Delves Tuning, Sept 12th

Since blizzard uses time-spent metrics to tune everything, I would like to offer some feedback in this regard.

I have gained 25 ilvls since I started delving, and a level 8 delve takes just as long as it did when I started. This is dreadfully boring, and turns delves into a chore. Most of the agony is the harmless bullet sponge enemies, less of that please.


lmao did 2 bountiful tier 8 delves and it was easy.

just tried sinkhole and first pack one shots hunter, chunks me down to 40% health.

stuff is so wildly tuned from delve to delve its insane


did a solo tier 9, underkeep (non-bountiful) as prot pal with 600 ilevel about 30 minutes ago. was straightforward and fairly easy with some room for play errors (missing kicks, standing in PBAOE, stuff like that).

tried a 10, and prot was getting me stuck, ret, 594, was able to delete groups of 3 mobs - but died to bigger groups. reduced sustain when on ret, even though it was hitting hard. too many deaths overall. but may be able to eek out a 10 if i game-up, but they seem to be tuned well for solo.

and there were some pulls where LOS was immensely helpful and where you can isolate some of the tough mobs - others you can’t. the ascended nerubian mobs in underkeep that cast the slow-moving, ground-based web effect were made very trivial when using cover when able for the web bolt and when you isolate them only.

ETA: did a 10 Tek-rethan Abyss as prot pal, 600 ilevel, brann as heals. Was much easier than underkeep. had to skip some mobs, but that felt tuned.

All kidding aside, I’ve been trained at this point to not do any newly released content, be it an xpac or a dungeon (or whatever), until its been out for a week, or three.

Its a much better personal QoL to avoid new stuff when released, until it has been beta tested by the wider non-paid customer base.

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Sinkhole is the most unfun delve ever.

  1. movement is screwed, you can slide off to your death for no apparent reason. We lost ALL of our lives trying to get an air bubble only to slide off into our deaths.

  2. breath mechanic is lame

  3. MF these dumb underwater levels


If it doesn’t have a,lot to do with rolling back attack and hp on bosses most solo players will just give up on delves. You took something that was supposed to be away for solo players to enjoy quick delves and turned it into something that needs groups. Hell it’s so hard people keep are selling delve runs now.

Here we go folks, the much anticipated fixes for Sept 13th

putting stuff from t9 into t8 wtf. well im glad its back to where it needs to be

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And yet nothing about Brann. We’re just gonna pretend he’s gaining XP as expected and that he’s back to his old self? Or will this be a bug that’s been identified in Tuesday’s hotfixes?


hey i hear ya just continue to make lots of noise and maybe they will do something about it

ooh, I gotta try tank spec!

Things seem to be closer to where they were yesterday. 8s challenging for some characters, but not to the point where the require near perfection and the reflexes of a cat, to survive trash packs. So I’m content, for now. We’ll see where things end up as they keep “fixing” issues.

Torghast was fun in beta, then they ruined it before going live.


Tank, Dps and Healer it’s rough to solo an 8.

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Yeah a lot of people licking Blizzards feet for the new response are not getting this. You are never going back to what it was before. This is extremely standard Blizzard tactics, they overtuned it by 100% now they’ll reduce the overtuning to 75% and expect players to praise them for it, and they will because the sheep always do.


It’s almost like as we get gear and different things like gems and items effects the delves will become easier and easier
 how terrible we cant clear to the very highest difficulty the first month of the xpack
 just waiting for all the forums a month from now saying wtf blizz where is the content I’ve all rdy cried and cleared everything u made easier for me so now wtf do i do.

Hey now, don’t give 'em ideas! :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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thought they fixed things? tried to 2 player a t8 and we both got melted repeatedly, we’re both 600ilvl. its just frustrating and not any fun anymore


It’s a little better, but not much for me, ilvl 567 bal druid, even on level 2 mushroom land. Every gold mob took everything I had to kill. It might have been challenging, but it wasn’t fun, not for a potential reward that would not have been an upgrade.

After half an hour of it, I left.


And with the recent changes, you basically brick the instance with a party wipe. So expect to see more delves abandoned after a few early deaths.

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