gives the players a chance to not be outright punished if issues like being D/Ced, sudden issues come up and the sort. We just need a right, balanced system for Mythic + so nothing is a waste of time for it.

The system is reasonable now. When you pug something, all you’re signing up for is the attempt. There are some mistakes that your group just can’t recover from. Rather than forcing them to play with you, learn from it and take that knowledge to the next group. While your time is certainly valuable, it’s not more valuable than anyone else’s time.

Sure but its also why things like Raider io supposedly exist, so we have information about their record. Although I’m not familiar with Raider io entirely because I dunno if they count for things such as leaving a dungeon unfinished and all that but if that is the case, that makes it all the more reason why Blizzard needs to have something like this in place.

Players go into something in hope to accomplish something, they have dedicated to something the moment a player put their key in, then they MUST complete it. Pugging or not. Time is always valuable regardless but apparently more so to the one who decides to ragequit, so, they deserve that punishment for doing so. Which is why this is a idea that should only take effect if it happens enough times, during a unfinished run or if the timer is still going.

that’s alwas happens

Raider IO exists so that you can put a group together that should be able to time the key, but there are no guarantees. If you want a sure thing…buy bonds.

You’re not really understanding what pugging is about. The only guarantee is the attempt. If I pug a raid, am I expected to stay in there until the thing is finished? That might not ever happen lol. There’s just not going to be a penalty for this. If they tried to add one, less people would pug.

You’re not setting up your groups correctly if you’re being quit on this often.

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OP, you have 100% control over who you invite to the M+, and Blizzard has even added a scoring system to help weed people out. :woman_shrugging: Just gotta do the work.

You’re not understanding anything either. This is never anything against Pugging. Its against people, particularly those who decide to just ruin it for everyone else. I’d sure get #*&$ on if I decided to leave early because I thought “Christ, someone is this class/spec with suboptimal stats/gear.” and all that the pugged group wanted to do is complete the dungeon, well before they ever came close to running that timer to 0, let alone to the final boss.

Should I deserve a punishment or not? Think of this morally, the group were just trying to get better gear at the end of the day but a #*$&head decided they wanted a easy, quick finish and on time but saw how pointless because they can’t do mechanics, let alone interrupt. Do you think that’s understandable for the offending ragequitter to be punished?


The group should have talked about the key before they started it to make sure everyone was on the same page.

Imo the guy who leaves a group that isn’t interrupting or doing the mechanics isn’t the #*$&head, to use your term.


Then advertise your key as completion only. The people that want to time it won’t sign up. If you can’t do the mechanics and if you’re not using interrupts, you’re probably never going to finish the thing anyway. I hate to belabor the point, but the common denominator is you. Of the millions of keys that have been run since M+ became a thing, why is this only an issue for so few of you?

Because its GOING to happen regardless. Don’t think that there’s going to be “A contract” of sorts by words or text stating what’s potentially going to happen. And why do I say this and very adamant about my opinion? IT HAS HAPPENED ENOUGH TIMES TO ME! Its why I HATE doing my own groups. There’s no pleasing anybody, not you, not the other guy, nobody. I ended up with enough depleted keys that its easier to be better off joining someone else’s group with a open mind and expect the worst but the worst being is, a run is ruined because someone left and it was a waste of time because of it.

Just because something is pugged, then stated by the group, it doesn’t mean it won’t happen. It CAN happen, not saying it always will but it can because there’s a disgruntled player who decided to be a (#*$ and ruin it for everyone else, it isn’t just about ragequitters, it can be trolls too. Trust me when I say this, I didn’t want a solution but it has been a problem before, and no matter who has what kind of score, someone is bound to be a troublemaker in any shape or form.

I may not be that person who’s going to be a problem but there will always be someone who likes to be a bit of a anarchist.

This isn’t true. People sign up because the are looking for a +1 to vault, the score from that dungeon, or maybe even farming a piece of gear. There are probably some that honor and respect the “completion” toggle, but it absolutely is no guarantee someone is going to stick it out.

Asking Blizzard to prevent deserters won’t ever work. What is fair and reasonable is to expect/demand Blizzard to track and give people the means to see number of runs over the last X number of weeks (ideally 2-4) and ideally in a level band range (2-3, 4,6, 7-9, 10-12, 13-14, 15+) and how many were completed or abandoned.

This gives the key holder the data to make their own informed decision. If I am looking to complete for +1 to vault, I’m likely to pass on that guy who has a 25% abandonment rate even if his IO score is better than other applicants…or maybe I’m a no life mythic raid tryhard but I actually have a bit of a conscience and want to push and abandon a key if it goes south without knowing I screwed someone over who was really hoping to complete it…I can find someone with a high abandon score.

Also, keys should have an expire time. Anything over 50% of the key’s set timer means the dungeon just ends with no score to abandon. Likewise, there should be a means to vote to disband after the key fails where majority vote does let it end with no increase to abandonment.

But really none of it is going to happen. Maybe next expansion at best but even still not likely. Blizzard seems far too keen to just let us largely police ourselves which ultimately just leads to ridiculous “requirements” that only get more and more insane as time goes on as “baselines” to do content.

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i thought it was about leaving on free will. I would thank kicking would not apply.

Then take some responsibility. The people that are successful at pugging keys aren’t suffering from these problems. Whether you’re the host or just a member, you need to check the other people in your group. Any red flags and you leave before the key starts. If you’re just going to wing it, then prepare for the eventuality that things can get a bit rocky. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

You can keep complaining about this or you can get your hands around it. I’ve pugged hundreds of keys and quitters are not common enough to be a serious concern.