Demon Soul Alliance Reconnections

In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Alliance side of Demon Soul (US) in 2004-2006.

For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:

  • Your character’s name, race and class.
  • The name of your original guild on this realm.
  • The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.

Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.

To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.

Good luck finding your former mates!

Thryl/Norsak here. I was Alliance in DORA, Somnium, and some WSG competitive guild in late Vanilla that I can’t remember the name of. Anyone around?

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Bloodangelz Human Paladin Audentia

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Hola, yo era Adre Paladin ret en un guild llamado faina shanda. La mayoria miembros de argentina.

Anyone that played in the Guild - Domain of Pain

Verd, Drease, Klutch, Haesuse, Haides, Tanulean, Khian, etc…

This is Volan (Hunter). Will be playing horde come classic. Give me a shout.


Pimsley - Priest - GM of Unity.

Pims#1410 - Bnet
Pimsley#1337 - Discord

Krual from Knights Templar! I used to play with Lilwiggy, Stjoe, Vapomyst and Cylis

Hop here!
Night Elf Druid
Guild: Veritas

Looking for old Veritas people, especially Volant and Sorrowsong, we lost contact with you bro :frowning:

discord: drexlor#3955


Ehulk/Treehulk (Justin) and Calz/Dismantle/Syne (Garret) where the hell are you at scrubs?! leathalcaulk/mpires (Phife/Mike), baden/ caulklock/bizaden (Matt) and Johnrambo/venkman/fourtyounce/marttymcfly (David) are back. also was in domain of pain with some of the scrubs I just listed. watched that gnome mage smallfri get the killing blow on rag on the first down for the guild. he was the lone survivor on that kill. lmao

I used to be… Liara? Female Nightelf Hunter.
I was part of a guild known as VisciousManEatingCupcake and they were some of the best times I ever had in WoW.

Ravenwolfing alliance night-elf hunter. Demon soul order? I believe was the name of the guild Zippen, Sharmon, Ciealth (redwood) what’s up guys! ? Hmu :smile:

Nightelf Hunter - Nightcrow
Guild - ??

Hey there,

Who I am : Bruderschaft (human male mage). With Ðenial’s help, I was the only person on the realm to ring the gong and be awarded the Black Qiraji Battle Tank and Scarab Lord title. Our guild also had the server on farm from inception until we broke up.

Who I remember :

  • Meese (GM and MT, human male warrior)
  • Kurbstomper (Rank 14, male NE warrior)
  • Swayy (Rank 13, male NE warrior. Also high ranking in arenas TBC and on)
  • Riley (female NE druid)
  • Luffy (male troll warrior)
  • Eevee (female Undead priest)

We had cross-faction friendships with many people in guilds <Liquid Reality>, <You Must Be Critting Me>, and <Cheat to Win>. I wish I could remember more.

If anyone reading this knows anyone from Demon Soul vanilla, or even remembers me or my guild, please message me on Discord at Locutus#0677.

Thank you.

Update: I recently got in touch with Polarize, Delacroix, and Gnogue. Hit me up if you remember any of us!


Hey Hop,
Than here, while I wasn’t in Veritas I was in Paradigm during mid-late BC. Was wondering if any of you guys were planning anything for classic. Casual or otherwise, I’m not sure if anyone I use to play with on a daily basis is going to be playing or not.

Nightfall Battlegroup - Twink edition

Looking for the group of 29 twinks that played in the Nightfall battlegroup. We had multiple guilds spread across the battlegroup and supported weekly battleground nights for level 29s.

Looking to find the group that played together across the battlegroup.

Mauhdeeb - Gnome Mage Deathwing

Noctarnul, Night Elf Protection Warrior
The guild was Bloodbath N Beyond. They took me in and trained me up from a nooblet protection warrior into their main raid tank. Man, I was so grateful. We had so much fun in Karazhan! Some of the members were LadyMcBeth, Goram, Vardin, Tristiana, Renquist (my man!), SirGilgamesh. Best time I’ve ever had playing the game, by far.


Hi All,

Paradigm, Notatree - Lifebloom specialist during TBC.

Hi Than and Hop! A few of us really old Paradigm/Midnight Train people still play Live over on Boulderfist/Horde; . Ahloy, Ephram, Stran (working on Vandred), Swaydizzle, and a few others I’m forgetting. Look us up on Live; and I can get you some info on our Classic guild we are starting up.

Bnet; Nota#11127
Discord: Notatree#5382

Hi Than!! I’m real life friends with a lot of the members of Veritas, but I think I’m the only one still playing WoW :[.

I don’t think Entropy, Hazen, Blazen, Steele, Anduril, Waldo are coming back =(

Notatree! I’ll hit you up to see what your plans are :slight_smile:

Human Rogue

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