Demon Hunter 3rd spec concept- Felstalker

Its viable when Blizz want it to be as show by SL S4.

Hunters are also the class that threw an absolute hissy fit when Blizzard updated the bear model to have more than 30 polygons, so it’s not surprising to hear that they’re also the most unreasonably angry about something else. Some of us are used to getting hit by that secondhand embarrassment by this point.

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Hunters came with three specs already. What happened was Blizzard decided to change one of them.

Because Survival had no role and thus there was no real reason to even bother with it, so noone did. Why would anyone choose to play the worst ranged DPS hunter spec? It lacked the convenience of BM and the high keystroke high damage output potential of MM that appealed to Mythic raiders.

Giving Survival a different role to fulfill put it in the best place it could be. And in such a way that it could appeal to the broadest range of players. Surv isn’t so difficult to learn that it would be off-putting to novice players, and the ability to go from ranged to melee is an appealing feature for high end play.

I think maybe something like a pet healing class.

Although the favorite part for me on demonhunters is the blue mage like learning of abilities from your enemies.

I would like to see a spec for them that does that. And maybe turns all the magic they consume into chaos magic.

Like there new mastery talent.

We saw Illidan almost forcibly turned holy aligned. So it would be nice to see demonhunters using all sorts of magic, like holy, shadow( some in use), water, earth, wind, (they use fire already), death (shadowlands), nature (shadowlands spells), arcane (already use in defenses with tattoos), and all the sub variants.

A ranged spec like old demo warlocks would be cool. Maybe a pet healing class too. That synergizes with summoned demons to heal allies. Or maybe just a cooldown like Summon Fel Priestess to summon like a Shivan or fel Naaru.

Rexxar was a Beast Mastery Hunter until Legion changed his spec to cover it up.

But Blizzard had to really go out to get it viable. They had to give it a proc and a Legendary that made them so strong that it made them a top dps. It wasn’t a good design choice as it just made SV popular for a patch than forgotten as soon as DF launched.

I’m already considering anything after the end of Legion as bad fanfiction, what’s one more retcon to add to the list?

He’s been a Beastmaster since Warcraft 3.

I don’t care. From Rexxar we got pets. We did not need to also take melee, because being melee was secondary to being a Beastmaster. We already had plenty of classes to cover the the physical melee DPS archetype including the one you’re posting from. Hunters should have focused on ranged weapons because that was unique in this game. And we did focus on that until the Legion class dev team turned up in their shortbus.

Yeah. Figures.

And, as I said, viability is not the concern when it comes to whether or not melee Survival was a good idea. It’s been viable in almost every patch since and including Legion. It’s viable right now.

“The spec can be viable if they tune it up” is an absolutely worthless measure of whether a spec design is good because it’s necessarily true for not only every spec in the game but literally any spec you could come up with. You could make a spec that casts 1 attack every 5 seconds but that attack does 1 million damage. That spec would be a must-have in every piece of content and more than just “viable”. It would also be an extremely bad design.

What on earth are you referring to here…

Hunters aren’t being unreasonable for being unhappy with a spec they largely didn’t ask for and didn’t want coming in as a replacement to an existing spec they enjoyed.

What in the world are you going on about? Survival was a very capable and widely enjoyed ranged spec. Just look at the current situation for Hunters in classic WotLK:

It was also very widely used in Cata, MoP, and even into early WoD.

You clearly have a poor recollection of the status of SV as a ranged spec.

Lol!? Making it melee cemented it as a worse Hunter so now most Hunters avoid it outright. You cannot seriously be talking to me about broadening SV’s appeal by making it melee when it’s the game’s least played spec now.

You seem to stick to talking about hypotheticals rather than the actual reality. It’s no use explaining to me why it could be appealing (why would losing your ability to be a ranged DPS be appealing for high end play, anyway?). The reality is that SV is an underplayed and largely ignored spec, while ranged SV was a broadly played spec.

Did Rogues and Warriors not have a bow slot back in vanilla? Maybe it would be odd on warrior but a ranged weapon is definitely fitting for a rogue and it’s a waste of potential class fantasy for it to not have a spec focused on using one. I’ve wanted to see a rogue spec reworked into ranged for just as long as I’ve wanted a fitting melee hunter spec. Ideally Subtlety since it’s got a pretty flimsy spec identity.

I don’t particularly enjoy survival if that’s what you’re snarking about.

pretty sure we have this already…it’s called the demonology tree of the warlock class.

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I’m not an oldie at this game clutching pearls. I think this would be really cool!

except we already have a spec just like this its called demonology.
felhunter check (its the same thing as a felstalker just smaller.)
dot and melee based class. check. (uses metamorphis)

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Beast Mastery could have been given a melee option it would only have to replace Barbed Shot switch with Lacerate, and Cobra Shot/Multi Shot becomes Raptor Strike/Carve.

if you want melee survival is waiting for you…

They did not have abilities that used the ranged weapon and therefore couldn’t realistically fight with it. That was unique to Hunter.

I don’t give a damn if you wish that there were more ranged weapon specs in the game. There aren’t, and we still lost one for a pointless melee spec. Wishing it didn’t happen like that doesn’t excuse it. Wish in one hand and crap in the other and see which one fills up first.

Subtlety’s spec identity is fine and it does not need to become a ranged spec. That would introduce huge problems for the Rogue class. Generally mixing ranged and melee DPS in the same class is a difficult situation and should be avoided as much as possible (i.e. kept to just the vanilla cases Druid and Shaman), not deliberately introduced to more classes.

I don’t care whether this particular iteration of melee Hunter appeals to you because the problem is the concept of a melee Hunter and that’s the concept that you, a melee player who only has a Hunter as an alt, are defending here.

The idea is to have melee as an option within BM rather than a separate spec to itself. It makes a lot more sense.

  • It’s a more fair compromise since most Hunters don’t want melee so it doesn’t make sense to have an entire spec devoted to it

  • It lets us focus on a ranged Survival like what we used to have (after all the spec should be resourceful and cautious not “charge in and swing a 2 hander around crazily like a Warrior”)

  • As a pet spec it’s a much better fit and it lets us keep the pet-centric aspects to one spec rather than awkwardly borrowing them to SV

This is what I was hoping to see when Blizzard was going to remake the talents. We be able to use abilities from other specs and create our own play-styles. However, we just got less versatility in our specs and lost some abilities that Hunters had from start.

You’ve stolen enough from my class, you one button wonders.


LOL! What in the world are YOU on about? No it wasn’t. Surv was either ever a fringe never-played spec or the meme hunter spec. There was no in between.

Yeah. I’m getting old, but not THAT old.

Not my problem. Not a hill I feel like dying on. You might as well go argue with someone about water being wet or sunlight being bright. I have no desire to argue about the obvious.

The reality is that any revamp of Surv was putting lipstick on a pig. Making it a melee spec was just the prettiest shade of lipstick. That’s about ALL I’m saying. That’s the reality.

Because if you’d ever raided on any real difficulty you’d know that some boss fights are better handled with a certain composition of melee and ranged players. Especially fights that concentrate a lot of ground mechanics indiscriminantly on DPS regardless of whether they’re ranged or melee. The size of the boss’s hitbox also factors into it.

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They cant even give us fixes for our current one, why add a third on top of it

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Can you just leave pets with the Hunters and warlocks please? Thank you. Demon Hunters don’t need a third spec. 2 specs are fine. Lets not break what’s kinda okay right now (compared to SL, ST on DH is really bad right now). Not to mention, dots were the main issue with all Demon Hunters all of SL seasons 3 and 4. Thank god we no longer have to have that playstyle anymore. Melee Affliction lock.