Delves Tuning, Sept 12th

I haven’t tried it because my Priest isn’t even lvl 70 yet, but I’ve seen others say that Disc can do it so when I get her to that content I’ll be swapping from Shadow to Disc to try it out.

You just described how WOW end game has functioned for 20 years.

Yep. its why despite having played since classic I participated in endgame for like, 2 tiers of cataclysm raiding content and then decided I was happier levelling alts and doing roleplaying than touching endgame.

It’s more that I think there exist many tiers of difficulty in this game below the threshold where mythic dungeon runners wake up in the morning.

I’m not entirely convinced delves can serve both the competitive and non-competitive ends of the community without the competitive community completely taking over the feedback and focus.

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Everything should be easier in a group. Synergistic scaling is why that is the case.

That’s why we need Tiers for all of these systems. It allows for all playstyles to succeed.

The problem seems to be that most players are looking at Delves right now and think they should only be doing 8’s for the max reward when many should be treating them like the other end game prog systems.

Stay Shadow it’s pretty easy if you push buttons.

This 100% yet we still got players saying this is a skill issue, it is not.


They already have. They’re going on and on about how it’s just a “get gud” issue same as they do for everything else and it’s fine like it is now and doesn’t need to be changed.


This is my point. Delves were a fun challenge… now they are just a headache. they keep catering to the competitive crowd instead of letting people enjoy the content. And shame on player saying it is a skill or get gud issue. It is not. I could do hard delves with a challenge successfully. now lower tier delves are too hard due to dumb mechanics and adjustments.


sounds like every m+ and raid ever

well yeah. because literally every article written about delves on places like wowhead or every advice people give ingame because of said articles is “if you’re not doing t8s and getting the best gear possible you;re wasting your keys like a dumb idiot, you;re not a dumb idiot, are you?”

Like the last 5 or 6 wow head articles about delves are about “how to maximize your key amounts before t8s come out” or “heres the easiest delves to beat today so you get your t8s done with ease” or “waterworks sucvs so much why is it in the bountiful rotation for t8s”(personally I like waterworks)

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Delves will be dead by the end of the month unless they change something. Before this “balance change” I was doing tier 8s, it wasn’t easy but also wasn’t hard, now I can’t do them period. I blame a major factor in this problem being class balance, some classes can steam roll delves while others cannot. I run into packs now that literally 2 shot my pet and 3 shot me and this is while poping cooldowns, I will not be wasting my time with this content until something is done to revert this.

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You’re only 585 iLevel and the reco is over 600.

I have multiple cutting edge achievements and raid in a top guild. Delve tuning is broken, it’s not fun for it’s intended audience. As of Tuesday I do not care one whit about delves, they’re meaningless to me - but I see where they are failing the intended audience.


What is the intended audience for delves?

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Solo and groups of 2-5

Solo is possible, so is group.

Sounds like working as intended.

We needed this information why?
Asking for a friend.

the problem here being that Blizzard was surprised and knee-jerk reacted when the keyrunners rolled through the week before their own content opened.

now they’re gone and delve players are left with their wreckage because Blizzard didn’t expect it.

I’d really like to cause some major changes to mythic next week without being the target demographic for that but alas, I only get the short end of the stick, never the long.

shame on me for believing Metzen it’d change, back to subbing only a single month at the end of an expac to play through all the content after they’ve stopped being stubborn and given up.

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