Delves Tuning, Sept 12th

The chance that anyone at Blizzard is going to work extra hard on WoW this weekend, after all the bugs and drama – other than some management jerks – is zero.

I spent the whole time in each run hoping they’d end up in a spot where I could skip them and ultimately was sweating for nothing. Glad I never had to deal with them though! Had me thinking that maybe they already reverted that addition but others have probably run into them today. :thinking:

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Fellow paladin here. I do agree with alot of this. Alot comes down some classes just being better equipped with dealing with certain situations. But the result in some classes just not being able to reliably handle certain things. Earthcrawler mines today was a prime example. Firstly Brann decided to not want to help actually fight anything. but even when he did, he couldnt aggro(though i think this is something that got borked in the hotfixes). But I’ve spoken to people that had alot of roots, or slows, or what have you, and had zero issue. while I struggled and struggled to deal with that ambush for over 2 hours. Because I could stun…1 thing. Maybe get off repentence if I was lucky. But I couldnt handle the incoming damage from the threadmancers+the melee swarm just pounding on me.

Zekvir, I did solo, yesterday. Its really all about getting that egg dead before it hatches. And interupting the dot. The egg is a bit of a soft dps check. The rest of the fight is just mechanical. Assuming, again, Brann is fixed and can hold aggro.


I think the Revives Remaining changed to Lives Remaining has caused alot of issues running the Bountiful Delves. Has made gearing alot more complicated.

They made serious changes to damage taken and healing, including, apparently self healing, right before they shipped this thing. No wonder, after those major changes, they have issues getting their also new scaling to work, especially when it comes to solo play.

They have too many new systems, all at the same time, and apparently beta was insufficient to work it all out.

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You NEED to either give Brann a real tank spec, or to remove/MASSIVELY nerf auto attacks/casts from mobs in favor of avoidable damage sources.

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Thank u raccoon man!

Day is getting close to being over. Wonder if this will be fixed for the weekend.

Yes nerf solo delves


Does bran count as another player.

It’s only 3pm in CA.

That’s really concerning. Seems like we might be finding something else to do this evening then. :confused:


They pick something and run with it. If today it is fears, every fight has fears. If it is interrupts today everything will need interrupts, but then they won’t give all classes enough interrupts, then punish those going in groups for doing it as a group. Then punish the solo experience too apparently.

I am wondering how does it feel as a developer any change or tuning you do is wrong and faces a wall of criticism, must be unique :smiley:

Oh great. :frowning: The one thing I liked about Delves was being able to do them as a duo without needing to find more people like one would need to M+

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I can tell you, after decades of being in Business, it’s not unique at all, especially if you work in a service industry.

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That’s what makes them great for us as well. Very disappointed.

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So when are this “fixes” coming in? I just did a delve level 8, as an ilvl 595 warlock… a delve i had already done before, on the same level as ilvl 585… and i’m getting DESTROYED… My pet is not holding any aggro whatsoever, things are hitting HARDER, and their HP seems to have been increased… This particular delve (Earthcrawl Mines) used to be one of “easiest” to solo, so to speak… i did it as i said, as lower ilvl, with zero deaths… now im half way with two deaths and i been having to fight waaaay more desperatly to get there…

In the other hand, i did a couple other level 8s with a friend which is lower ilvl even then i was… and we roflstomped everything…

So i guess The AMAZING solo feature of this expansion is not realy for SOLO players… i guess i was expecting too much…


What!?! And admit fault?! This is blizzard. They love shooting the players in the feet and say “It’s a foot massage, deal with it.”

They keep messing it up what isn’t broken… Oh it’s comfortable and not too difficult? HOTFIX!!