Deserter from being kicked by 4 man squad?

Look, if you think your a doormat because 4 people want to do something you don’t want to do. Then what does that make you for FORCING the other 4 people to do what YOU want to do.

Sorry this makes you a worse person then the other 4. If you want to do team content, be a team player or be like me and play by yourself.


Why would 4 person listen to a dictator when they all want to go the same route.
So youre a tank. doesnt mean you can force other players to obey you when you hold them hostage just because you can tank.
They did they right thing and should report you because you blackmail them forcefully.

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100% for real, tank here is the stereotypical entitled tank that gives tanks a bad name.

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I came in here because of my Cata experience. I’ve never actually been vote kicked in Retail, that’s so random, unless it’s the tank.

Anyway, have fun, it’s about to get messy in here. :laughing:

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You are such an emotional arguer, this will be my last response to you. Stop telling me how I think. Tank, healer, and dps all have a role to play. Dictating the route and pacing is not “center of the universe.” It is just the tanks job… We could hone in on the DPS job… or the healers job and you could make the same argument. Is the healer the center of the universe because the whole group has to stop and wait when the healer runs out of mana?? Like what are you even arguing?

They will probably need to revert the deserter debuff. The other option is you make it solo queue only and then why are we here if we can’t play with friends?

You could go along with their route in a trivial dungeon lol.

But no, you wanted to blackmail, and Blizzard decided that you don’t belong in LFD as a result.


Lol. Next time I queue for a dungeon I will take your advice. I will stand behind my healer and let them lead the way.
God forbid I lead the way or people will think I am entitled and the center of the universe.

Would you prefer it if it was unlimited? I’m not sure what you are complaining about.

There is a difference between being a tank and being a leader. Just because you play a tank does not mean you can tell the rest of a group what to do. You can suggest something, but if the group as a whole outvotes you on what they want to do, you don’t have some right to override their decisions.

The reason the vote kick system was introduced was to give the majority of the party the option to remove a player they feel is a problem in some way. They obviously felt you were a problem. That is their right.

This issue has been argued and chewed over for more than a decade and nobody has come up with a solution that doesn’t make it unfair for someone else. I suggest you just shrug it off, play through your debuff and try again later. Perhaps with a more cooperative attitude.


Yeah, but the “deserter” buff applies to kicks because people abused it when it didn’t use to. They would just force the group to kick them, so they didn’t get it.

Lol. Its worked for 10+ years. This isnt new. The only new thing is the recent changes about leaving.

They aren’t reverting the deserter debuff at this point and they definitely arent making it so you cant queue with your friends

What makes you get to decide its the tanks job to be the sole decider of where to go? I’m sorry no. Just no. Tanks role is specifically to hold the aggro, and use cooldowns so your not squishy. Your not instantly the group leader. your not the dictator, your just the tank. So be queit be a team player and take the damage. If your not a team player go play by yourself or go make your own group.

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Sorry dps are so common they can’t get insta queues. Not a tanks fault dps wait in line behind the thousands of other dps waiting in the same line.

I don’t tell the rest of the group what to do. I don’t understand why everyone keeps saying that. There is much more to a dungeon than just the route… A tank dictating the route isn’t “telling everyone else what to do.” It is a tank doing their job. There are other things that go into completing a dungeon that other people have more of a say in. Things like kick order, and cc assignments. DPS are free to discuss that and decide that amongst themselves. Healers can decide when they want to blow all their mana on a pull and pause to drink after.
Different people in a dungeon have different roles. But yall seem to associate pulling mobs with completely controlling every aspect of the dungeon… which is nuts.

kick orders or cc assignments exist? Like they’re a rarity even as high as +17 keys.

I didn’t decide that. The fact that part of being a tank is sitting there on MDT planning routes says that. The fact that the group can literally not pull without the tank says that. A tank has to pull the mobs, the tank has to know how many mobs he can comfortably hold without dying. The tank is also likely watching the healers mana, something the dps probably aren’t doing.
The tank sets the route and the pace of the dungeon. It’s how the role works… Other roles have other jobs.

We’re talking high end key play here when complaining about random dungeons that likely don’t even need a tank.


I see, so a 3rd party addon developer not part of the WoW team gets to say tanks have that role.


They are very special as they’re the least played, that’s an objective fact.

The deserter debuff should only be applied if leaving, not being kicked.