Deserter for being Kicked

I’ve never seen a Red Belly Black Snake in the bush but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist.

Then you are very fortunate because I can tell you from personal experience that it happens for no discernible reason - or for reasons I don’t know because I’m not telepathic. Obviously you can’t tell if I’m lying either but I wouldn’t waste my energy on such a relatively minor matter if it wasnt so.


The solution is obvious. No deserter on being kicked. Being kicked is punishment enough for whatever went down. Deserter should only apply to afk’s and quits.

Again, every time I see this “its never happened to me so there must be something wrong” responses tick me off.

Could you consider that luck may play a part? That there is a very large number of players and that timing and luck in getting a particular person or group would be a factor? Luck is very much a part of this game, and it can be just as significant a factor in quality of play as any action a player may or may not take.

How it happens is irrelevant - it happens. And there are reasons but the victim has no idea why because they are virtually never told. Because the kick function does not require they be told, they hardly ever are.


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And everyone who gets kicked, plays the victim.

Ever think they’re kicked for a legit reason, regardless of their allegations?

It goes both ways.

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Because people used to hold groups hostage when they wanted to leave. Force the others to kick them so they wouldn’t get the debuff. It’s been done. People complained. So, due to popular demand, Blizz gave everyone the debuff. Are you new?

Generalisations are a weak argument. Not “everyone” does. I don’t. I was kicked yesterday for unknown reasons, wasn’t told why and did nothing to warrant it (except possibly play a class people don’t like). I’m not wringing my hands and crying ‘oh woe is me’. It happened, its a minor thing and I just get on with my game.

But I, like everyone else, pay to play this game and when we are deprived of the ability to play what we hand over good money for, we have the right to be annoyed. Let’s assume that for everyone who cries foul for no reason, there are just as many players with legitimate gripes.

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So YOU say.

We have no way of knowing that. Yet here you are playing the victim.

How so? Don’t pug. Start your own group. You still have access to the game. You’re not being deprived.


I pug a lot (I mean, a LOT), and honestly? I generally see VTK come into play when a player isn’t pulling their weight. I.e., we kicked a DK out of a timewalking dungeon last night for doing less DPS than I was doing on my holy priest. If you are not doing more damage than your healer, you are doing something wrong.

I’m not saying trollish VTKs don’t happen . . . but honestly? If you’ve gotten VTK’d by a troll more than once, or think it’s happening to you on a regular basis, I’d start looking at my own performance issues if I were you.

Trolls do happen. I’ve run instances with thousands of pug players, ranging from raids to leveling dungeons to mythic+ . . . and I can probably count the bad experiences I’ve had on one hand. The good outweighs the bad pretty significantly.

TL;DR: Just like irl, bad stuff happens to good people in game sometimes. Sorry about that, but you just have to pick yourself up and move on.

Total BS. The problem with players not being able to be kicked was the timer, not what you described.

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No one was holding groups hostage to avoid deserters.

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Protip: you can’t abuse v2k.

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Sweet! now I can instance shop to the dungeon I want by just sitting down and having them kick me.

Sounds just like the same phantom problem they used to remove WQGF. I have been playing before LFG came out and holding a group hostage only became an issue when there was the timer issues. Deserter debuff or not didn’t factor in.

But I guess that can be perceived as anecdotal. Surely there is some evidence that this was going on? Because in my experience, and I leveled A LOT of alts over the years and I don’t remember this. The kick timer issue? Yep, I remember that, though.

Hence my comment.

Blizz has tried it all 3 ways. If you gotta better suggestion, let it out. The current way is the best compromise.

Basically everyone hates it. Instead of half disliking no debuff. And half disliking debuff for afk only,

I already offered it. Being kicked is punishment enough. Crying about some phantom issue of a large group of people “holding groups hostage to avoid deserter” is pointless. It simply did not happen on any serious level if at all.

But if we’re going to pretend that this dev team is really making decisions for the health of the game, I’ll check out of this discussion as it isn’t based in reality. They think it will curb “toxicity” which only hurts the ques. On the flip side, it’s an artificial gate.

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It’s just straight illogical to give someone a deserter debuff when they didn’t desert the dungeon. Especially when a serious issue is people kicking for very trivial reasons. I remember the reason for someone getting kicked was, “he stole christmas.”

It’s better that 10 guilty men go free than one innocent man be wrongly convicted

The game really can’t afford many more bad choices that turn players away. Another 30 minute wait on top of a 30-45 minute que? Screw it. Exit game. Not good for the ques or for retention.

The best compromise would be to drop the deserter for being kicked and instead add a flagging system where if vote approved, the player has 2-5 minutes to get into combat or be autokicked as if afk. Works for bg’s although are a few outliers. If people want to abuse it while trying to kick someone for no reason, just pull something.

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I got kicked in a dungeon recently, killed a boss, had to answer the door and said BRB. By the time i let my kid in from playing and told him to get cleaned up for dinner, i was kicked from the group.

Auto run does not prevent going AFK FYI

They get paid very friggin’ well to come up with solutions with their game and the problems within it that they created. It’s quite a shame most of their solutions these days do nothing but eat more time unnecessarily.

… but hey, they’re trying, right? /rolls eyes

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Except the game can tell when someone is afk or not, so if it detected that the person was doing damage or healing, then they couldn’t be voted for that. Of course some would barely do anything to get around that, so maybe there could be a threshold of some sort to prevent barely there afkers from getting around it.