Yea, but that’s what I’m talking about. It isn’t a requirement for things to follow a single specific lore. Illidan is an exception, so there could be others.
Btw, I wish that lore about having a demon trapped in their bodies were more present in our class. When the class came out, the vibe wasn’t much more besides a “night elf with glowing tattoos” turning into Meta form. What or who is trapped inside the DH has zero development. The name of that demon within should be as meaningful as a warlock’s demon name.
Except there are no other DH’s created by Sargeras besides Illidan. Every other DH in WoW was guided by Illidan, so they’re all the same. All their magic comes from the same source ultimately, which is demonic fel energy, so all DH’s have fel flame green empty eye sockets.
This isn’t a wiggle room discussion on lore. It is what it is until Blizzard says otherwise and at this point, I doubt they will expand on DH lore or playable races and customizations until WoW subs dip so low that they break the glass surrounding Illidan for an emergency.
As for the demon aspect of our playable characters, yeah Blizzard could do better. More customization for meta and out of meta. More demon attributes other than just horns. Like dreadhound tendrils for hair etc.
And when TBC first came out not the recent one but the og one they said we would be able to customize our dance and choose what dance we wanted. Yet that was never given either.
Dance customizations are a far cry from class customization, especially with druids/warlocks getting such love in that department. They could litterally just do what they did for Evoker/Worgen and make the meta customization function much the same.
That has never been confirmed by Blizzard. A lot of “maybes” but it isn’t anywhere stated as actual lore.
“How exactly Illidan obtained the Azzinoth warglaives is not in the book because Blizzard didn’t want it covered.”
Azzinoth’s appearance in Hearthstone also doesn’t confirm Illidan ate his heart.
No in game text or quests confirm Illidan ate his heart.
So to review, Blizzard asked the author of the Illidan novel, William King, not to include Azzinoth or how Illidan got his glaives and it isn’t in the War of the Ancients trilogy novels either. It isn’t in game, it isn’t in WoW-adjacent content like Hearthstone.
Therefore, the notion of Illidan consuming Azzinoth’s heart is fanon.
This is simply fake news. Every dh slays a different demon inheriting different traits and dh are taught magic as well. They are not just fel infused beasts. They are also allowed to wield the weapon of their choice and hunt the way they are best at.
They all ritually kill a demon, eat its heart and drink its blood, have a vision, tear their eyes out, pass out from said vision, fight the demon and dominate it again in feverish dreams, and then get tattoos applied to them when its over.
I never said they kill the same type of demon, and if you bothered to read any other comments in this thread, then I in fact said:
All WoW demons are corrupted by fel/chaos. It is where DH’s main source of power comes from. I never said anywhere that they can’t use other types of magic. Illidan was a mage at one time. Many other nelves and belves would be too. Their tattoos are arcane. I’m quite aware of the schools of magic they can use.
I never said anything about weapons. Literally nothing.
I think it’s a pretty safe assumption that if he took the bloke’s weapons, he probably took his heart as well… Maybe not his first, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was.
Illidan DGAF and had an ego. He was an extremely powerful and talented mage as well. I’d be shocked if his first kill wasn’t a doom guard.
Yeah, it always struck me as weird that Blizzard doesn’t want to elaborate on it. Maybe someday we’ll see them expand on it when the GOAT comes back into WoW. I look forward to the day!
It feels like Blizzard gets hype about adding something new, then they just ditch it.
Monk - Super hype! Uhhh…new animations?…bye!
DH - Soooo cool! More races, customization and a 3rd spec? Wait, you want both of the current specs to feel unique too? Uhhh…bye!
Heritage armor - Really unique! Man…there are a lot of races though…uhhh….never mind!
Evoker - Dragons are rad, right? Mixing spells sounds cool. Wait…the dragon form is kinda hard to make…how about…1 body type and lore! Say it fits the lore and then let’s get some lunch!
We if reusing assets is Blizz thing, we have Legions Kil’jaeden Model that can be Draeei Havoc Meta and for Vengeance they can use Demonic Tirant model… IMO.
Although in one of the latest interview while discussing half-elf customizations one of the devs mention that the skeleton models in WoW tend to be tricky when trying to add new customizations… or something similar to that…
I dont play hearthstone much so this has me stumped, is this an actual in game npc or is this exclusively for hearthstone, because that would be cool to see.