Deserter Debuff "No Show" is Now Account Wide

Be ready for queue increases, in BG graveyard AFKs and general pvp participation plummet :rofl:

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They only want this so people stay and get gy camped by there exploit groups.

The real question is, how to bypass this debuff? :dracthyr_nod:

  • Logout? :arrow_left: probably not but it would be weird if logout instantly causes a leaver debuff in BGB some players have legit reasons to reconnect, I know SS doesn’t allow logout, it instantly terminates the game
  • AFKing until the end of the SS/BGB? :arrow_left: a bit bruteforcey tactic, will always work until they decide to care about reports other than Inappropriate Language, and this prevents playing other chars, this technique is probably best used with SS :dracthyr_hehe_animated:
  • Forcefully closing the WoW process? :arrow_left: until the leave is actually registered, I could see a player having enough time to swap characters and requeue (as healer for fast Q pop)

Well I mean if Blizz does not enforce any work around that presents itself then it must be completely okay with Blizzard. /s

They said the process of counting down isn’t against rules.

But said nothing about que dropping that is increasingly common along with its disastrous side effect.

And syncers willingly cause those side effects by scouting just to dodge each other lmao as cringe as that is.

while being 100% aware of what que dropping causes and just not caring. Maybe if you counted backwards and then took whatever que you got split or not it would be one thing but you don’t.

So trying to say counting backward is the only thing that goes into it is intellectually dishonest which is the theme with this conversation.

The only defense for que dropping I’ve heard is not even really a defense it’s just “well if blizzard just changed the que system we would not have to que drop.

Mainly cause there is no good defense cause all it is just que syncers saying they are selfish and are willing to put you in a 10v40 game just so they can have a even bigger 0 effort steamroll.


If dropping a queue was against the rules, then there would be no button labeled ‘Leave Queue’ and the game would just push you into the instance.

So they can sit 45+ minutes in an HK farm by a premade, or AFK and go watch an episode of Family Guy then start playing again? Gee, what a tough decision.

Honestly hope your short-sighted request is granted. Would be funny to watch your bracket die as it be becomes a double-edged sword for anyone solo queuing.

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Except the argument is about specifically sync queueing, people calling it cheating and exploiting and then me and others linking a Blizzard reply on the issue.

Anything else is just moving the goalposts.


No they would display a warning popup that missing too many queues would result in no-show debuff.

If Blizzard had any credibility when it comes to serious matchmaking, they wouldn’t allow repeatedly refusing queue pops and creating rated match with 200+ MMR difference. They also would deal with the random/epic BG premade problem by adding a hidden MMR (i.e: premade abusers would find themselves soon enough in infinite queue while the system looks for suitable opponents for their 5-man premade group :dracthyr_hehe_animated:).
In other words, they just don’t care past their initial sloppy implementation and won’t enforce any further rules.

yes make it for every bg ever plz

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I used to be against this - but I’ve changed my stance.

Account wide deserter for all BGs is unlikely… but would be nice.


You and others have NEVER linked something saying that queue syncing is allowed.

There is no goalpost…

people are giving up because they are in a pug vs premades, not cause they lose one fight…

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Some failures both in game and otherwise would like you to have to sit through their rigged games.

But its never going to happen of course.

I can just dodge the times they play which is course 5-10 cause you know they are in retail. And that way i can stay higher than them in HL and in every other regard.

This is correct. I’ve lost the big team fight against pugs as a pug and we managed to turn it around and get the win.

I ain’t sticking around against a premade when we don’t have a premade on our team.

Unironically when the premaders lose the team fight they leave as well.

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Insane levels of projection

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What I’d like is an option to not be placed into games that already started and had people afk out. Either that or give the people unfortunate enough to have been given an afker’s spot the honor they missed before being placed in that match.

I second this - but let me tell you why it will never happen. Blizzard doesn’t want to punish those who are willing to stay and fight. Example: I was in a WG the other day - I saw Snowcrest, and I was like… cool - It’s my good friend Snow. They pushed SR - failed. I check again, and he afkd out. I’m going to assume he wasn’t the only person to afk out… Let’s say 6 people left that BG. If the 6 replacements had the option of declining - who knows how long it would take for 6 people to actually accept. The replacements/group pushed a second time - they won SR… and eventually pushed us back, and won the game. They deserved it. They stayed and fought.

This game has a serious issue with people afking out - and I’m also guilty of it. I have afkd out of 4 BGs today due to premade groups (I afk out of ALL premade games.)

Account wide deserter (for ALL BGs) is highly unlikely, but it seriously needs to happen.


How so? I’m not the one exploiting to get wins.

Except the blue post, in a thread talking about premades syncing queues in classic, where they specifically say no it isn’t against the rules, you’re right there’s never been a blue post linked stating that /s.