Demon Hunter customization

DHs do not have eyes…

The green eye (sockets) represent the fel energy that consumes us.

I know the lore. Now show me the part of the lore where it states demon hunters can’t train new ones. They aren’t loyal to Illidan anymore.

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It’s not just the training. It’s the ritual of transformation that was devised and overseen by Illidan. It takes to combination of those physical changes and the martial training to result in DH abilities. Then there’s the 90% mortality rate. You want to gloss over that like it’s no big deal, but only a crazy person applies for a job where just the training will have 90% mortality rate (before we even talk about how many get killed after). The only reason current Illidari did it is we were driven mad by the loss of our homes and families, and saw Illidan as the only hope for stopping the Legion - he was the only one who truly understood the threat. We risked almost certain death as well as estrangement from everyone we cared about to walk this path.

Handing out DH powers without that rich legacy just cheapens the whole thing.


Yea, they do. Having eyes or not is relative to each situation. Eyes could be completely destroyed or just damaged through the ritual.

Either way, the point is about that little option without blindfold that shows green fel eyes. The idea is to have alternative colors.

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Would you no longer be filled with fel green energy?

I don’t think it works that way. The idea of being filled with fel only applies to some DHs.

We can see how Sargeras and other demons have zero fel in their appearance, yet, they’re still demons.

Fel is an alignment.
All demons are powered by Fel energy.
All DH have consumed the heart of their least favorite demon in the DH ritual, therefore all are empowered by the same green energy at their core

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Sargeras is not a demon. Never was. Sargeras is a titan who recruited the demons to serve his cause.

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Check Sargeras before and after.

Nah, demons aren’t inherent to Fel. Demons seem to be magical in nature, but can be aligned with other forces.

The cosmic chart is a bit of an issue for that reason. It makes Fel look like a faction instead of an aspect of the cosmos.

One that hasn’t been fully explored yet, as it isn’t quite clear what Fel is. More like a chaotic merge of all forces?

I was thinking has anyone with the tech and knowhow check if the Drakthyr skeleton is the same for DH Meta?

Because if it is, that would mean customization, soar/flying and even almost all the animations would be accessible to a DH meta from… (IMO)

Then again I speculate that since WoW is so old most of the time they have to create newer accents from scratch, since older reskins might have complications… maybe just speculating.

Anyway I wish there was a way we could tell… I know I am probably wrong but its been on my mind for some time now! Ever since I saw Scalecommander Sarkareth Void Transformation… then again they could be using Dreadlord skeleton too… Ahhh nvm, to many maybes lol :sweat_smile:

They don’t. Read the lore again. And fel is green.

If that’s your personal head-canon/fan fiction, okay, but I’d like to see an in game example.

Fel is chaos energy and the opposite of arcane.
The twisting nether is the after effects of, and the result of, the light and void realms colliding, creating the physical realm and the nether
Fel energy and demons were born in and come from the scar of that epic collision

Too hard to picture that eyeballs remain in the eye sockets despite a blinding ritual?

And now you’re saying I’m disagreeing with “fel is green”. Yea, go back and read it again.

I’m not sure about lore these days because that chart made things too cut and dry visually and there’s over 20 years of game. Blizzard even avoided as much as possible to add green fire to into the game, but when Legion exp. came out, it was fel green slapped into everything. I can’t be sure of anything.

In Legion, Fel is treated as the “Legion’s power”, not rule for demons as a whole. Sargeras seem to use it but seem unaffected by it.

I guess the Twisting Nether seems like a confirmation of what I’m saying. When compared, Outlands and Argus look quite different. One showns how variety the effects of the Nether are, while the other was engineered by the Legion.

A few examples of demons are: shivarra, dreadlords, satyrs, void entities, Sargeras. Plenty of demons which aren’t leaking green and dabble into other types of magic.

They have no eyeballs, they were incinerated by fel.

I didn’t say you disagree, but that fel is green. And DHs are imbued in fel, their eyes were incinerated by fel. DKs deserve new eye colors, DHs do not.

I don’t know where you got that from. There’s no indication to what exactly happens to eyeballs after ritual. They could still be there or not.

Same thing that applies to DH, applies to DK. If you’re going with that restrictive narrative to justify eye colors, then DKs shouldn’t get either.

Haha it would be wild if as a forsaken priest you only had the option to be Shadow.

But i guess with Calia, now it can make more sense lore wise.

False. The Illidan novel is canon to WoW and it describes in detail what every demon hunter goes through.

They eat a demon’s heart and drink their blood, one they kill in combat, usually one that has caused them great pain or loss. They then have horrific demonic visions of the Burning Legion washing over countless planets, genocide and the destruction of hundreds of thousands of people and races.

To make it end, because they start to lose their sanity and can’t handle it anymore, they claw their own eyes out in a last ditch attempt.

They then pass out into a coma like state, and again fight the demon, this time it is more powerful, to dominate it within their dreams. The point of view character, Vandel, had to fight his 3 times total.

And when they awaken, they have arcane tattoos applied to them to bind and seal the demon to their will and soul. After that, their spectral sight starts to develop since they have no eyes, they see bursts of colors and each magic has its own basically.


Who’s the demon trapped in Illidan?

There is no demon trapped in Illidan. He is the first demon hunter, the only one created by Sargeras himself. Sargeras burned out Illidan’s eyes. Illidan became further corrupted by using the skull of Gul’dan in WC3, but he was already a demon hunter before he did that.

Every single other DH in WoW was trained and made by Illidan, though. Every single one goes through the exact same trials and rituals.