Deserter from vote kick

I just did suggest one, in the entire part you forgot to quote.

But it’s not working as intended. The intention of playing the game is that you play, not go AFK and force others to do the work for you.

Could you space that out some, then? I can’t read it as-is. Once a paragraph hits five or six lines, my eyes blur the lines together and I can’t maintain my place in what I’m reading. It might be because the forums use white text, because I don’t ever seem to have any problems reading normal books.

Yes, it is working as intended. They voted 2-1 to fail to kick the afk-er (who apparently wasn’t as afk as believed), and 2-1 to remove the OP. System working as intended.

Your idea wouldn’t do what you think it would. People who liked dungeons still dungeon hopped when they’d join instances like Occulus or teams they felt were bad. People who leave a group whether by vtk or on their own get a debuff. Because that one person is affecting four other players. As a wise man once said, the needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few.

You keep dodging how it could be improved.

I answered your question. I fail to see how me quoting specific things that stuck out to me in any way did anything that you said.

No you didn’t.

He’s basically saying it’s Blizzard’s fault for forcing people to randomly queue and thinks that by not giving them extra incentives to randomly queue that’ll somehow fix things.

Which isn’t a fix to the VTK system or the debuff.

Thanks for breaking that up. If I’m understanding you correctly, it sounds like your suggestion is more of an open-ended suggestion to improve the quality of content that can queued for such that no bonuses are necessary?

I’m not sure if that works in this context – there aren’t extra rewards for doing Island Expeditions. You do them for the Azerite. That’s all they really offer. Unless you mean the dubloon junk people can purchase, which I suppose is fair to include under the blanket of extra rewards.

The core of your suggestion seems to be, “Remove bonuses for queueing for ‘random’ things.”

But, I don’t really see how that solves the problem with VTK. It doesn’t address the possibility that there are people who enjoy kicking others for no reason other than their own amusement. It doesn’t address the possibility that people will queue for content for purposes other than the usual purpose of the content.

Even in the case of this thread, where OP assumes AFK guy was there to be powerleveled by non-AFK guy, that’s an alternative use of the content to accomplish a goal that has nothing to do with any sort of random rewards. The desired reward was the XP, and there was no bonus involved.

How do you address those situations?

It is definitely not working as intended because I have had the same thing happen to me on many occasions, someone sitting on the ship doing nothing and when I say something or initiate a kick I get kicked.

The last time it happened had one player following another doing nothing, when I said something they said a few choice words and kicked me. The definition of AFK is Away From Keyboard, but what do we call those who join and do nothing? Leeches? Lazy?

To top it off some players sell IE runs, why should I join your run just to help you make some money? Any player who is not actively participating in any content should be removed from said content, AFK or not because it is never the intention to make a game that is not meant to be played.

Usually typing something in chat first will illicit a response from the guildie who is talking to the “afk” person in disc.

Passive aggressive much lmao.

You’re like arguing semantics rather than addressing the real problem, which is group play issues in general and people being inactive in groups. Vote to Kick is just the modern “solution” blizzard has implemented to improve group play, but it’s important not get tunnel visioned into believing that is the solution to group play issues. Nevertheless, even if you were to do my change (which you claim in the literal same post that I didn’t propose then go on to summarize) and keep vote to kick, the need for using it would be much less than how it is currently, where bored people like me during Halls of Lightning do as little as possible to get by to get my extra rewards. I’m the problem, so I definitely can see the solution more clearly. Anyway, you’re in law enforcement, so like I said earlier it may be difficult to understand, but you can’t force people into doing something they don’t want to do and think they’re going to give it their all.

So whaddya do you want Blizzard to do? Personally review every vote to kick before they pass? :thinking:

That wasn’t passive aggressive at all. I was giving him a description of what you said. And then said it’s not a fix to the system. Don’t even know how you got passive aggressive anything out of that.

What semantics? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

The “real problem” isn’t a problem. Regardless of what you want to do to group content, people are still going to cause issues one way or another in a group and people will still kick people. Thus, debuff.

No one is forced into anything.

VTK is working as intended.

Were they guildmates? If so, there’s why it happened. Some people also don’t want to listen to people complaining. If they don’t want to play with you, they have a right to kick you. Sorry if you don’t like that, I wouldn’t either - but it’s working as intended.

Maybe they didn’t appreciate the complaining.

Definitions are not the issue here - the issue is a vote was held to kick the “afk-er”. It failed, in part because they were guildmates and because that person wasn’t as afk as believed. But that also indicated that the two of them did not want to play with the OP, and kicked him 2-1. Blizzard does not, and cannot, force them to play with the OP if they don’t want to do so.

Form your own group.

And I just debunked this in a major way. If you don’t like the people you’re playing with, take the debuff and leave. They have as much a right to be there as you, and cannot be forced to play with you if they don’t want to, just as you cannot be forced to play with them.

Ultimately, system is working as intended.

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I think you are focusing too much in the VTK working as programmed and not realising the point some of us are trying to make that the system itself is not working as intended.

You are correct in your statements.

It doesn’t address that, and frankly, in some ways I think it is good that they give alternative ways to level (BGs, IEs, etc. that give XP) but so long as you attach nice rewards to them, people will abuse them.

It doesn’t fix vote to kick, and I’m talking more from a dungeon perspective clearly, but it certainly reduces the need to use it because people will be doing content they want to engage in. There will always be freeloaders, but it lessens the amount (greatly, I believe) because people like 15-year-old-WOTLK-me wont feel forced into doing random content I don’t like for the reward.

I now of course know better, and don’t do anything I don’t want to do in a video game, even if it comes at the expense of rewards because my own life and minutes are too precious to not enjoy them.

But a lot of people feel forced into doing whatever gives the best rewards, then they hate it, and like a bored person at work, do very little, resulting in the need for kicking (or firing) them.

And no disrespect to anyone reading this who’s been laid off because of COVID-19, I know it’s very sensitive, and that is totally different and has nothing to do with your work ethic, nor am I implying it does. I feel for you. Businesses can’t afford to just shut down and have no revenue for weeks at a time.

This does not correlate with

this. The system is working as intended.

Then perhaps we should get WOTLK style talent trees back, because no one is forced into taking cookie cutter talents, right??

Like Ion said back then (and although I disagree with him greatly on many things), it was a false choice.

When you look at the incentives being given, people are getting coerced into doing content they don’t want to do. And because they don’t want to do it, they do as little as they can to get by. Human behavior 101. Thus we have a big issue with vote to kick

If it doesn’t fix VTK, then I can’t really call it a solution to the problem. Your suggestion also doesn’t seem to address the fact that people like different things, and needing to do things one doesn’t particularly care for, or being incentivized to do things one doesn’t particularly care for, help keep the queues full enough that the people who do care for the content have a pool of other players to draw from and don’t have to wait for extended periods of time.

I can’t call something a solution to a problem if it creates other, arguably worse problems.

If you’re coerced into doing things you don’t like, that’s a you problem. I don’t do things I don’t like.

That in no way has anything to do with people getting kicked. People will still do dumb stuff, jerky stuff, no stuff and still get kicked.

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Yo that’s what the District Attorney said when DNA evidence released and exonerated a man falsely imprisoned for rape for 20 years. Excellent quote to use. By the way, he said the part of the system that was working as intended was the one that prosecuted, convicted, and jailed him.

Not the one that freed him.