Delves Tuning, Sept 12th

People can crush everything well below the recommended item level with only a few exceptions.

These were never intended to be content on level of difficulty with portals (10s) or ce outside of perhaps prestige ranges. They’d have rewards that reflect that if they were. So I’m not sure why people are at all surprised to see them smashed to the reward cap quickly.

I’m assuming you’re asking me? No it did not crit.

The same people making that argument would have an aneurism if they couldn’t max out their vault slot ilvl in m+ next week because of scaling issues.

It’s wild how this is considered different.


I’m sorry you have to be the face of whatever leadership is doing a poor job.

Hopefully this update is enough. Tier 8 was fun last night with my wife at my ilvl. That’s my only input. I looked forward to running more of those, and I hope whatever changes you guys settle on is still around that level of fun.

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I’m able to do T7 by myself now.
So I’m liking the changes.

I’ll try T8’s after I get all my gear slots to the suggested minimum.

Had a good loot day in bountifuls so far.

Not mad at all.

Working out for me :slight_smile:

Glad I won’t need to group for T7 and up now.

I think the biggest problem with Solo Delves, for me, is interrupts. The issue isn’t that you have to interrupt certain things but the fact that as a solo player you can only interrupt so much.

So take for example the Thread Bolt ability from Nerubian Threadmancer’s in Skittering Reach (higher tiers) They hit for around 1 million damage per cast if not interrupted and the cast time is fairly quick. Fighting one isn’t too bad, just interrupt and burn it down as fast as I can, however when you have two in a group suddenly you are taking massive damage that quickly melts you.

On top of that, the interrupt only stops their casting that ability for a short time leaving you to get hit by 3 or 4 before your next possible interrupt. If you are in a low movement situation where you can just burn them it’s not bad but otherwise you quickly get melted.

This quickly has become what I personally realize is the problem with Solo Delves vs Group Delves. There are too many instances where multiple mechanics need interrupting but you can only interrupt, stun, cc so much and then you are left hoping Bran does something to stop them.

Zekvir is a good example of this for anyone who has soloed it. Zekvir is a tank with a nasty dot that needs to be interrupted and a few AoE’s that need to be moved out of. If that was all the fight was that would be easy enough to deal with. There is another mechanic though where an egg spawns consistently after set periods of time. The egg has a large health pool and if it hatches a new add joins the right that adds another interruptible ability that will stun you for a very long time if not interrupted. So if you can’t manage to get the egg down in time, you suddenly have two abilities that ABSOLUTELY have to be interrupted or very likely die horribly simply because you likely would not have enough interrupts available.

Keeping in mind some classes have more interrupts than others, some have longer cool down interrupts, some have much shorter, but as a Ret Paladin I find that interrupts are one of my biggest banes in these Delves.

I think that if they don’t want delves to feel better in groups then things like interrupts, dispells, etc need to be taken into account more in terms of “difficulty” and not just damage and health.

I’m not saying damage doesn’t need tuning but that delves shouldn’t overuse mechanics like interrupts or dispells given not every class is as capable as others in those regards. A focus should be put on interesting mechanics to either avoid, soak, or otherwise.

Also, self buffs from rares and treasures are a mixed bag with some buff options being amazingly helpful and others being the south side of useless such as the “your maximum health is increased by 100% until you fall under 60%” at that point shouldn’t it just be an absorb shield instead of such a silly overly complex buff?

That’s not a delves thing it’s a TWW thing. Interrupts don’t lock a school of spells anymore, caster just start again. Awesome right?


Read it again, I’m making a case of one thing that makes soloing delves harder than doing it as a group. Even with the changes made, 3 interrupts vs 1 is a huge difference.

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Never understood their interrupt fetish… It failed miserably in cataclysm and dragonflight was peak to be honest. Even my druid roar interrupted I felt useful.

Now I cast my solar beam and the add won’t move an inch as it’s stuck in it’s position forever. They made it worse.

Hopefully they’ll revert yesterdays nerf and make the delves fun again. Otherwise it’s a dead feature for me


I’ll farm tier 1s for the transmog, but if they can’t get this sorted in a way that’s satisfying for most everyone, then that is all the higher I will take it until I get what I want. Then it will be a dead feature for me as well.

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I’m going with my theory that today is “day drinking goodbye party” for everyone at Blizzard, given the layoffs just announced, and what a cluster foxtrot the past weeks have been. Why would anyone stay at the office Friday to work in that environment?

Turn off the cellphones, go to Applebees with the whole team whether fired or not, drink till 2AM. Monday morning is whatever it is.

Yeah it’s 100% screwed up in between groups and solo now.

Went into a 7 by myself on 568 paladin, 0 death clear.

Go into a 7 with with my wife on her 568 priest and me on same 568 paladin.

We get wrecked.


You can keep your theory, but Kaivax has outright said that fixes are coming today. Unless they’re lying through their teeth, I think that means fixes are coming today. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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I sure hope so because the difference I’m seeing between playing solo and with my wife at same item level and in the same tier level is pretty ridiculous.

Either solo needs to go up or group needs to come down in difficulty.

If you’re incompetent but don’t think you’re incompetent, are you lying when you say you are going to deliver something that works, but there’s not a chance in hell that you will?

It probably won’t be what some of us are hoping for, but hopefully it at least smooths things out and allows tanks to play again.

For what it’s worth, I did my bountifuls today and I didn’t even see those extra mobs that the hotfixes last night added. Either they were so far off the beaten path that I never encountered them, or they don’t show up all the time? Or is it only while in a group that they appear?

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kaivax is just delivering the devs message… whenever the hotfixes happen or not it’s not really up to kaivax now is it?


Yeah. I’m pretty confident that whatever these fixes are, are indeed coming today. I just hope it’s not a repeat of last night where they were like “Let’s push these to live and then run for the door.”

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I haven’t done any 8s today solo or otherwise but when they showed last night it was in a duo.

We got Tala and Velo in Fungalfail and they just wiped the floor with us lol.

Whatever happened it seems they reverted it. Just did two 8’s and it feels like it did most fo the week