Too bad; I was hoping Steele would be back to be my 3’s partner again!
Hey Hop!
Meadown (gnome mage) here, This time around there are actual Oceanic realms so if I can convince Dokk to play again we will have to play there which sucks, would love to reroll with the Build More Farms guys again.
Oh snap, Meadown, I remember running scarlet monastery with you in vanilla. I think you gave me + damage enchant on my whirlwind axe at the time.
Well, that sucks. I wish i would have saved that MS paint picture that Steele made for me when i almost ruined a ZA bear run for Gruffi. make sure you tell Steele I said Hi.
notatree, any news on Crag? I need him to tell me how bad I am at everything. You keep in touch with Q or Coda? I’ll have to add you on bnet.
Hey Hop, while I don’t remember you, I was Crave a dwarf hunter in Veritas in vanilla and TBC until I went to a different server. Some of the most fun I had in game was bsing with the other hunters and the speed runs we were attempting in MC.
And how we blew the very last speed run of MC because we wanted to pull Geddon and Shaz without telling anyone else what was going on. Belle was so mad at us haha.
I wish I had never lost contact with them.
Any of us can do that, Crag taught us well.
Vestardra (nelf Hunter) and Auree (nelf druid). Don’t remember the name of the vanilla guild I was in, don’t really need to bring up the guild I was in after that, ended BC in Paradigm.
Wonderpumkin - I’m still better than you all
Steele here. Miss you all. Not coming back for classic. Going to remember through rose tinted glasses. I don’t have the mspaint image in question anymore, though I remember it well. Notatree, I miss me too in 3s.
Glad you guys are still taking names! Kids and life takes just too much time these days.
Cognrats on the life man. I myself have a job where I am gone 5 days a week now and my kid is just starting college. Crazy.
NE warrior Flifan/ Druid Opas
LF Wisps, Yapps, Roe, anyone from the good old days
Holy cats, I remember you
Gnogue (gnome rogue) from Denial. My brother was Delacroix (human mage) also in Denial.
The name dosen’t ring a bell, did you go by another name?
hey its verd
I joined Paradigm late in BC and I only vaguely remember the names you played on, but if you’re looking for some people to play with from Paradigm I have got some of them unretired and playing on Herod - I was Ephram, feral druid. Names you might remember playing with us are Notatree, Vandred, Than, Stran.
Oh yeah, most of these I remember, I saved some names on a different server, but if i don’t end up staying on that one i will look you guys up.
Arterian… Didn’t really play Vanilla but I remember most of the server
Ahh, yes I did, Than’s better than him at everything friend, Kaandimos