Delves Tuning, Sept 12th

You literally cannot interrupt more than the cooldown.
And not every spec has 390458309476093475609548 stops for when their actual interrupt is on CD.


Right, but some people donā€™t use their stops or even know they exist.

yeah, as the person soloing t5s on aug evoker who does no raiding outside LFR and no mythics at all Iā€™d say your experience in delves and mine are entirely different

sure, but if you;re like a disc priest or an aug evoker or something else with only a couple stops and very few of them being hard CC, the delves become infinitely harder.

Yes, this would help. But when ever I enter to do a delve, Iā€™m only offered dps. No tank, no healerā€¦So whatā€™s the point in doing these if you were promised differently at the beginning of the game?

Iā€™m dps myself, so I only have limited self heals for me and my pets, not to mention my only interrupt has a ridiculously longer cool down that canā€™t account for another need almost immediately after the first one. But all I get is another dps out of Brandā€¦nothing else. Since this past patch, I canā€™t solo any delve at all, because they are so incredibly over powered for a solo player, it is worthless to even try as a hunter.

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Why are you putting aug on the same level as disc priest?

yeah as a warrior with only a single interrupt and a spell reflect which only works on single target spells and only the first spell if itā€™s an arcane missile like ability, the herald casters which have 2-3 spells that need to be kicked avoided consistently are really painful.

Your fear can also interrupt.

And defensives can help you live a few that do go off.

heralds are immune to fear and stuns, they took away most of warriors defensive abiliities in war within that we had in DF as baseline. they remove ignore pain for example from Fury warrior, we only really have defensive stance, Enrage regeneration and Bitter immunity. And in many delves LoS just doesnā€™t work as theyā€™ll just cast through walls

When you open Brannā€™s little UI and click on Combat Role, you donā€™t get the option for Healer?


There are mechanics in these delves at high tier that are designed ,seemingly, to make people quit this game intentionally. This same situation happened in d4 when you had multiple 1 shot mechanics all happening in uniform while fighting an encounter that is trying to force you into them, and solo u cant counter or use mitigation skills for all 3 while trying to heal from the unavoidable burst.

Its terrible design but its a habit of blizzards where they pretend to design content for solo players but put mechanics that require 2 or more players to avoid, and then justify it by pointing to the upgrade system that was supposedly put in to reduce the differential between raiders and soloers. However because of the encounter system the upgrades become mandatory at higher tiers where you will need to out gear by 10 or more gs to have the required stamina to not die over and over again.

Its semi hilarious that only blizzard can turn fun games into unfun games in a matter of weeks. And thats wild coming from me a person who prefers harder encounters. The rewards are just not worth the waste of time.


No, that is not what I see. Note: Bliz wonā€™t let me repost your image.

All I get is the dps option, nothing else. Also my Bronzebeard is not that high either. I was only at level 3 delves completed, trying for level 4 delve.

if you hit ā€œiā€, click ā€œDelves,ā€ and then ā€œConfigure,ā€ can you change the Combat Role on your end?

I am not in a delve, just cruising around Hallowfall and noticed your comments.

Absolutely not for tank + healer (going by 9/13 Earthcrawl numbers). You can solo them as a lower ilvl alt much faster than you can do them as a tank + healer. The HP levels in 2 mans are insane, possibly balanced around 2x DPS.

I probably cleared t8 Earthcrawl twice as fast as a 580 ilvl tank alt solo than doing it with 600 ilvl tank + healer.

I can solo a 4 or maybe a 5 but itā€™s not fun at all for me going so slow and pulling one mob at a time.

Who asked for this?


Are you guys going to do something about Tala and Velo hitting for 2 MILLIONS and a half each web blast and venom volley?

Did anyone manage to beat these goobers?

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Pretty much DKs and Gaurdian druids are still safe they can walk and speed run to +9 in crap gear as is. Even unholly delv build can get 22mil hp and take 0 dmg practically. Gaurdian druids regen keeps them full and they take little dmg. So perfect for delv groups since they can solo all delv content.
But if your a Demon Hunterā€¦you get shredded like papermachet even in tank spec top gear, should tell Blizzard there is a major flaw if they looked at stats. Low regen+ they stupid dmg reducing nerf they did on DH a wile back, like the DH devs sleeping on the job.
Priests and some of the other classes cant even solo.
I forsee people using gold to buy runs off DKs and Gaurdian druids.

I actually did, when they were still showing up in 8s. And I honestly couldnt tell you how. And it was my first time seeing them. They hit me so hard, that within second of the fight I was like ā€œHOLY F^@%ā€ and bubbled and just ran, and kept running. Almost back to the beginning of the delve. Hiding and trying keep LoS, along the way. When I finally popped my head out, one was at half health and the other was dead, back where I originally saw them. And even that thing, alone, at half health, was rough.

Delve tuning is all over the place. Some delves are fine in a group while others have super hard hitting mobs.

Itā€™s not just groups. This is happening in Solo as well. I just donā€™t get how itā€™s someoneā€™s job to design these things and they get this stuff wrong time after time.