10/29/2018 10:29 AMPosted by
10/29/2018 09:54 AMPosted by
@Darethy totally agree, I just...like part of the reason Warcraft is more compelling/interesting that 40k to me is because it’s not an edgelord’s wet dream. Granted the 8th edition lore advances have been...interesting to say the least. But they are interesting specifically because GW had gone SOOO far down the esgelord well there wasn’t much more to mine there.
Some of the Horus Heresy has amazing stories detailing why people do what they do. Lorgar Aurelian, Betrayer, Fulgrim, Path of Heaven, Master of Mankind, and outside of that Talon of Horus, Lucius the Eternal Blade, and especially Clonelord and Primogenitor.
Fabius Bile has, weirdly, become one of the most sympathetic characters in WH40k to me.
Oh don’t get me wrong, it’s well done. I just got burned out on the grimmdark after a decade and a half of things just getting steadily
worse it’s why I was happy for the small amount of lightening done in 8th.
Fair in every respect, and hopefully that lightening continues.
But um, where was I? The thing is Grandblade that Legion only made it worse, and Drustvar basically spells out for you that DK necromancy is keeping red dragon souls from reaching their afterlife. That bit about Doomguards is older, it's from MoP but that's not that far back either and basically tells us the form of magic we're wielding is an almost unequaled atrocity.
We commit more horrific acts then Derek on the way to doing our fishing dallies(And is part of why the Alliances clear joy at seeing Warlocks at the end of War Crimes baffled me, ESPECIALLY CONSIDERING THE NAME OF THE BOOK.) but you know just...don't think that hard about it.
Have they ever really gone over what the extent of soulbinding is like with Death Knight minions though? How does it differentiate from raising a permanent Forsaken?
Since Treng didn't respond to my pager, I'll just remind you that according to his point of view, there is no such thing as a soulless undead.
10/29/2018 10:12 AMPosted by
Blizzard: Lays a hand on an orc player's shoulder, offers them a box a tissues. "Don't worry lil' buddy, this expansion is all about finding out what the Horde means. You're not really a bad guy. :)"
Charred Night Elf: "What's this expansion about for us then?"
Look. I really, really get why Night Elf players are upset at feeling like they've been attacked and then left hanging, storywise (at least until patch 8.1, which has its own problems). But orc players aren't happy about this either.
10/29/2018 10:47 AMPosted by
(And is part of why the Alliances clear joy at seeing Warlocks at the end of War Crimes baffled me, ESPECIALLY CONSIDERING THE NAME OF THE BOOK.)
Well wasn't one of them Golden's actual ingame character?
10/29/2018 10:55 AMPosted by
10/29/2018 10:47 AMPosted by
(And is part of why the Alliances clear joy at seeing Warlocks at the end of War Crimes baffled me, ESPECIALLY CONSIDERING THE NAME OF THE BOOK.)
Well wasn't one of them Golden's actual ingame character?
I haven't heard about that, but I would not actually be surprised.
Since Treng didn't respond to my pager, I'll just remind you that according to his point of view, there is no such thing as a soulless undead.
Going off of inferences, I'd say that the puppetry I described is a possibility. But I don't have it backed by lore, so for now it remains a theory of mine.
10/29/2018 10:55 AMPosted by
<span class="truncated">...</span>Well wasn't one of them Golden's actual ingame character?
I haven't heard about that, but I would not actually be surprised.
I'll be honest... I
like Christie Golden, and I don't hate her novels. This self-insertion is fine to me when it's just a little cameo appearance.
It's like Todd Howard as Vault Tec.
Oh also, shadow priests. You want to a talk about psychological warfare? Spriests whole shtick is that they agonizingly carve up your brain like a country ham while opening it up to the eldritch terrors of the Void. One of the most interesting bits of lore from Legion(Ironically since we had the Conclave bring us all together.) is that Holy Priests in general declared the practice of Void and Shadow magic as immoral.
How does this gel with the Lightforged literally condoning the Ren'dorei?
Don't think about it.
I'll be honest... I like Christie Golden, and I don't hate her novels. This self-insertion is fine to me when it's just a little cameo appearance.
It's still a little jarring to see the Alliance ever being glad that a warlock is around though. Even the Horde outside of the forsaken like to hide them in that one really dark spot in Orgrimmar.
... I can't say that given the go-ahead by Blizzard to write a book that there
wouldn't be one chapter devoted to Jero flexing orcs into submission.
On the one hand, that would explain a lot of things about this expansion so far. On the other hand, I'm at a loss to imagine how else they would have expected Teldrassil to be received.
I think they wanted
Alliance players to be outraged by it, but they didn't think it would have any lasting effect on the Horde. Maybe they expected everyone would blame Sylvanas for it and not the Horde at large. Which shows they didn't pay any attention to the aftermath of Theramore.
Actually, I think Blizzard sees the whole Teldrassil thing as "Theramore, but bigger and with extra pathos!"
10/29/2018 11:06 AMPosted by
... I can't say that given the go-ahead by Blizzard to write a book that there wouldn't be one chapter devoted to Jero flexing orcs into submission.
Y'know, I understand what you mean by this, but all I envision is Jero just walking up to the frontlines and pulling Mr. Universe poses until the orcs back down out of sheer respect and fear.
And the fact that you said
chapter and not just excerpt makes this funnier.
1 Like
10/29/2018 11:06 AMPosted by
... I can't say that given the go-ahead by Blizzard to write a book that there wouldn't be one chapter devoted to Jero flexing orcs into submission.
Y'know, I understand what you mean by this, but all I envision is Jero just walking up to the frontlines and pulling Mr. Universe poses until the orcs back down out of sheer respect and fear.
That's exactly what I mean.
10/29/2018 11:13 AMPosted by
<span class="truncated">...</span> Y'know, I understand what you mean by this, but all I envision is Jero just walking up to the frontlines and pulling Mr. Universe poses until the orcs back down out of sheer respect and fear.
That's exactly what I mean.
10/29/2018 11:14 AMPosted by
What is this? Undertale?
First Sonic. Now Undertale. You're doing well today.
10/29/2018 10:47 AMPosted by
But orc players aren't happy about this either.
To be fair, trying to appease an 'orc player' is now difficult after the fact of Cata/Mop/WoD.
How many generations of Orcs are we up to? We've got Thrall's Orcs, Garrosh's Orcs, First Horde Orcs, Warlord's Orcs, etc, etc.
The 'Thrall's Orcs' want to be regarded more than just their brutal and battle seeking ways, give them more depth than just orc smash.
The 'Garrosh Orcs' want to embrace war but 'Orc Honorably', the might makes right mindset. Pretty much what Saurfang is all about, he's a-okay with conquest and invading people.
The 'First Horde Orcs' are happy with the current state of affairs.
Warlord's Orcs is a blend of both Thrall and Garrosh Orcs but with giant machines of war thrown in.
Blizzard has unfortunately put them in a place where, to be perfectly frank, I see no difference between them and Orks, likewise with DnD/Pathfinder Orcs. Besides the whole fungus thing and not having a hearty cockney accent.
Though this isn't the thread for Orc issues.
edit; inadvertently added Warhammer into the mix. I blame Darethy and Saiphas.
The raising of undead is a Tuesday afternoon for the Horde (Azeroth for that matter) The Nightbonre have an excuse but Baine's reaction is so eye rolling his continuous whining has became background noise for me at this point. With DKs mass producing more DK in Legion, warlocks stealing souls, ect ect I find it very hard to believe how anyone on Azeroth hasn't become desensitized from all this by now.
10/29/2018 12:44 PMPosted by
DKs mass producing more DK in Legion
They raised three. Three DKs.
10/29/2018 12:44 PMPosted by
DKs mass producing more DK in Legion
They raised three. Three DKs.
Yes and in the DK campaign we do a quest chain that has us fetch items so the Ebon Blade can make more DKs from recovered bodies from the Broken Shore.
Nah you "recruited" a lot of "troops" and you're pretty explicitly told your "recruiter" is trawling corpses off the Broken Shore to rez as new Ebon Blade DKs.
They're our T2 troop, the equivalent for the Paladin Order Hall would have been Silver Hand Knights/Officers.