Demon Hunter changes are garbage

Whoever came up with these changes for 11.1 needs a good ole fashioned bus shock.

The majority of the changes are doubling down on short burst windows, and movement based damage. Basically, the exact problems people have with this entire class. It does sit damage outside of narrow windows, and have to f#@k yourself off to narnia to do damage. This just isn’t compatible with bad stuff on the ground, and is even worse when just cant do it because you would pull extra adds in M+.


Learn to read.

  • Movement as damage is now a CHOICE. You can use Felblade instead of Fel Rush to trigger the Inertia buff. That alone completely removes ALL movement from the rotation. (You can VR + Felblade and you won’t move at all)
  • Cycle of Hatred changes remain to be see how they are exactly, but this looks like Eye Beam is going to a flat 20s reduction, so no more uptime requirement which is GOOD
  • We are getting the DF S3 tier set back. How is that bad???
  • AMN is gone, and without something to give us back mastery scaling on magic, Fel Scarred is 100% dead, but maybe there’s something else we are not seeing.

Most changes are good.


It looks like they try to do a middle ground with the move vs no move builds, now momentun and sinergy can get activate by FelBlade instead of just fel rush BUT making it link to vengeful retreat and the hunt makes it look like a BIG nerf for me, its just less procs on m+ where we could get 2 fel aura.

The DH tier set also look like a joke by itself, when you compare to other dps tier sets then…

The only thing that look good on that is the Demonsurge buff if they fix the dam thing to do damage AOE like they make it sound on the description instead of only on the target.

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I’m looking forward to the changes. Being to choose between a buffed AOE and a buffed single target attack is a great thing.

It seems like they are trying to force people off of fel scarred and on to the other hero spec But, the changes themselves are not the best all things considering. The removal of by any means necessary itself is a huge detriment to the class.


Both Hero trees take AMN in all builds. Its not going to push people to Aldrachi. Its a pretty big overall nerf to Havoc.


Exactly this
Mastery is useless now and that’s our biggest stat


we dont have another hero spec

it is significantly more impactful for fel-scarred than it is for aldrachi. The change to demonsurge and the fact that inertia/unbound is being moved away from immo aura also hurt fel-scarred.

Tell me you’ve never pressed FB without saying “I’ve never pressed FB”

That crap fails to move you more often than not. So you press VR, and then FB and you end up yeeted into gd Deshaan because the FB movement failed to trigger and cancel your backwards momentum from VR.

Sorry they arent trying to buff non mover, whatever dev that likes mover is forcing you to double down on it.

The DH changes are crapola. Almost as bad as their “we really put about 20 minutes of thought into this during a working lunch” tier set bonuses.


And what ability do you need to press first before either of those?

Learn to read indeed lol


Demonsurge is fire damage!

It just got massively nerfed with Any means necessary being removed. It no longer benefits from mastery. So for me that is nearly a 50% nerf if i have sigil down (which i do for every eye beam)


What makes this worse is no PTR. You could have a 6 IQ and read this and know if they only make these changes we are screwed. PTR is needed because they can not, for the life of themselves, figure out how to balance classes correctly.

“Demonsurge now deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets” is a nerf. It currently does damage beyond 8 targets without it being reduced (excluding focused hatred stuff)

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I thought it was reduced beyond one target right now?

I think that part is a buff.

That’s Focused Hatred. Basically the way it’s supposed to work (in a magic land without bugs) is on 1 target it does 150% damage, then 10% less for each target down to 100% (not any lower). It’s getting bonus damage on 1 target because of another talent, not less damage on multiple targets from its own scaling. 6 targets is 100%, 7 is 100%, same with 10 targets right now. This will make it so that at 7 targets demonsurge does 100% damage, but at 8 targets or more it gets reduced.

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Gonna repost this because they removed it:

I agree but for different reasons.

ARs play style is garbage. This is why NO ONE PLAYS IT. God forbid you have to do a mechanic and miss a glaive window.
Fel Sacred got nerfed in what I assume is an attempt to push people to AR.

Inertia still requires movement. Hunt is a 1.5m CD which means most of the time you have to use Vengeful Retreat. They want you to Vengeful Retreat cancel using fel blade. The problem with this method is that they keep introducing mechanics that do not allow for you to do this(Mythic princess intermission or court for example) People want a true no movement build and they are ignoring us. You could swap to “Exergy” but at 5% for 20 seconds its significantly worse than inertia and our single target, even with inertia, is terrible.

Whoever is in charge of changes to DH has no idea what they are doing and can not be playing DH. If they are, the extent to which they are playing cant surpass just doing delves.

We need a real rework and not this garbage.

Edit: I left out Any Means Necessary being removed. Whoever decided that needs to be fired. You cant do this without significant buffs to us overall and not this stupid, moronic, 1-4% increase on some spells/attacks.


Im still waiting for any meaningful change to survivability. Currently DH has basically zero way to stay alive in pvp. Every burst window is easy to shut down, the class can’t escape from anything. And you have almost no way to self heal to any meaningful degree

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Its mind boggling how bad they have been with class balance. ~700m a year, off just this game, and they have yet to figure it out.

These changes look really fun especially with the throw glaive talent. Glad they responded to our feedback!

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