You were in DoP? I was one of the officers. Who did you play? This is Volan (if you remember the name)
I played with y’all in BC in paradigm Anngwish draeni mage, I was friends with Cobweb. I was only able to raid Gruuls with y’all.
The best shadow priest to ever grace this server. didnt you have a brother that played warrior named guts? you and Insanitie ( can never remember how he spelled it) pretty much dominated arena back in the day. got cheated out of rank 1 during one of the seasons if i recall right. anyways glad to see old names coming back.
Goldshire Gangsters representing bro, who was the GM of that guild I remember his alt being sapkilla or something stupid but he had a warlock main right?
Yeah Gutts was my brother, I don’t think hes gonna play Classic. Hopefully Insanitie plays lol. I was never in the running for Rank 1 til a while after I left our battlegroup
insantie was trash but artie come back to live m8
sorry don’t remember the name. yeah I was in DoP I was gonna post the guild forum sig i had off photo bucket on here, but blizzard wont let me! I played human mage named at the time, johnrambo. I wanna say I was mage class lead in this guild. but its been so long i’m probably wrong!
I remember his as Zaz. But I think that was the warlock. I dont remember who he played as in GSG.
Cord (Human Paladin - Veritas) here. Looks like there are quite a bit of Veritas folks here!
I think I used to play with some of you all… Ownthedead Holy Paladin, Deadwatcher Warrior and Edola Hunter
Hi Cord! You going to play classic at all?
lol, I remember that guild name!
waldoh here. nice to see so many familiar… names?
I remember the Veritas guild though I was not a part of it. Than, your name is familiar, think I was in a guild with you for a bit? This toon I’m posting on is same one I played in Vanilla. Will definitely be taking a look at Classic and trying it out. Anyone going for a specific realm? I’m avoiding Faerlina because of the insane number of streamers that will be playing on it but haven’t settled on a specific realm yet to actually play on once they’re open.
Being an orc now doesn’t make you any better.
Waldoh! Rattle off who is playing classic from your crew.
Where’s? Surely Blazen and Hazen will give in eventually.
Ah, this I remember well. Any chance you will be playing with us for classic?
Hey Rhylaari! Thryl/Norsak from Vanilla, BC, and WOTLK. I remember running Kara with you A few of us will be on Whitemane if you’re looking for a server.
Blue dangles! I remember running Kara with you
Daeris here, would love to reconnect with you folks for classic.