Demon Hunters deserve dynamic flying

Honestly, I’m fine with Warlocks having their own version of metamorphosis. Give them a unique version. And give both Warlocks and DH customizable Metamorphosis transformations.

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Most realistically, yeah, warlock Meta never had to go. It plays significantly differently from DH Meta. At worst, all Blizz had to do was rename Warlock Meta and maybe change the model, though with DH meta looking the way it ended up looking, it could have even kept the model.

Agreed on the customization thing, too. After finally getting a bunch of pet customizations, it’d be nice to see what they could do with Meta - both the DH and Lock versions of it. I suspect that when they do get around to DH Meta customization they’ll give you guys the traditional black silhouette that warlock meta sported though.

And I don’t have a single problem with both specs having it, I never did. I just think Warlocks holding onto the issue are mentally cracked.

News flash guys, Demon Hunters didn’t ‘steal’ Meta from Demo, Blizzard did. The same way they took things like Displacer Beast from Druid because ‘only mages should be able to blink’ and why we can’t have certain transmog options because it would ‘confuse pvp’.

These are things that the developers consider important that I’ve never heard a single player ever care about. They are why we can’t have nice things, not the other players, but hide-bound devs set in their ways.

So yeah Warlocks need to let go of the whole meta issue, because it wasn’t DH players that did it in the first place, and showing up in every DH thread screaming about it is a sign of an unhinged mind.

That’s a possibility but with SoD Warlock Tank being so popular I imagine that they’ll give that shape back to Warlocks and do something different for DH.

As if Demon Hunters need to steal something else from anyone else after what they have already taken from other classes as it is, thankfully though and in this case it’s a Dracthyr racial and well since Demon Hunters aren’t Dracthyr it more than likely will never happen.

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It’s called projecting and having a bit of fun out of a bad situation. Of course we know DH players didn’t personally steal Meta. Of course we know it’s Blizzard, it’s always Blizzard doing stuff like taking away Beholder skin because of PvP. Heck, I didn’t even play Meta Demo, I was a Destro main during those expansions.

But boy howdy it sure is fun blaming DH players for stealing it!

Dynamic flying IMO is a bit much. But I wouldn’t mind regular flying.

im generally in the boat of dh should have a type of flight form that druids and now dracthyr have. as a druid main and someone who hates dh because of how meta they are in basically every type of content. but this is a solid argument lol

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Give me the sweet backflip and you have a trade.

Demon hunters have holes in their wings. Doesn’t really make for good flying

You have not sacrificed enough to Fly as Illidan.
You need to spend 10.000 years imprisoned so you can ask the right to fly.


“Pursue” - The demon hunter lunges into the air and uses their demonic wings to pursue their prey.

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I mean Sargeras is up there in the universe somewhere. I like it!

(Oh someone necro’d this earlier today :weary:, wrote that in Jan).

DH’s can use dynamic flight - all you need to do is log onto your demon hunter, then open up your mount journal and click on one of your many dynamic flight mounts.