Demon Hunter 3rd spec concept- Felstalker

I saw an image in an article that had a Demon Hunter with a Felstalker by them, and thought that it might be a interesting concept for a third spec.

Felstalkers are more beastly than felhounds, and some Illidari use them against the Burning Legion. So, it might work as a possibility for a Demon Hunter pet specification.

The Demon Hunter would power up their pet with fel energy, and the Felstalker would apply infectious and disease-ridden bites laced with “all sorts of foul magics”, whic could add different inflictions.

Idea is spec that be focused on melee and DoTs, like a rogue with a pet. Just a thought but not a really going to happen.


Maybe this time they steal spells from a hunter like throw glaives and become a ranged class


Thoughts are on a BM hunter or Rogue in that the Demon Hunter uses melee abilities to cause bleeding that power the Felstalker own attacks.

You use the pet to apply DoTs and debuffs while just being support.

Eyes Glazed Over

Remember when they tried to come up with a 3rd spec for Hunters? Yeah. That went well.


I liked SV hunter’s first version. It was busy and needed polishing, but was more active than what it is now.

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Yeah. The whole idea of a melee hunter though? I just took one look at it and thought: Why? There aren’t enough melee raid slots as it is and you want to add another melee spec? Is a raid leader going to pick a Surv Hunter over a Ret Paladin? Or a Rogue? Or a Warrior? NO. Two of those have raid useful buffs and Rogue DPS is high enough that they’re getting nerfed patch after patch.


You can recreate that in-game right now; just go stand next to a Felstalker on a Demon Hunter!

Can also photoshop it. Point is a DH that controls a pet to fight with.

Are you aware that survival hunter was a top tier dps in season 3 of shadowlands? cuz it was. Like literally so good people thought it was required for any serious m+

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It’s set bonus along with its Legendary made it over powered. It took Blizzard to break SV just to make it viable otherwise it would be at the bottom, which is were is is now again. SV is lacking in basic utilities that other melee specs have, like just survivability. It needs far more work before it will be taken seriously.

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Blizzard wants people who play hunters to melee? Yeah. I got that. Yes, I politely clapped for the meter position of the one person in our raid who played Surv Hunter… after asking why he played Surv Hunter to begin with. Of course, he also plays an Enhancement Shaman so my guess is that he has a predisposition to getting right up on top of what he’s fighting. Personally, I prefer to stand back a good little bit and play perfume sniper while my pet growls and snarls, claws the air drawing blood, and generally acts all MEAN.


Well its a good thing marksman and beastmaster exist then. Your friend gets to play what they like and so do you.

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Wouldn’t they then hunt their own pet? This is just weird.

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Fodder to the Flame but it attacks enemies instead of the DH lol.

A mix between BM and Demo Lock but still have melee abilities maybe.

Sorry i got a bit off topic there. Would it perhaps work to have the felstalker as a capstone talent in the dh tree that enhances specific utility aspects of the dh like maybe having a psuedo interrupt and higher stealth seeing capabilities with perhaps a minor healing reduction? Just spitballin here.

This why I went with Felstalker as the option as they are closer to a beast than a demon. It’s same as when felboars were originally labeled as demons, they’re demons yet have characteristics of beasts.

BM/Rogue, they rely on a pet to spread fel sickness.

I wish we could customize our transformation forms and switch to them in battle like the Dracthyr, not just for two abilities. We could revert out of combat, or choose to stay that way. I mean, it’s part of who we are.


The third specialization should have been whatever Alari does. She’s using a Scythe rather than the typical warglaives, and seems to be quite adept at imprisoning demons rather than simply killing them. I don’t know if that could translate to a fun set of abilities for a player though.

As long as we get to use a crossbow or some other weapons that differ from Havoc. More options sounds nice.