Wouldn’t work. If I was the type to do it, I’d just turn auto run on.
I will quote myself to answer you.
Well it’s pretty simple. All of the kicks that are with a ‘reason’ but are not for the reason that the player is ‘AFK’ will not result in a deserter debuff. Therefore people are not double penalized. The reason given for the deserter debuff on kick, is that people(especially tanks) would afk at the start of a dungeon they didn’t like so as to get kicked. This would reserve the deserter penalty for those who are afking in order to force a kick - and unfortunately also the people who are being trolled by jerks.
You could actually take it a step further since you seem to think that every single person being kicked is by jerks who wanna troll them(which is definitely not the case - sometimes it’s simply because they think the person isn’t doing enough dps for there run to be as fast as they like or etc). They could set it so that the Kick - Afk option, which causes the deserter debuff, cannot be initiated unless the player has been inactive and not used any abilty for the past 60 seconds or w.e amount of time.
I was once kicked on my priest for I guess not healing fast enough.
It had been 7 years since I played her and after leveling a few, figured I’d heal like i used to. I only had a few heirlooms but figured I’d be fine.
After a few folks got to half health on the larger trash mobs, I got kicked. No one died, and we hadn’t reached the first boss yet. Ironically it was immediately after I entered “It’s been a while, they changed a lot on the priest”
I feel really, really bad for any newer players who don’t have any heirlooms and who really suck at healing to be entering this game now.
Yes they are
Might want to blur out those names, since you’re technically still leaking/calling out some of the people involved.
And no, the system isn’t perfect but if we went back to how it original worked, groups could be held hostage by a player not wanting to do the dungeon and forcing the group to vote kick to leave so they wouldn’t get a penalty for simply leaving.
Also, in my experience, there’s never some magical non-reason to kick someone. You were doing something wrong, wrong spec, not enough dps, refusing to interrupt/do mechanics or whatever. We can at least rule out refusing to be in the spec you queued for as you’re just a dps only class.
You not liking the reason doesn’t mean the reason doesn’t exist. The group decided they didn’t want you in it. That’s just as valid of a reason as any other. This isn’t your schoolyard playground, other players don’t have to include you in their group or play with you.
I’m about over this kicking nonsense. Twice now, I’m doing my job, killing mobs, getting azurite, and suddenly I’m booted. I just want to get my weekly knocked out and don’t really care what you are doing in there. The only time I have initiated a kick was for a guy that dc’d and didn’t come back for over 5 minutes.
I’m at the point I’m just not going to bother with it. To heck with the neck or the rewards. If I am going to be subject to the mercy of jerks with zero recourse, I can just go play somewhere else.
Hey guys just checking in for my daily “this problem still exists and is posted daily and blizzard does nothing about it” post. See ya next thread as things are exactly the same
vote kick and deserter debuff are gone in vanilla, releasing in 6 months. It’s the game you are looking for. But be warned, act decent because the deserter debuff in vanilla is permanent.
Kids these days.
I actually had it happen to me tonight. I decided to play on a character I hadn’t spent much time on due to levelling mains, and queued her into a normal dungeon. One of the players was on a 120 priest, the rest were around my level. Obviously the kind of damage the 120 was dealing overshadowed my dps but I was still doing around the middle-of-the-range dps and doing better than some on certain fights. I tried to do my bit, using interrupts and so on, behaved normally and then suddenly - bam - dropped from the group. I can only assume they didn’t like my class (Elemental Shaman) but as I say, at the lower level I was, my dps was quite average.
I have a little book and I keep in the name of any characters that dump me like that without good reason. Then, when I swap toons, I put them all on Ignore. If we had a true account wide Ignore I wouldn’t need to, but I really don’t want to play with poopyheads like that again.
But I don’t let it get to me. I know I wasn’t playing badly, that I can’t control other people’s behaviour, so I move on and continue to enjoy myself. Though I must admit I do have a somewhat twisted desire to wish they’d fall down and bruise something sensitive…
Still would not have prevented the OP’s issue, as the players in the screenshot weren’t even aware they had voted in the affirmative. What makes you think that people that don’t pay enough attention to how they’re voting are going to pay any attention to why? One of the most common responses I’ve seen people give when asked why they voted to kick someone is that they’re just trying to close the vote interface as quickly as possible; they’re not consciously voting yes or no, they just know that either of those two buttons will close the window.

Well it’s pretty simple. All of the kicks that are with a ‘reason’ but are not for the reason that the player is ‘AFK’ will not result in a deserter debuff. Therefore people are not double penalized. The reason given for the deserter debuff on kick, is that people(especially tanks) would afk at the start of a dungeon they didn’t like so as to get kicked. This would reserve the deserter penalty for those who are afking in order to force a kick - and unfortunately also the people who are being trolled by jerks.
You could actually take it a step further since you seem to think that every single person being kicked is by jerks who wanna troll them(which is definitely not the case - sometimes it’s simply because they think the person isn’t doing enough dps for there run to be as fast as they like or etc). They could set it so that the Kick - Afk option, which causes the deserter debuff, cannot be initiated unless the player has been inactive and not used any abilty for the past 60 seconds or w.e amount of time.
I’m curious where you got the idea that I think every VTK is initiated by a jerk. It was never implied in my comments, and it was certainly never stated explicitly. Maybe you should stop trying to read between the lines and stick to the actual text on the screen.
Again, your ‘solution’ doesn’t do anything to stop trolls and jerks from kicking players and giving them a deserter debuff. It doesn’t even make it noticeably more difficult for them.
Coding in conditions to allow a kick with debuff will just result in the jerks on the other side of the equation doing the bare minimum to avoid such a vote and the subsequent debuff. What precisely has been solved? What exactly have you fixed with your new system?
I honestly think that due to the increase in people complaining about it, people are doing it to troll others.
I’ve never seen a troll kick in this game.

I honestly don’t know how people get kicked. I pull everything and still do fine in groups.
Typical Chad.
I have. When people say “lol” as their reason for kicking someone, they’re a troll. Or do you mean you’ve only seen Orcs, BEs, etc kick?
I constantly hear about this rampant randomly kicked from instances going on and yet across three different characters it has happened twice to me and in both cases is was because 2 other players wanted to farm the IE and I just wanted to win quickly.
So if you are being kicked often, it probably isn’t a “random” thing and you should take a look at your play style and personality the next time you are grouped up with others.
The only real way to solve the issue is to run with guildies or a group of friends. So long as you run LFD/LFR the random social interactions you encounter will not always be pleasant. I personally don’t do many LFD/LFRs but have never been kicked that I can remember.
There must be something more to these players who post about being kicked. There must be a reason, as I’ve played 14 years and not once been kicked from a group with any class I’ve played.
From my experience in seeing people kicked, I’ve noticed that groups don’t like a player who:
- queues as ‘tank’ and plays in a dps spec
- is specc’ed as healer and queues as dps
- lags behind and doesn’t do their share or stays afk a lot
- wants to be the ‘puller’ and doesn’t let the tank do it
I’m sure there are more valid reasons, but these are what I’ve seen in bad players who get kicked.

It’s not perfect, but literally everything else that has been tried was far worse.
Yeah this is how I feel about it too. There will be losers in any situation that haven’t done anything wrong and this causes the lowest number of them and it sucks when that number is you.
My same response to all of these threads: I have never once been kicked from a dungeon on any of my characters. I honestly can’t remember the last time I even had the vote option come up from a group member trying to kick another group member.
How in the world is this happening so often to other people for “absolutely no reason at all” ? There always seems like there’s more to the story.