Deserter from being kicked by 4 man squad?

The oculus.

 what? That’s like getting mad at a quarterback for expecting his linemen to block for him. That quarterback must not be a team player because they want to perform their role, and they expect their teammates to perform their roles

A party consists of 3 roles. Tank, healer, and dps. Each role plays a part in completing the dungeon. The tank sets the path and the pace of the dungeon and holds agro on the enemies
 That is their role in the dungeon. Every pull starts with the tank pulling it

When I’m dpsing I ONLY do what the team wants. I just sit back, and follow where the tank leads. And I do damage. Because thats the job of a dps. When I heal, I sit back and wait for the tank to pull and then support the team with heals, cc and damage. Because that’s the job of a healer

I don’t get what’s so difficult about this

No, a tank holds aggro.

A tank doesn’t need to pick the path.


yeah those are pure griefin things should be punished.

Its a fine line between being bad and being a griefer. It just sucks being the oddball out, i actually feel bad for the OP for getting that done. Heck that has happened to me a few time so i dont use RDF anymore. its not random dungeon finder its more like random d!ckhead finder

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The OP is griefing.

They don’t want to tank, because group wants a different route. So the group kicked him.


The Oculus was the most infamous one. But it could just be a dungeon that dropped loot they already had.

You won’t see a 40 minute long video on it because it wasn’t all that complicated. For whatever reason the tank decided they didn’t want to be there and would refuse to do anything until they were kicked. Then the others would have to wait for a new tank that may or may not do the exact same thing. Blizzard decided it was unacceptable and changed to system to stop it. Could honestly fit the whole thing into a Youtube short.

That is interesting for sure. But couldn’t they just make it so a party of 3-4 voting to kick someone did not result in deserter. Versus a a group of 3-4 random people voting to kick.
If random people vote to kick, the guy was probably actually doing something wrong. If a party of 3-4 kicks
 it’s probably ego or spite.
It’s not perfect, but it would at least prevent cases like this.

yep and it will likely result in a noticeable decline in healers and tanks queueing without a premade
i give it 3-4 days before you start seeing posts about inflated queue times for dps, we’ve been down a similar road before and as einstein stated “to do the same thing over and over again but expect a different result is the definition of insanity”

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an organized group of 3-4 kicking people is fine, it’s only if they’re cycling through people that they are likely the issue.

But most? they’re not going to form as a group of four just to hand deserter debuffs to random people.

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in wow anything is possible. I would bet there is at least a handful of griefers that would do this and probably even stream it for views.

Yes, and some limitation should happen there. But this didn’t happen here.

Same problem could still occur. Not all party groups kick people out of dungeons. And lets say if your in a party with friends and only have 1 person within the group that was not apart of the party, and they chose to be a jerk or do something that causes the group to keep wiping
 Like, limiting the option could create more problems. There is though cooldowns on when Vote-Kick can be initiated.

Meh. The player base is so cringe. Occulus wasn’t even that bad lmao.

I can live with that. We do have Delves after all. :smiling_face_with_tear:

I absolutely agree that most will not do that
 but the fact that it COULD be done is an obvious exploit on a broken system. If a group of 3-4 can vote to kick someone for literally ANY reason or NO reason at all. And that vote to kick results in deserter. Than solo queueing players are essentially completely at their mercy. If I know I am in a group with 3-4 player parties
 I would have to intentionally kiss their a**
 Is that really the community we want?
And let’s be real here. I don’t even really want to queue up again after that experience. Put a few more tanks through this same experience and you guys might have no tanks left

You want less of a penalty when trolling organized groups. That’s why the penalty should remain in place.

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This is a major L take. Major.

This is what’s wrong with this community right now.

to be honest this was done because back in WoTLK before this was a penalty there was tanks in a certain dungeon that got angy and trolled everyone. They refused to do anything and just sat at entrance goating people into kicking them cause they didn’t want the deserter debuff. Getting kicked causing you to get the debuff was required cause it was otherwise created a reason to troll people into kicking them.

So you think the community’s problem is that we cant all run off and do our own thing in group content without concequences?


if the tank wants to play solo adventure and put ultimatum up
 then guess what dont be surprised when he gets punished.

Well the thing is, if that player trolls like that, gets kicked by my party, does NOT get deserter, and then queues again and trolls the next group. It’s likely they will be queued with randoms at some point. At which point they will be kicked and get deserter. And at some point I’d assume a certain number of kicks could lead to further punishment? I’m not really sure how that works.
Kicking a player is fairly easy. That troll will easily be removed from each group they join. But getting rid of 30 minute deserter that was not deserved
 that’s (to my knowledge) impossible.