Delves Tuning, Sept 12th

But they were not like that, until the hotfix our entire guild was splitting into groups to help everybody get up to T8 and clear to get their 603 gear. It was a super fun guild activity where EVERYBODY was getting good gear, everybody was happy and laughing then the hotfix came out mid run and al of a sudden a group with all raiders just having some fun after the raid got destroyed. Gratz blizz you ruined one of the best systems you’ve ever implemented all you had to do to make this system better was reduce the scaling for solo players why we need to penalize people who socialize while playing an MMO im not sure but its loud and clear being a team player is aparently the wrong way to play so Shrug guess i start only playing for me now huh only do bosses I need leave after cuz screw teamplay right blizz?

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8:30am est 9/14

600 ilvl SOLO DH testing havoc and veng

Level 8 earthcrawl mines delve

I’m maybe upper middle class skill wise. Do some mythic raiding no CE, enjoy m+ in the 2.5-3k range typically.

Havoc: havoc puts out some strong burst so my damage felt good but I was taking quite a bit of damage. Procced cheat death ability twice. Still kinda scary but no minus death counter.

Veng: swapped halfway to Veng. Actually felt pretty good for trash. Did the final boss as veng and it was pretty scary. The boss having 2 interrupts is still tough. Still managed to one shot it.

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Just to be clear, skill doesn’t reduce the amount of interrupts needed.
Interrupting a mob, only to have that mob immediately begin casting either the same spell or one JUST as deadly is not some expression of skill.


Then play solo and boom you have 5 chances yourself

Tell that to healers and Augmancers , such a brainless comment

But skill lets you interrupt more.

On my Guardian druid I could solo 8 a few days ago now a 7 is killing me. I don’t get it.


After doing some solo and duo groups this morning 8/14…

It actually feels about right tbh.
The bosses and needing interrupts is still a challenge solo.

Tried solo tank, solo dps, and tank + dps for duo. 590-600ilvl tier 8s

They feel on par or a little harder than m0

Which they should be given their rewards are better right?

Allowing bosses to be CC’d short duration as an “interupt” would be nice QOL

Also I can definitely see certain specs struggling more than others

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we are still missing the change back from lives remaining to revives remaining… Delves were not broken until they changed that

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Delves hot garbage slow clap blizzard


Blizzard just tune your resume up, because all your developers are going to get fired from this garbage.

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Meh. That was kind of busted as long as you were in a group with someone who could res.

Havoc has a cheat death ability?

Sounds like it’s not being reverted.

You have to fix Tala and Velo. They are the hardest bosses in the history of WoW. If I had next expansions gear I still wouldn’t be able to beat them. If they are in the middle of your Delve and you can’t skip them. You have to reset the Delve.

You can’t CC them, you can’t stop their damage which is based on HP%. You can’t damage one of them. It’s a massacre. I’ve never felt so helpless.

They are INFINITELY stronger than the End Boss in the Delve. I can beat the End Boss but have no chance of getting even 1 of them too 90%. You made them literally impossible for most Classes.

Not to mention Tala and Velo are 100’s of times stronger than the other Heralds. I’ve never seen such crazy mechanics on a duo of bosses.

Tala and Velo are the true TWW End Game Boss. Zekvir and Xal’atah are pushovers.

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I am just more frustrated that people were able to solo Zekvir on Tier 2 prior to the “hotfix” to Delves. Now? My Brann is sitting level 30, gets one shot, and the auto attack damage from Zekvir is 4-8 million per attack.

Done it on the first tier, but it seems a bit excessive. It’s not challenging when the boss two shots you with auto attacks, not a failure of “mechanic” checks, and it’s just a gateway of going “lol play m+ and get better gear” for a stat boost while you get Brann to level 38, I guess. But everyone who got in on it while he was unkillable keeps the stuff.

Either way, I don’t get why the Delves are incentivized now as “casual world content” to be worse in a group. It’s kind of counter intuitive to it all. We already have M+ for people to be lunatics and stroke their egos over for higher keystones. Nobody asked for it.

I’m 607 ilvl and it’s a sweat fest in some of the +8 Delves. I get them done still, but it’s just like, knowing if I brought a friend along it’d be 100x worse is kind’ve just “???” in an MMO.


Well it’s not really a cheat death but it’s a decent Brann ability.

  • Emergency Supplies: When any player falls below 30% health, Brann will instantly heal them for 25% of their maximum health. Can only occur every 3 min.

who on the dev team designed Kas’dru?
I legit want to know.

He’s a caster on a “mount”
while on the mount he’s immune to stuns and interrupts
He casts a spell called “Venom Volley” which can’t be spell reflected as it’s an AoE spell
said spell normal hits for 1.8 million poison/nature damage and gives you a poison dot that ticks for 900k a second for 8 seconds
He also does an instant cast AoE interrupt called “Interrupting shout” that does 1 million shadow damage
His mount “Vendombite” will melee auto attack you for 1 million.
vendombite also does a cast venom sting that funnily enough only does 500k damage with a 100k dot tick every 3 seconds
Kas’dru has 44 million HP
Vendombite has 30 million HP

Now the obvious idea is to try to kill the mount asap, well funny thing Vendonbite also has a Hilarious ability calle d"Evasive Dance" where he proceeds to evade 75% of your attacks and abilities for 6 seconds. which he does every 20 seconds. and funnily enough venombite seems to also be immune to stuns as their is no way to stop this evasive dance before he starts casting it as it is also uninterruptible.


I went from clearing ?? Zek’vir and getting my achievement for “Let me solo him” and my void dirigible, and loving delves with 4 other alts for gearing and filling vaults… to really hating this system. This was my favorite addition to the expansion. What a great alternative to filling a vault and gearing up alts to get ready for Heroic raid only to be destroyed by wishy washy, terrible tuning AFTER it was initially successful.


The spores are back and they are never ending respawn. Stuck in combat for the full Delve. They seem to be immune to staying frost trapped. the moment you pass by they start following you while having the ice trap on them.

For got to mention that when they explode they one shot you, if you survive with a small % of health the poison dot kills you instead.


I feel like some stuff in delves, especially at higher tiers, where things start doing 25% of you’re max health in single attack, are designed with either being or having a tank. Because per your mini boss example, I dont care what my item level is, if you’re like a priest or a balance druid, or even one of the squishier melee, what are you doing against that?