It’s always going to be a weak argument, but it’s useful for the “why solo players are here playing an MMO” argument to point out that WoW was originally marketed as a game solo players could enjoy.
LOL bro what did you want? Players have been asking for open world, solo and small group prog forever and we finally have it.
T8 is the same gear you get from a M+4 but you can do them solo or with less than a full group in 15 or 20 min.
And even if they added more Tiers to bump up the rewards you wouldn’t be able to do them.
hell, the entire original pitch of wow was “this game in general is infinitely more casual than Everquest, a game where a death means potentially walking back to your corpse naked through several extremely deadly high level zones just to get your gear back”
I get that, and yes it’s a weak argument.
I talk in /1 all the time.
There isn’t a play session goes by I’ve said noting in chat.
I’m very much a social player.

this game in general is infinitely more casual than Everquest
yep, I played EQ. Having to group just to quests sucked, glad we got WoW

LOL bro what did you want? Players have been asking for open world, solo and small group prog forever and we finally have it.
T8 is the same gear you get from a M+4 but you can do them solo or with less than a full group in 15 or 20 min.And even if they added more Tiers to bump up the rewards you wouldn’t be able to do them.
me? nothing. I want nothing. Nothing wow can provide will ever be the sort of thing I;m interested in because I play for the story., level some alts. stick around to try the dungeons of the expansion and then quit because progression content will never interest me.
Delves were at least interesting as something I could solo on my aug evoker but after the buffs to enemy damage and health even doing a t5 in gear 15 ilvls above recommended it is like pulling teeth and taking 30 minutes to do one is way above my patience level

We have no interrupt and struggle to deal with these mechanics.
It’s actually almost comical that priest is literally the ONLY class in the game that does not have a true interrupt. Shadow gets silence, but that’s not the same thing and it’s shadow only.
This my concern. I am lock and I have tried multiple specs and I am suddenly still getting my butt handed to me. On stuff I was able to do. It is not mechanics either. I cannot dodge or stun regular attacks and it is not me pulling too much, this is usually during situations where the delve sends waves right at you.
Brann is useless now and Enemies ignore my tank pets taunt. I can’t use one of my interrupts for need for some mobs because it is tied to a pet that cannot tank so the mobs two shot me. At least before brann could tank some of mobs for me. Now he just gets killed constantly. last delve i did he was dead EVERY fight.
Warcraft was a solo game, World of Warcraft was not.
Because I was responding to someone to whom this was a point. I’m assuming you failed to read; that’s OK, finding context is hard for some people.

I can’t use one of my interrupts for need for some mobs because it is tied to a pet that cannot tank
Does the Felguard not have an interrupt anymore with Axe Toss?

Warcraft was a solo game, World of Warcraft was not.
curious then that the thing that made vanilla wow different than pretty much all MMOs before it was it was the first big one where you could level alone.
Can’t wait to see how weak Brann is now post hotfix, hopefully he’s not too terrible.
Spoiler: He is terrible.
Metzen is story and lore, not gameplay mechanics.

Warcraft was a solo game, World of Warcraft was not.
Said it was, right on the box.

Evoker is fine for +8.
Don’t mistake people struggling with people playing correctly and still failing.
I’ve not gotten to an 8 delve yet. And I don’t see how your comment actually makes sense when it seems to not matter if the delve setup is broken.

Except they seem to have broken everything in the wrong direction.
Stuff on Tier 8 solo now hits for 20m+.
That’s normal. Blizzard didn’t want people doing the highest level in devles till we are in S4 where everyone is in 1000+ ilvl.
Each time they are doing a hotfix, it’s worse and worse.
Three days ago, i was able to solo some T8 (i have the required ilv, just 600) but now it’s too long and impossible sometimes because of unavoidable damages.
On top of that Zekvir made a return since the last hotfix and i hate it, as if it’s not hard enough…
I’m forced to do it in group now if i want a chance to complete the bountiful delves.
I though that it was supposed to be doable in solo? Not for every classes it seems.
I’m at the recommended item level for a tier 8 solo yet I feel like I am still getting chucked.
I’m not trying to flex my own ego here but I’m a good player and I know what to do here such interrupts, defensives, etc.
Making brann heal does provide a solution, his healing wasnt too bad but I feel like there should come to a point where you dont need him to heal that much solo.
I dont know I’m just coming here to post just how I feel right now.
Do feel so bad now after not being able to complete a T6 Skittering at 571 on my ret. Spinshroom took me 4 tries on a T5, with Hand of Glory being 90% of my holy power spending during the delve. Will have to see next weekend after maybe getting a couple upgrades.