Deserter Debuff "No Show" is Now Account Wide

No show applies to Solo Shuffle or Battleground Blitz match. Now let’s make Deserter for battlegrounds account wide. I’m tired of players giving up after a team fight.


How about ban sync cheaters so people don’t have to leave unfair fights?


You mean the people Blizzard said weren’t exploiting?

Nah they got bigger things to worry about.

Blizzard never said queue syncing was not exploiting. I know you love to live in that delusion because you can’t win in fair fights but at least man up and stop pretending.


Literally said it isn’t cheating to countdown queue lmao. Was posted ad nauseam in another thread but you kept moving goalposts.

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Nope they never said that. I never once moved any goalpost because there isn’t one to move. Again, stop living in delusion.


Are you talking about a blue post? I can’t find it. Care to help me out?

Last of this topic posted. There’s another one from 2007 which says pretty much the same thing. Both instances and the lack of bans/suspensions that people keep claiming every day are coming despite it not happening for the past 18 years are pretty much all the evidence you need that they don’t care or that it isn’t against the rules.

They don’t enforce their own queue rules but you do go beyond the in-game mechanics to obtain a group size greater than allowed by the group finder so it’s still exploiting. Not that it’s a concern for you since they’d have to clarify their position before they could enforce it unless you use a detectable addon to automate the queue process.

Seems like they’re offering BGB in lieu of a fix, giving me a choice of where I want to play as fodder in their systems.


I mean the blue post is pretty clearly stated that it isn’t against the rules.

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But it’s going beyond in-game mechanics to bypass in-game restrictions. It’s not defined as cheating in the tos but it’s still exploiting a vulnerability in the queue system.


Me after a team fight: GG gonna log my monk….
Leaving bg exists for a reason. Why waste your time healing a group of people who die instantly or can’t kill anything. Call it a gg and move on. Working as intended

This is a good thing! It stacks and is account wide.

Disagree here. Unrated’s current deserter system is fine.

Rather than force people to stay in an instance when the system can make wildly uneven matches they could offer some small amount of conquest for back fill if they stay until the end (and maybe make some small contribution).


There has never been a blue post that says what you guys are doing is fine…

Nah. Good for rated. No need for unrated.


This is the way. Reward backfilling and staying. If you backfill but don’t stay, no reward obviously.

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Literally just linked it. Your reading comprehension issues aren’t my problem.

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Yet you claim it says something that it does not. You claim it says sync queueing is allowed but all it says is queueing at the same time is not cheating. Nowhere does it say manipulating the queue system to get a whole raid in is allowed.

Nope. Can’t see that happening with the current context.