Deserter from being kicked by 4 man squad?

So I am leveling a tank. I queued for a dungeon, the 4 man group decided to go a different way than me. After I told them to play a tank if they wanted to lead the dungeon path, and to follow me, they said they were a 4 man group and would just kick me.
I get instant queues as a tank so I thought nothing of it. But I got deserter… Why is that a thing? Is blizzard trying to tell me that players need to just bend over and obey 4 man groups because of the power they have to lock you out of content for 30 minutes?
This is clearly a broken system that needs to be fixed. Parties of 3-4 should not have that kind of power. I could literally just get in a group with 2 or 3 friends, queue for dungeons all night, and just kick every person who joins. Just spreading deserter debuffs all around… I would never do that, but the fact that that is possible is clearly a problem.


Report them after you get kicked. What other option is there.


the deserter debuff is a bit too sensitive.

if you leave instance group too fast after last boss dies you get the debuff… a bit ridiculous.

now i gotta make sure not to leave first just in case.


I definitely reported them. I’ve played the game for years and havent had this happen. So I guess it’s rare enough. Just frustrating to go through for sure.

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To motivate people to not do things that would get them kicked from the group…like refusing to use the route the majority of the group wants

You’re not in charge just because you’re the tank…it just happens to work out that way most of the time

Yes. They are telling you that if 80% of the group (aka the majority) wants to do things one way, you should do it


all i get from this is ‘i’m used to insta queues n being spoiled rotten by all muh speshulness so wat is happening is this even real lifes bruh’


Oh wow, I haven’t seen that, definitely something to be careful of. Based on that, and my case just now, I think I agree that it is a bit too sensitive.

This happened to me every time I ran a Heroic in Cata Classic. I would be fully Heroic dungeon geared, have the tank fully hotted, spamming Healing Touch, he would still die and people would be getting hit by auto attacks. I would get kicked and plopped with deserter.
I had a tank who couldn’t get past the very first trash pull in Halls of Orig and I got instantly kicked. These are dungeons I already completed and have loot from lmao.

It’s still a thing. It’s actually why I uninstalled Cata and won’t be going back.

Welp people kept killing one boss and dipping out so blizzard in usual fashion rather than change what boss drops item

Uses a power jack to nail a tack and now anyone who even gets kicked gets a deserter buff now along with those who leave.

They always go too far… Every. Single.time.


Ah. So 4 man groups just rule then. And I mean no that’s not actually how it works. The tank leads the path. I play tanks, healers and dps. I don’t try to lead the route when I’m playing healer and dps. Tank sets the pace of the dungeon, tank decides the path. If people don’t like it. They are free to roll tank spec… nobody is playing tank anyways, so we can definitely use more tanks.
Or yea, just treat the few people still willing to still play tank like crap I guess? Idk…

The funny thing is, the OPs post has nothing to do with the recent change. They are complaining about how vote kicks have always worked

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Yea lol. I understand what they were going for, but it ended up screwing a lot of other people over in the process it seems.

People defending deserter after a vote kick just need it to happen to them and they will change their tune. But since survivorship bias and bad logic reign supreme on here, that’s what you will get, unfettered, disagreeable nonsense.


Maybe you misunderstood my post then… I am complaining about how deserter works. I don’t mind that the group can kick me… I just don’t deserve deserter for not bowing to the 4 man groups every whim. Pretty simple.


Ah. Well the one being against the group gets just dessert but this will also affect anyone kicked. Point still stands.

Well then maybe you should work on your reading comprehension. Not sure what to tell you.

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  1. You clearly do deserve the deserter debuff
  2. This is how it has always worked

I fully understand your post and both of those things are true.

Everyone in the group wanted to do things one way…except you. You refused to go along so they kicked you. Queued content is a team effort, so if you refuse to participate with the team, you get punished.


they should get a kicker debuff!

if you kick someone just because you dont like them or you want to pee in thier cheerios, you should suffer a “death rez” debuff for 1 hour.

Or the kicked person should get a mega god buff so they are 10k% stronger so they have a fighting chance in the world with all the nerfs to tanks


And then Benafflock comes in with the heater takes.

at one point there was somewhat of a hidden debuff that would make it progressively harder to initiate vtk’s the more often you did it…no idea if that’s still around or not