Demonology Talent Changes for 10.1.5 are Awful

Imagine reworking a talent tree and ignoring two nodes that are completely useless. I will play doom and kfc just for the memes in 10.1.5

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I’d bet they left Doom alone because that’s what our next tier set will be focused on. Kinda like how VERY few Destro locks played CDF before the tier set.


True true. Didn’t think of that

Can’t even imagine why they’re doing this.

I don’t recall anyone complaining about the ebb and flow of Demo’s profile and adding some very boring passive crit magnifying talents 
 Gods. Why 
 just why!?

The Affliction changes make sense at least. These changes to demo are so monumentally in the “wtf are they thinking” category.


If this goes through demo is going be to garbage. The spec works great why does blizzard fix specs that aren’t broken
. Which in turn makes them trash.


What a freaking joke.

If casters aren’t turrenting, Blizzard isn’t happy.


I’m torn on this. And let me pre-face it by saying I’m coming at it from a fun perspective not numbers.

On one hand when I read they want to make Demonbolt cast less frequent but be more impactful, that sounds so good to me. I think Demo is super spammy right now and DB is an unsatisfying spell.

On the other hand, the game revolves around M+ and overly designed raid encounters and having to be a traditional turret spec in those environments is awful.


I like it being spammy. It’s a satisfying, fast class when you’re lucky with your procs - and even when you aren’t, you proc enough that it never feels like you’re just spamming a boring spell like Shadowbolt over and over. It also gives the class a lot more mobility to have so many insta-cast procs available to it. Demonbolt lighting up is always fun for me, because it feels visually more impactful than Shadowbolt ever has, and it provides me more gems to do the spells I like best from both a visual and impactful standpoint.

I don’t want to be a turret class. If I wanted that, I’d go back to playing Arcane Mage with its awful RoP turret playstyle amid a gameplay design that forces heavy movement over and over.


But thats the crux of the issue.

Saying they want an immobile turret in the game they are designing themselves makes no sense.

I dont pve, but mobility im sure is more and more important in myth + and raids BY THEIR OWN DESIGN.

PvP is obviously the same. I dont think theres a single turret style caster left that performs or could perform well.

“Let me give you the worst type of gameplay not adapted to the game were designing” is what im reading.

So clueless.


“We want to return Demonology to a place where Shadow Bolt is frequently cast”

oH YES, Shadow Bolt spam with Fel Covenant talent, right?
Sounds FUN !


Shadowbolt may legit be the most boring unfun spell in the game and in PvP it’s just a slow cast that opens you up to getting your defensives/utility locked out lol. Kinda wild they’re attempting to push for it to be used more when I think the majority of people would prefer if it was actually just deleted from the game.


I don’t hate it, but trying to push it as our primary spell when it’s always been filler - at best - is such an insanely out of touch decision. Shadowbolt is fine when I need to use it for filler during a low period in my rotation, or when I get unlucky with procs (or, when I’m leveling)
 but good gods, don’t make that garbage my main spell.


I bet there is a new wave of lay-offs incoming and people over there have until the end of june to justify their paycheck, so the class balance teams are trying to show how busy they have been for the last few months with insane changes and pointless busywork.


What really pissing me off is that I am trying to get the class trinket on my lock and if this rework gose through, Demo might be a dead spec and we may have to play Destro. While I don’t mind playing Destro however, class trinket is completely useless for Destro locks and you wasted everyone’s time just to farm that trinket.


I submit that basing the performance of an entire spec around a specific trinket and ANOTHER classes ability (PI) was a troll of the highest order.


Probably why Demo is getting a rework is because of that freaking PI that they refuse to nerf.


So, our feedback from the beginning of 10.0 was Demo needed more ST damage.


They nerf our AoE, that is our bread and butter the Dreadstalkers, then nerf Felguards FelStorm. Which both account to our ST damage.

Now, they want to funnel our Dreadstalkers damage into our Felguard via Crit talents.

This is great IF ONLY they did not touch our dreadstalkers damage increase modifiers x2.

Looking at the M+ Statistics, Demo is middle if not mid-lower of the pack?

They CAN"T say that these changes were justified with the new Single Target Raid environment. So I want to ask, why continue to hunt down and destroy our AoE toolkit? Really why?

These changes continue to tell us that these devs really don’t have a clue do they?


I almost never comment on the forums but I had to when I read about the changes. If you want to nerf demo tune the numbers, the spec is fun in it’s current state. I will be incredibly disappointed if these changes go live


Setting aside that these changes will ruin the spec (no one likes to hard cast shadowbolt), the fact that they want to do this in the middle of a raid tier is bonkers. You base a tier set around demonbolt procs that finally helps to bring grimoire CD in line with Tyrant and now you want to nerf the amount of procs which will just throw off the CD of grimoire from Tryant once again.

Demo’s flow right now is fun and fine as is. These are completely out of touch changes that are unneeded.


All 3 specs feel like they have been under assault since DF launch, with Aff and Demo bearing the brunt of the constant changes/nerfs. They clearly have done a 180 and this could not have been their original plan due to the tierset like you mention. What is going on behind closed doors at Blizzard no one can say, but it seems like their new vision of having one class have to play all 3 specs in raid, and then raining changes on those 3 specs over the course of 4 months, only to upend the board again in the 1st patch, is truly something new. Before they rarely made major changes mid tier unless it was an emergency. Now they are not even remotely respecting players’s time and effort.