Demon Hunter changes are garbage

Because the same vocal minority here will just bury your opinion over there. It’s ironic the blizzard dev communicate with a base that can be controlled by mods that don’t agree with your opinions than their own message boards.


These boards are useless because of players like who don’t play the class to any reasonable level only to spend your day bashing actual DHs. I give you credit in that you theory craft well, but have little to no experience at all.

As much as you talk about Fel Hammer, if you’re a main contributor to the “feedback”, it’s no wonder the spec is a disaster. For all I know, the dev doesn’t play DH either.

If anyone would look at your posts, this being your main (a ret pally) they would see you spend more time posting on this board than your own ret forums. Why? Because posting on your main character in your class specific forum has no bang because you’re not a competitive player. They don’t want your opinion on the ret forums. So why should we want it for DH?


Strange, seems to me like this is mostly assuming… but I can’t be sure :person_shrugging: I say give it a shot, keep putting in your opinion.

Noted. I guess I’m pessimistic that the Fel Hammer discord is about as useless as these boards. But I guess if that’s where the DH Dev goes to get feedback, even from those that don’t even play this spec, maybe it’s worth a shot.

I’d say it is, I see a lot of you guys voicing this same opinion and very little opposing at least on here… so maybe it’s worth mentioning there if that’s where they focus their attention :person_shrugging:

I find this paragraph to be extremely ironic when you are literally doing the exact same thing lol

my brother in christ, your literally a monk.

idk where this idea of “tyrant mods” came from, when felhammer mods dont really do anything unless you straight up become hyper aggressive and start throwing slurs. people in any space have conflicting ideas and avenues they want for the spec, if your ideas cant hold up under pressure then maybe it wasnt a good idea to begin with.

that being said idk why people get extremely negative with the discord if they havent been in there to begin with

like it just sounds like you havent even went there, your just taking people from here word about it. keep in mind that weird guy whose on a crusade against mods is only stirring the pot cause he probably got yeeted for saying a slur or being hyper aggressive towards the dev when he was active there.

from the feedback ive read here and other there, they intersect alot. people want eyebeam to be good, people want some of the spinning plates hdh has to be pruned, no one actively shilled for 6 dps windows we only wanted essb and inertia.

the only unreasonable thing ive seen in this forum is the complete and utter removal of movers as a dps design, which is unfair for people who like movers. especially when it was aprt of the spec since its inception and only really has 1 tier per expansion where itwas better than demonic, until dragonflight where we had to option to take both demonic and movement.

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Sorry but current essb is cringe. Its not a good design and i dont know if the discord folks want or like current essb but if they do they are also out of touch

I dont understand why tf DH devs dont just give us a standard 20 or 30 seconds EB and the same for essb , and change essb from a weird frontal cone to just a self buff .

Rework aldrachi reaver, the king of cringest hero trees, buff and make more talents play around glaive tempest( maybe a talent that procs tempest also?)

Overall fix dh issues or rework. I hate how it is designed right now. Yikes man just yikes

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we wanted a burst cd and that what we got, we also suggested multiple improvements like making it a circle instead of a cone, make it not be parryable or even make it like (your next 4 cs or ds buffed) for consistency. mostly everyone here wants the same thing.

cause it also has to work with vdh, granted it should be reworked from the ground up. it vdh doesnt have a ability with the same umph as glaive tempest since soul carver is a 1min cd while tempest is a 25 second one.

Forums aren’t letting me switch. My main is Twin and I’ve played VDH and to a lesser degree Havoc to 3k the last two expansions. I’m not perfect but I have played the class extensively.

I switched to BrM as my main this season and tier because I haven’t played monk since early legion. But realistically, I switched because I hate Essence Break so much. You can’t even not play it because nothing else is even competitive.

Havoc is such a train wreck right now. I’m hopeful for upcoming changes, but seeing the track record it will be some overly complicated split second micro burst spec that only the top 1% of dedicated players will excel at. And if that’s where it lands again, my DH is parked again for another season.

Just stinks BrM is a mess too. Can’t win.


This right here is exactly the problem with the Felhammer Discord. They live in a fantasy land where the ‘mover build’ doesn’t directly spit in the eye of WoW’s core gameplay design. And anyone who dares to acknowledge that is immediately written off with some derogatory diminishment like calling them ‘unreasonable’.

The game is designed around making tight micro-adjustments to positioning to navigate area mechanics that become increasingly tighter and more punishing the further you get in the content. Zipping and flipping around in a roughly 20 yard radius just to maintain adequate DPS is antithetical to that core gameplay, and everyone with half a brain knows it. That’s one of many reasons why everyone I’ve talked to quit playing their DH, because the ‘mover build’ they were forced into by numbers was neither fun, nor effective, nor class fantasy. It was clunky, ineffective, and uninspired, and these new talent changes only make it worse.

If you wanna move for movement’s sake then go play DCUO or Neverwinter. They were designed for that type of play. WoW has not, is not and for the foreseeable future never will be designed for that type of gratuitous mobility play. So if you think Havoc should or needs to play that way - with gratuitous mobility spam - then WoW isn’t the game for you.


what kind of backward nonsense is this post? like holy mol,y

you want to get rid of a playstyle people like cause you dont like it? thats extremely selfish.

you know no movers and movers are on equal ground rn right? you are not forced into movers for your heroic raid runs man.

they aren’t on equal footing. you’re correct that it doesn’t matter in Heroic though. probably doesn’t particularly matter for the first four of mythic either.

regarding mover vs no mover. they’re not wrong that the design of the game doesn’t really support it. however, you’re allowed to like the play style. problem is, it’s just not particularly enjoyable as it stands. you’re moving to gain a buff or regen energy. That’s not interesting. It’s annoying.


thats fair and thats honestly fine

i fail to see what felhammer mods have anything to do with whats happening rn

they don’t, and this is coming from
someone who has gotten into it with them. there’s plenty of dissenting talk in the discord. it’s definitely not just “only mover supporters here.”

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at this point, probably the only thing that would make people happy would be splitting the specs into a mover focused and a non mover focused spec. However, then the problem becomes balancing them to both be viable in top tier content, as well as keeping certain aspects across the board. If they went that route, i don’t have a lot of faith that they’d be successful. just look at how bad they are at balancing other classes with multiple dps specs.

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Nah dont split anything because ot will be more of the same.

Just make both mover and not mover to be within 0.5-1% difference which technically its nothing so people can play what they enjoy. We ll quickly see most enjoy no mover but leave it as option because movers are also our DH brothers, they also have the right to enjoy their preferred build.

The problems atm isnt mover vs non mover. We arent there yet. Problems run down waaaayyyy deeper than that and honestly the changes sound tone deaf.

This is Shadarek wishlist in felhammer which i also agree

Personal Havoc Wishlist considering currently known 11.1 changes:

  1. Aldrachi Reaver Rework. It just feels bad, based off fury spent does sound better but this is simply not a fun design at all right now.
  2. Tier set sucks, either retuning or remake but it went back to our 2 core buttons with zero interaction again and is tuned significantly worse than our current tier set which is a better version of it.
  3. Buff the immolation aura damage amp % on Burning Wound, could also change Burning Wound to be ST only and swap positions with A Fire Inside to make it more ST/Prio Focused. I would prefer an ST/prio version but is fine as is just not impactful enough for low target cleave.
  4. Buff Trail of Ruin significantly to help with having damage outside of burst windows, trail used to help carry this and it does pitiful damage currently. Could be buffed 100% without being broken.
  5. Burning Blades is being changed to fire damage with no AMN, this is a fine nerf as currently it’s making CS/Anni pack far too much of a punch and nearing pushing blade dance out of the rotation entirely again.
  6. A Fire Inside changed from being a 30% chance to refund your charge of immolation aura to be a x% chance (30-40%) to cast a second immolation aura so it doesn’t take up so much of your global economy when you actually high roll. Currently high rolling does not feel good and extends out the already long opener. Ideally also converts immolation aura to chaos damage, this talent needs significantly higher value to be worthwhile with Inertia no longer tied to immolation aura.
  7. Cycle of Hatred renamed and changed to flat CDR with compensation of metamorphosis duration reduction. Moving from bigger meta to more small windows. (10/20s CDR, 4/8? seconds off metamorphosis duration)
  8. Buff Shattered Destiny from 0.1s per 12 fury spent to 0.25s per 10 fury spent, Capped at 5 seconds of increased duration. This will cause higher haste value to be able to consistently extend demonic windows to their full amount, while not having persistent metamorphosis be an issue.
  9. Make Fel Barrage interact with Burning Wound (same reason of it doing so little damage it is NOT WORTH THE FURY ON SINGLE TARGET yet this ability sqrt scales at 5 so it feels intended for low target cleave but doesn’t have high impact there)
  10. The Hunt - This button has become less and less satisfying, 100% mastery scaling may help make it feel better however I would ideally like it to be changed to apply the DoT in AoE around target hit instead of moving through targets to apply. DoT duration buff from 6 to 10 seconds? to increase value as a large 1.5 minute cooldown that feels entirely irrelevant right now.
  11. Inertia - Currently being significantly nerfed though I assume changes are planned, would like to see a moderate duration increase from 5 to 7 seconds with how it is being changed to being procced.
  12. Reduce (or remove) fury gain on Demon Blades/Bite on demonsurge from Fel-scarred, horrendously overcapping fury during cooldowns and never has issues with it and yet no way to properly spend. Buff Demonsurge, convert to chaos to match AMN removal and with the sqrt 8 capping it has lost the niche of incredible uncapped AoE power - buff 15-20% to compensate and fix Focused Hatred to not be at 40% on ST back to original 50%.
  13. Buff Blur as a 20% DR for our wall is not powerful enough in the current game environment where all other cooldowns have gotten such significant buffs. Leech can be re-tuned to offset if requires as current DH healing when it can be stuck to a target or during cooldowns is too high. An alternative to this is Netherwalk moved to baseline and a choice node in its spot added against Desperate Instincts that does not auto-proc blur but gives the 10% DR increase. This would shift us to 30% blur while also giving the choice for auto-proc 30% blur.
  14. Essence Break could use a slightly wider/longer hitbox as it is pretty inconsistent to hit on small hitboxes.
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i don’t agree with 12. we’re only swimming in fury inside buff windows (not the only class that has that). With FB applying inertia now, we’re not really going to be having that at our disposal for generation anymore. not to mention, it’s just overall poor design to have potential dead moments in your rotation.

I don’t agree with 14. it just needs to be 360 at this point. conal’s are just annoying in general. the window should also be increased.

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I dont agree with some either, but im posting it for forum visibility and some of those points are actually very decent.

Feels like the players have more good input that blizzard these days

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I’d rather them provide buffs to eyebeam that makes it a real ST nuke or AoE nuke. Make it replace essence break or change EssB to double or triple Eyebeam ST.

Eyebeam is our core identity. How did we move so far away that it’s there as just another amp for our essence break micro window?