Demon Hunter 3rd spec concept- Felstalker

Something like a “jailer” spec. Using cages and traps to immobilize the enemy.

From what I’ve seen, they could have called it “Warden” and just gave it more of the abilities used by the NPCs of the same faction instead of the standard Demon Hunter ones.

Legion introduced Fel wardens that could have been a DH spec. They could have been Wardens who became corrupt by fel, and were cast aside with no other option by to join the Illidari.

Should be Warden imo.

Just revive the old Ranged Survival kit maybe with a reduced range to compensate for the base DH mobility (make it 20-25 yards).

Make it a midrange brawler bleeding stuff while throwing Shurikens.

I’d actually make a DH if they did that.


Because there always should’ve been a melee spec on hunters as far back as Vanilla.

Blizzard just picked the wrong spec. Should’ve been BM since you guys have Rexxar to thank for the class’ pet mechanics in the first place.

Survival hunter was intended from the creation to be a melee focused spec. In fact its original name was “Outdoorsmanship” and had Lacerate as its last talent point. However, that ability was extremely weak, so by 1.7 it was removed for Wyvern Sting.

Blizzard gave hunters a melee kit for when we had no other choice but to use close combat. But, all of our attacks were weak and designed for hunter to get back to range.

This is why hunters lost all melee abilities by 5.0 as Hunters were a range focused class, and with removal of dead zone there was no longer a need for melee.

I’m still sore about what happened to SV myself.


I really wanted Illidan to flip to the light and that be DHs third spec

we can poach current melee survival from hunters to give to DH. and bring back ranged survival

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I don’t want to be a BM like build. If they were going to give us anything, I wouldn’t mind some form of “ranged” DPS but at the end of the day I am happy with our two builds.

I would love a crossbow wielding 3rd spec. I also like your idea.

Oh god another debate about Survival. Incoming Bepples essay.

Survival is fine as is, its been proven to be viable when Blizz actually makes it viable, its just number tuning.

I wouldn’t mind the old playstyle to be revived within another class though

Since the Demonology rework, I’ve wanted an Elemental spec that summons little elementals with their abilities.

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But what about his edgy darkness?

Call them and they will come.

I’ve been having on enough arguments about Surv with him since LEGION.

I would go with warden or maybe they could add a dual wielding pistol spec.

Would you like to know why? Because Blizzard didn’t want carbon copy Everquest classes, while shamelessly ripping off Sony and everyone else they could. That’s why there’s not a Bard class by the way. Let me give you a timeline. December 2001 Sony releases Shadows of Luclin for Everquest which happens to include a Beastlord class. Two years later Blizzard releases WCIII: The Frozen Throne with a Bonus campaign featuring … guess who? That’s right. Rexxar. I invite you to consider Blizzard’s development cycle and do a little math here.

Yeah. The bottom line is I have Sony to thank for my pet mechanics. And if you’re curious? Yes, Sony BL pets in Velk’s Lab were every bit the Sh–show that BM pets are in any dungeon with a Z axis.

Eh. Honestly? I think Surv as a melee spec is probably the most viable iteration of any that spec has ever had, my own bias aside. I recall getting irritated at people getting right up in my Hunter’s face during BC due to the deadzone. I picked up both the Merciless Swords just for the surprise value of people trying to hug their way out of death only to get wing clipped and raptor struck.

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Are you aware that by the end of S4 there were more BM players in M+ than SV players despite BM being vastly worse in damage output? More Hunters were willing to take an enormous personal DPS hit than play SV. Can you name any other spec in the game where it’s own class is so resistant to playing it?

People’s grievances with SV are rarely tuning-based so high tuning does not fix the underlying issues.

You cannot fix SV with tuning alone.

This was never a “live and let live” situation. I got to play what I liked in ranged SV, then Blizzard removed it.

BM and MM are good specs but they are not what ranged SV was.

There should not have.

Notice how Warriors always have the absolute worst Hunter class design takes.

It’s evidently far from fine because we are almost 7 years in and scarcely anyone is happy with it.

It’s been viable in almost every single patch since becoming melee including the current one. We are so far beyond pretending tuning is the problem.

Lol? Why should the ranged version be evicted to another class? That was the one that was actually derivative of the Hunter foundation. If anything melee SV is the one that should get evicted.

SV has been a dumpster fire since Legion, so which one of us has been proven right?

Why think that? SV did very well as a ranged spec.

You do know Rexxar, The Beastmaster, who inspired the core pet aspect of the class and the basic themes of 2 specs was melee, right? At the very least, one of the specs should’ve been designed around melee from day 1 to reflect that, and what better choice than the spec literally named after Rexxar’s hero class?

The class I’m maining in this expansion doesn’t have anything to do with my opinion on this topic. It’s been the same since the day I started playing. I started in legion playing both hunter and rogue and my hunter is still among my most frequently played alts.

That you’d put more or less weight on someone’s opinion based on their forum character’s class is hilariously pathetic.

Notice how Bepples is always a moron.

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Felstalker is literally the name of my warlock’s dog pets.