Deserter from being kicked by 4 man squad?

Jeez that sounds super frustrating lol.
It’s just wild to me that it gives deserter. Maybe just if there was a way to prevent kicks from giving deserter when they come from a party of 3-4. Generally if you get kicked in a group full of randos there might actually be an issue lol. But party of 3-4 can pass a vote for whatever reason they want.

Anyways, thanks for sharing.

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Why is it any better if 3 strangers want a route, and you don’t want to go along? it’s nonsensical.

The only possibility of abuse is four man groups kicking without regard for anything, instantly just to hand out debuffs.

What do you think I deserve the deserter debuff for? Not bowing to the 4 man groups whims? Are you serious? Do you have kids? Do you teach them to just follow the crowd blindly? I guess by your logic the majority is ALWAYS right. And going against it is cause for punishment…

You are not a team player, so the team kicked you.

Why is that surprising?


That’s essentially what this was… you don’t get to pick the route unless
A) its your key and you have established ahead of time that you plan on directing a specific route
B) you are the tank
If neither of those is true. You do not pick the route. Period. That’s just how the game works. Yall wonder why no one wants to play tank… lol.

No, the group chooses route, especially in dungeons. B is false.



I didnt say they were always right. I just said you should have followed them.

I guarantee if the shoe was on the other foot and 1 of them went of to do their own thing or refused to follow in the dungeon someone would have tried to vote kick them…and it would be equally deserved.

You’re just upset because it was you.

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You clearly missed the point. You might not understand the difference between a team player and a doormat. I’ll just leave you be then.

So tell me the difference?

You want things YOUR WAY regardless of what the team wants.


That person doesn’t understand the difference between an apple and an orange, they are lost unfortunately. Don’t let them bait you.

I would be upset if it happened to someone else too. That is a ridiculous comment to make assuming you know how I would think. It explains your faulty logic throughout your previous comments too I guess.
No point in discussing with you any further. I’m guessing you will always side with majority, regardless of the case. Which means you do not have the intelligence to actually view the nuance of the case. And are therefore have no rational points to make.

even your lil speshul character name drips with teh speshulness

Ah I never use the forums, you are probably right lol. Damn deserter drove me here hahah it’s over though, I should get back on and run a dungeon or too, thanks

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Tell me, when do you do stuff that YOUR TEAM WANTS and you don’t want.

If the answer is never, how are you a team player?

Invalid opinion is invalid. You never once read the post.

I 100% agree lol. It’s hard to prove this though. I would just settle for a no deserter debuff when an organized party kicks someone.

Ok. But you could just see the error of your ways and admit you were wrong.

Sadly, I feel that reguardless of how many people explain why you are wrong you will refuse to understand

yes this actually makes the most logical sense and since it makes sense, bliz wont do this.

Can anyone explain the difference between a doormat and a team player?

You are the doormat :slight_smile: