Demonology Talent Changes for 10.1.5 are Awful

The changes are actually beyond awful.

Like of all the talent changes they could make, they decide to do the worst changes possible, for a reason that is so disconnected from the spec you’d think they don’t even play the game.


I’m very sad to hear we are losing Ripped through the Portal. This is a fun talent that improves the flow of the rotation.

The talent makes me more excited to cast Dreadstalkers. I get to SEE the impact of the talent, and I feel a direct benefit.

Losing Demonic Meteor will also feel bad. Good grief. I love the Demonology play style. Yes, it has ramp time, but as you get further along the whole rotation feeds into itself making it very fast-paced and exciting.

If Demonology is over-performing and warrants a nerf, please look into reducing the damage of some of the abilities, but LEAVE THE PLAYSTYLE ALONE.


What is going on? Why these changes?


Too many people were enjoying demonology. That needed to be fixed.


The lock dev is incompetent, just look how they let affliction sit around like it doesn’t even exist. Aff is played around 1% in m+ and down to .3% in high keys. YET demo needs a rework. WTF


Legitimately one of the most confusing and insane changes I’ve ever seen in this game. And they’re doing it mid-tier. What is the design vision behind assaulting Warlock nonstop with talent tree changes, nerfs, bugs, etc? It’s been like 9 times between 3 specs that things have SIGNIFICANTLY shifted within 5 months. What the hell is happening? Who is this catered toward? You are alienating the casual and hardcore alike with this.


im confused as well. I am curious as to who promoted these types of changes. had to be someone.


These changes are terrible from a PvP player POV, we don’t cast shadow bolt. Period.
They are aimed at PvE i guess.


I especially liked the part where they said we had too many instant casts - because clearly casters have it too good in dragonflight and need to be punished by movement more :slight_smile:


It’s been a while but I wsa enjoying how Demo felt to level, the build variety and how demonbolt felt…

I genuinely feel reading a lot of the 10.1.5 changes that these devs don’t play their own game.


we dont want to cast shadowbolt in pve either. It’s tragic


We need to take this to twitter guys. Like, immediately. Who should i tweet on twitter regarding class design. Ion?


the direction sucks, this version is obviously less fun to play than the live version, and its also gonna need an insane tuning pass to all of demo’s spells and mastery because shadow bolt/demonbolt/HoG are the big winners on the new talent tree and none of them do any damage or scale with stats lol

yeah bro im really excited to spec 2 points to get 15% damage amp and crit chance on hand of guldan when it does literally 6% of my overall damage in a dungeon and significantly worse on bosses. sign me up to spend a talent point 15% amping shadow bolt (.7% of damage dealt) and demonbolt (2.9% damage dealt) in order to reach implosion on the tree.


Absolutely baffling changes that kill the feel of the spec and replaces interesting and dynamic reactional rotation additions with completely passive damage boosts on abilities that are currently inconsequential. It is going to require a complete redesign of the spell power coefficients of the abilities since demons apparently are no longer an important thing in the demo rotation. Not sure why you would think that casting a generic filler spell more, reducing the number of instant casts, and lessening the power of the core tenants of the specs would suddenly fix something that is not broken?

Ultimately, unless you walk this tightrope very well, the spec is going to become an undertuned turret spec which suffers from the exact same problem destruction faces. You are going to have to plant, and despite the players planning around abilities, a single AOE ground effect is going to cause you to have to drop your fel covenant buff.

Think about these changes carefully, as it is going to leave it in the dirt.


Where the heck can I even read these changes? I can’t find anything.

I couldn’t be more to-the-point than this myself.

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I couldn’t find that cuz it got buried. I had to go to WoWHead.

The most irritating thing is i made awhole thread about dreadstalkers and how they could nerf it for 10.1, and they did nothing about it and nerfed a bunch of things. Then the patch following 10.1 they do the nerf i suggested as well as further nerfing dreadstalkers on top of that. Every patch seems to be aimed at changing demo even tho demo isnt even a big outlier right now.

Heres a sollution, remove demonic tyrant from the game and make the spec more like it was in legion. You guys cant stop nerfing the spec based around how powerful of a spell like demonic tyrant can be, but in reality most demo locks can agree its a terrible ability and we would prefer to not even have the ability at all.