Deserter from being kicked by 4 man squad?

Yup. This is where you get kicked. Just don’t type in chat and let them dictate the route.

Then after, if you do terrible, you can just be like, “oh I didn’t know this route and got confused, sorry”.
Just BS people, it’s the way of the world now, sorry.

Why should the gameplay experience of organized groups deteriorate?

If rampant kicking is an issue, limit organized groups to kicking 3 people or something.

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Ah… the “majority is always right” argument…

The system can’t tell the difference between a proper reason and no reason. And Blizzard can’t keep track of who has been kicked out of a dungeon.

I don’t think you understand the full reason as to why not much changes can be implemented to the vote-kick system.

it is in a group content in games tbh.

5 people each pay $15 a month for enjoyment

You are only paying $15 a month
together they are paying $60 a month.

Their opinion and enjoyment is more important then yours because they paid more.

If this was a perfect reality, they would have dungeon replays and I would be a GM and if someone reported people for False Vote Kick, I would go view the replay and then act accordingly.

Too bad it’s not a perfect reality.

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So what happens when those 4 people have no more tanks left to play with?

Tanks aren’t rare.

Wait blizz can’t keep track of who’s been kicked out of a dungeon? I would think that would be something they could access

thats a ridicules question that deserves no answer. If you even remotely think thats a real possibility I pity you.

Ah yes, there will always be doormats waiting to be told what to do by a bunch of other people I guess then?

Except I believe there is a limit the number of times a player can kick another player over a certain period of time. So its not an unlimited option.

Report them for WHAT? LOL

For telling the OP that four of them wanted to go one direction and the one the tank wanted to go another? Then to top it all off the tank, who mind you could have been cool with it and just went with the four instead had to throw out a jab at them about making their own tank if they want to lead so they booted them?

Yeah, I know these forums are a minuscule minority and the majority of players do not even bother with this site, but damn I would have just been like ok cool four to my one, let’s roll with it.

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There is somethings that Blizzard can’t keep track. And it isn’t because they don’t want too, it is because the software wouldn’t be able to work in a way to keep track of it.

Honestly, best option to do is place the players on ignore, so then in future, you won’t be grouped up with them when queuing up for a dungeon.

Oh ok, so just ruin a few peoples nights then with this broken system before having to wait until the next night.

The OP thinks tanks are so important lol.

Like, a DPS can probably tank all the heroic dungeons.

You would need to read all my posts in this thread to understand my stance, but yeah, cringe.

If the majority of the group wanted to go a different route, why not just go that way? Why be stubborn about it? You’re the tank, not a dictator.

Oh I definitely did that. But yea I honestly did not know that. That would indeed change some things.

The problem with you is that you think you are the center of the universe when you play a tank.