Demon Hunters deserve dynamic flying

I don’t play DH, only druid and mage.

That said; Why would anyone care if DH gets dynamic flight?

Dracthyr have it. Druids are getting it. Eveyone else has flying mounts. Is the time it takes others to mount up really a big deal?

Sure, instant flight on my druid is nice. But, I can honestly say I don’t feel annoyance on my mage when I play her, even when I’m used to playing my druid.

Are peeps just mad that DH has been meta so often?


Well, let’s just give it to priests since they have temp wings too. Or to my DK since she got wings in the DF collector’s edition.

Let’s just do away with the wing requirement all together and just have everyone swim around in the sky like a hacker looking for herbs. It’ll be great.


I’ll be brutally honest with you: In my case it’s just resentment lol

I was a Demonology Warlock until the final day of Warlords of Draenor. Then Metamorphosis, my favorite Warlock spell, was removed from my Warlock because “Demon Hunters needed to be special and allowing both classes to have a Demon transformation would dilute Demon Hunter fantasy.”

So my position now is that Dracthyr need to be special and allowing both classes to have winged flight would “dilute” Dracthyr fantasy. I’m having a blast watching Demon Hunters taste their own poison lol


DH has wings all the time hun. They double jump constantly, lol.


This is understandable.

Thanks for an actual answer.


Also, give them, I dunno, demonic might, so they can buff their party members with their regular rotation. And also, glaives are thrown right? All abilities should be 30 yds.

i think priests should have it too

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i would appreciate dynamic flight but that thing that one person said about being salty because dhs stole meta from locks is unironically fair


all great ideas

Think you need to log onto your DH a little more often ‘hun’…

and their wings only show up when jumping. they aren’t permanent like a Dracthyr.


Why tho? Warlocks stole it from dh first

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Already said I don’t play a DH.

As for the emphasis, thanks for throwing shade over something that was never a reply to you to begin with I guess?

But, since you’re apparently so interested, mind answering my original question in this thread?

Why would you care?

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A bit off-topic but I wish DH could have hoof and permanent wings as a barbershop option.

I support Dynamic Flight for DH.


The lizards are out for not even a full expansions and they get flying, a leggo, and a third spec… What have we gotten since Legion?


You got half of Warlock abilities, our Demonic themed armors, our ability to summon demons, the TBC legendary.

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Oh we get to farm a transmog from 18 years ago wow…

Seriously Warlocks need to get over meta already.

Illidan is also so powerful he’s stuck in permanent Meta form.

You guys would take off and die 30 seconds later when you’re wings disappear lol


How many unique exclusive legendaries do Warlocks have? Excluding the Legion ones, because everyone got those… so, how many?

And, I don’t need to get over anything. You’re upset because you weren’t given something, why shouldn’t I be upset when something is taken away?


Whilst it is true that Illidan never flew so there is no lore for DH’s to actually fly. He did jump up super high and float down. I see no reason why DH players shouldn’t be able to do that at least. We already have a pvp talent that does exactly that. Just turn it into a regular ability you can’t attack with.

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It was 7 years ago, get over it