Delves Tuning, Sept 12th


As per usual these are poorly thought out and implemented changes. One wipe in a full group and the delve is bricked. Hell in some cases some classes don’t have enough defensives to survive those unavoidable AoE abilities.

Once again blizzard addressed the problem in the worst possible way they could.


Blizz is on to something with these Delves as I’m having a blast playing them, but I’m starting to run into a brick wall with mysterious and unavoidable attacks that make it extremely hard to feel like I’ll ever progress. Yeah… more gear in time will help, but when I successful interrupt an ability only for a HUGE poison dot to just show up on my player for no apparent reason, it’s unsatisfying.


I did notice in Underkeep, those abominations’ AoE was killing everyone in the group. I ended up soloing 2/3 and on the third only 1 DPS was alive at the end.


Are these live right now?

Yes, and they messed it up entirely.

Mirror Master Murkna Melee hit You 5,072,064 Physical. (16,918,730 Overkill).

Tier 8.



I figured they would hotfix this. And I also assumed that instead of addressing the wild scaling of solo Delves, they would only fix the inappropriate scaling of grouped Delves.


Except they seem to have broken everything in the wrong direction.

Stuff on Tier 8 solo now hits for 20m+.


Sounds like they’ve been live for a couple of hours at least.

As a tank or as a DPS? I know tanks were already being hit harder even before these hotfixes because reasons, but I think it’s still important to mention role for now to try to feel this stuff out a bit more.

Prot warrior, tier 8 solo.

I have Immortal Spelunker and Nemesis.


… did they not NERF incoming damage in larger groups? Pretty sure that’s what that says.

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Tone deaf changes from the devs. They completely ignored the horrendous issue with scaling with solo players and now just made it WORSE for groups.

/golfclap Good job Blizzard


T5 bosses are dealing over 10 million damage right now. There has to be something wrong with this hot fix.


Yes, or so they say. But what Shock is saying is that a single wipe is far more detrimental now compared to pre-fix.

Pre-fix, if people died, just raise them after the fight and you’re good. Post-fix, a wipe will kill all of your 'Lives" immediately even if people don’t release.


I suspected it was as a tank spec yeah, and these hotfixes sound like a cluster regardless. I’m curious what damage looks like against a DPS now, as if it wasn’t already bad enough. But maybe the hotfixes were proportionally worse for tanks than they were for DPS?

Can confirm that these changes missed on every possible front. The problem with Delves was that they were ridiculously poorly scaled for 1-3 players, with 1 player taking unsustainable amounts of damage and/or not having enough kicks to deal with the average Web Blast and 2-3 players having mobs that have less HP/do significantly less damage than they would with a single player.

Nobody liked having to burn through those 260M HP lobsters in the Underkeep with a 5-man group. They took way, way too long to kill. Making everything have more HP but still having them be very lethal is a massive L and makes this content significantly less fun.

And the worst thing is that this isn’t fixing the fact that this is horribly scaled content for a single player, either; they’re just even harder in groups now.


Unless it’s a big nerf I can still see it being problematic for some classes. Not to mention it doesn’t address solo runs still


Yeah, completely clueless as always. a T8 solo trash mob shouldn’t be able to hit me for 4 mil hp, let alone getting 2 shot by a boss auto attack. If I was failing mechanics, sure. But trying to do content that’s meant to be soloable when it, in fact, is not half of the time is ridiculous. So rather than bring solos in line with groups, you just make groups insufferable too? Jesus. At the very least give Brann a bloody tank spec so we aren’t getting constantly deleted if you insist on making poorly tuned content worse. Delves were so exciting its sad to see how hard they’ve been fumbled.


Untested emergency “fix” to push people towards mythic dungeons which take longer, clear as day.