Deserter from being kicked by 4 man squad?

should you or the group have been more willing to compromise? yes

Should you have either left or been removed if compromise wasn’t possible? again yes

Should you have been further penalized with a deserter debuff? absolutely not this is where it goes from a totaly acceptable thing kicking/leaving because the groups goals do not align to essentially a group of 4 holding another player hostage because they know they’ve been given excessive power to do so which is wrong.

How does that make sense? With no deserter debuff there is no incentive to behave appropriately. You can just troll from one group to the next, especially if you are a healer or tank

Unless they start punishing people for throwing dungeons…which they currently dont

Yeah they basically booted you because you got mouthy. I guarantee if you didn’t say anything and just silently started trolling them after the first boss was killed, you wouldn’t have got Deserter.

That’s how it works right, you only get it if a boss wasn’t killed? I dunno.

No, it is the fix.

Originally getting kicked from a group did not cause deserter.

So what did players do when they wanted to leave a group? Troll and harass the others until they were kicked of course. Then they could requeue immediately with no deserter.

So Blizzard changed it so getting kicked gave deserter too so people would behave themselves.

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if you get vote kicked, you shouldnt be punished if you are actively doing stuff.

I believe the deserter debuff was for people leaving the party on thier own.

Oh sorry, I should point out this absolutely helpful and not ridiculous reply you made that contributed to this OP’s post in any way. Riiiiiiiight xD this is hilarious

Originally, I ported out of the dungeon if the group had low dps.

And they couldn’t continue because I was the tank.

Oh, and they couldn’t kick either because of votekick timer.

If they left, they had deserter :wink:

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I’ve literally never seen anyone do this in Retail. I’ve experienced it once in WotlK Classic and it was just hilarious.

It was a long time ago.

The most common variant was tanks AFKing if they got a dungeon they didn’t like.

You can believe it all you want, but clearly you are wrong.

Sure, there are some cases were kicks were unwarranted, but in my experience they are few and far between.

Most of the time it’s people like the OP who decide to go off and do their own thing, people who intentionally/unintentionally try to wipe the group, and AFKs/DCs. All things that should be highly discouraged in group play…with something like a lockout debuff…for say 30 minutes

It’s asking a simple question why a random group of 3 strangers matter more than an organized party of four.

Oh so we’re getting punished for stuff from over 10 years ago, gotcha.

No, it’s because it contributes to a working system.

Kinda like how they don’t show boss counts when people queue for LFR.

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no as per the latest hotfix if anyone leaves or gets kicked at any time for any reason they get a 30 minute deserter debuff it’s basically a knee jerk reaction to people fishing for specific bosses in heroics and leaving after the boss or if the boss is already dead which i can’t stress enough is an incredibly crappy thing to do and probably should be actionable on some level…but all it really does is solve one problem that was going to have an incredibly short lifespan, with a larger more far reaching problem.

Uhh… Tanks and healers are special, yes. Especially tanks.

Tanks and healers are not special, and in the low end, they aren’t even needed.

Thing is, there is no rules around vote-kick system, so yes, people can use the vote-kick system for any to no reason at all.

Tanks used to hold groups hostages if didn’t get kicked out of a dungeon when LFD was introduced. That is why they added the deserter buff to those who are vote-kicked out. As much as it sucks, no much other options can be done.

Oh damn, that’s cringe. Oh well, player base brought it on themselves.

Yes, yes we are.

Because people are still exactly the same now as they were then. Change the system and incentives back and the exact same behaviours will repeat.

You know I always see the “tanks didn’t like dungeon so they trolled until they got kicked” and what dungeons were these and why? Does anyone know or are they just parroting?

I would like to see an actual 40 minute long Youtube study video on this, because there just isn’t enough detail.

What was the last dungeon tanks hated so gd much they needed to troll the entire group to leave? Occulus? From 2008? From 15 years ago? Yeahhhhhh… Details are beyond foggy there.