Meadown! Miss playing WSG with you and Dokk. Anyone heard from Veralis or Carissima? (I’m Daeris)
I played a human warrior I think named Kazuaki. I cant remember the guild name but I remember the GM was a dwarf Paladin named Irvadin(sp?) Who played with some of his family.
I was hoping to find the priest and I think a mage I met in a SFK group that leveled with me and joined Irvadin’s guild after a ZF run. No idea why I can remember that and not the names.
After Irvadin’s guild I joined a friend in a pvp guild that had some r10-14 players. Don’t remember much of that one either.
Played some live with Veralis a few months back. Did some raids with Syku, Ryku and the 30 other ku’s). Hazen, Blazen, Waldoh and Wheres were in and around there at some stage as well. Hopefully see a few on in the coming days, although these days Meadown and I will be on Oceanic so we dont have to deal with 200+ pings
I remember you I also remember some pretty crazy pvp outside of Kara back in the day lol. Good to know about Whitemane, I’ll keep that in mind, but it’s on Pacific time, which is 3 hours behind me. Years ago I used to raid frequently at late night hours but I’m an old lady now and can’t keep that kind of schedule anymore
Sangen/Redydna/Sengan/Fritos. i was a hunter/shaman, (priest for half a second) and prot pally.joined paradigm right before we x-fer over to mannoroth and became midnight train. trying to find out what server to join so i at least remember some people.
battle: Redydna #1722
We ended up as Alliance on Kirtonos, which I think is an eastern time zone server. Shoot Norsak a message if you’re around!
If anyone was with Veritas II im looking for the old guildies. i was the gnome warrior Cupcaake i still can reach a few… just seeing if anyone still around
I remember Veritas, you guys rocked.
< Mediocrity > has a few friends still in touch playing Alliance on Old Blanchy in Classic. Still trying to get a hold of a few key old members.
Anyone from bojack? This is Gerolynn
Hey there!
Brokemyknife (NE Rogue) of BBnB - I lead the 3rd rotation of Kara groups.
Celres & Cektop
Human paladin ( Ret )
Miss the good old days, best time of wow came playing on this server. The guild I was in was great Persephone I believe was GM
I remember you. LadymcBeth was actually ladeylocksley. Good old vardin the druid tank. I was rogue Robinhood till i had to rename and became Copyright. Also was a mage named Codexofages
Lets see i was in two guilds in Vanilla. I was Robinhood/Copyright Dwarf Male Rogue and Codexofages Gnome Male Mage.
I was a member of Bloodbath n Beyond and Animosity. I remember Vardin(Druid tank), Twomanytoes(Paladin) , Ladeylocksley(Warlock), Kerowyn(Druid), Orchidtearz(warrior), Strongman(Paladin), Merlin(mage), Nightorchid(Hunter), Goodies(priest), Nightwing(Hunter), Tristiana(warlock), Eyesrred(rogue), Noctarnul(warrior), Radwarlock(warlock), Corvos(warrior?)
Hit me up on Bnet aventhor86#1962
Whos on old Blanchy and who are you trying to get ahold of Tyamir ?
Hit me up on Discord Karore#2447
oh god i remember that in vent. blue dangelz that was a good time.
Legend has it, justinblade is still passing out pain in tarren mill. Leobreaker/Shokka here. Lookin for Foshizzle.