Same goes for Demon Hunters, just get over it. Take what you get, and just accept it.
Didn’t they just change around Dracthyr so they could fly around? Wasn’t their old ability basically jumping really high then gliding down with a little interaction? Just give them the old Dracthyr ability and call it a day.
And DHs don’t fly. They never have. Illidan is the only one who can fly for short periods of time and that’s because he’s a full on demon with permanent wings.
The minute DHs become full demons with perma wings and have cinematics showing them fly across continents, then sure. Until then, these dumb threads need to stop.
Every time someone says this, I kindly point out that Illidan gained the ability by absorbing the power from the skull of Guldan. Then I point out that in Nighthold, Guldan has his own version of Metamorphosis, when he gets big and spiky and orange.
Ergo, while Illidan may be the first to have used Metamorphosis in the media, it is now canon that Warlocks had their own version of Metamorphosis first, and Illidan stole it from Guldans skull and gave it his own spin.
I am scared of this idea of demon hunters getting dynamic flight because what if they fly right into where your camera is? We all know how demon hunters love to jump around! Now they would fly around, becoming bigger and bigger until they take up my whole camera and suddenly disappear! It’s like I ate them. And no thank you, there is only one demon hunter in my life I will eat.
Been a while since I’ve played w3 but I think he was just corrupted by fel powers and the wiki suggests that his skull may have been empowered after his death? I’m not sure.
That was alternate universe Guldan, though I guess it does show that becoming part demon is possible for non elves.
Imo I prefer warlocks using contracts and spells to bully demons into following their orders rather than actually becoming Demons themselves, but I can understand why it sucked to have something taken away.
My mind immediately went to Khadgar, who as we all know is a mage, shapeshifting into a raven, as well as a gryphon/wyvern mount (specifically for taking us down to Azuna in the Broken Isles).