Delves Tuning, Sept 12th

Thanks for helping with this. Though something tells me there will still be plenty of sodium-laden players who are ungrateful. Some of us do appreciate the work you did on this.

You played the role you were tasked, you fluffed their Q3 investor report numbers. Quit now if you want, they already got what they needed out of you with their bait and switch.

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Fine, don’t remove anything. Revert the buff and let the rest get the same things too.

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Wait, solo delves now hit harder?
Well that’s sad to hear.
I was just about getting by on a 7. Guess tomorrows delves will be back to 6’s…

if its not fixed to a state before the hotfix I wont be renewing in November.

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Look I know ya’ll refuse to do even the tiniest bit of testing and you’ve fired basically your entire QA staff at this point, but this whole “release content easy and then buff it after a few people have gotten ahead” method of development has to stop. It’s not okay. It’s bad for the game.

If you’re not willing to actually balance the crap you’re putting out before you release it, then you need to accept that if you miss the mark and it ends up being easier than you hoped, then that’s just the new difficulty.


Have you been back in since? I came back a few hours later and it felt like it was before this mess?

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It seems it is from what I have done.

Definitely not fixed lol

Still not right. Cannot solo ones i was able to previously. Lower tier to 7 and again still cannot do them.


Just tried another tier 7 bountiful solo and I was somehow taking double the damage I was earlier. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: I ran one early this afternoon. It wasn’t pretty, but I did it. I wasn’t taking THIS much damage then. 500-800k per compared to literally half that.

every one of these changes were poorly thought out and implementation is lacking.

delves take way to long now. they were already too slow paced before and now its terrible.

casters just spam spells at you no matter what…

delves were at least tolerable before now its almost unbearable.

literally every one of these changes needs to be reverted and re-evaluate the implementation of these changes for future improvements.


The solo tuning is too hard and the group tuning is too easy. We should not be trying to incentivize partying up for a Delve. The whole point of these things, as I understand it, is to offer a fun alternative to group based content for those of us who prefer to play alone. Cooperative engagement is already well provided for by Mythic+ and Raid.


Agreed. These changes are bonkers. Extremely insane. Less chances of surviving the Bountiful, and increased difficulty. This is certainly going to cause people not to want to run Delves because its too tough and rather take their chances with Mythic Keys.

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more stuff
mini bosses gone in tier 8

And based on my own experience, it’s somehow worse to solo now.


He thinks they test their changes :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

A few guildmates were running T8 solo and constantly lost their lives and gave up running. Its not easier. Its the exact opposite.


Well that’s prob a good change as it kinda felt like a slap in the face to introduce something tougher with current issues.

Oh, i’m sure the ilvl 600+ folks were having great fun zerging the delves.

The rest of us think it’s a massive T&E SShow…

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