Delves Tuning, Sept 12th

I think this is part of the thing some people are missing lol.

It’s fine that delves are a bit harder, they could have been considered too trivial for the gear they dropped when in a party.

But getting auto’d for millions ain’t it.


I think they should limit the number of drops you can get from M+ per week then.

Obviously I’m joking, but one of these is going to be infinitely replayable, while the other is limited to 4 per week.

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Buff Brann. He is the worst companion to do this.


Not only that, but there is no upgrading if you only do delves right now.

You will have enough Runed Crests by 2026 (yes, 2026, not 2025) to do 9 item upgrades total. Not upgraded fully; total.

Brann the goat. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

4/day, but, it is a bit strange, since keys are already limited. Also, not being able to get crests from it is… Not really annoying, I’ll be able to get them next week. But it is confusing, since I got some earlier in the week but they just stopped.

I mean, it’s fine for you, but some of us were told we could gear up through delves. If I’m forced to do M+ to upgrade my delve gear, what is the damn point?

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That’s cool, I noticed that 8’s seemed to scale to be a lot more difficult yesterday. I thought it was just a bug. It was still doable, but I was done for the night after one.

Reverting the hotfix would be tantamount to admitting it was a bad idea. Given how the WoW team, and Blizzard in general, tend to conduct themselves, do you really imagine that happening?

I mean, look at the phrasing of their post. “Following recent hotfixes to address issues in Delves…” What issues were they attempting to address? Did they address them successfully? Who are they fixing these issues for? Surely it is not the player base because the player base made it clear immediately after the hotfix that zero of the issues they were experiencing were addressed and that, in fact, there were now more issues to be addressed.

And along with those new issues, there is now a very real feeling of concern over how this heavily advertised solo-content will end up. Are they going to get things back to how they were? Will it truly be soloable? Will mechanics be interesting and challenging, requiring actual strategy? Or will it remain arbitrary and mindlessly punishing? Will rewards be nerfed? If rewards are nerfed, where does that leave players who did not have time to burn up their 10-12 keys before these unsolicited hotfixes were implemented? What about the players that did get some sweet lewtz? Will their items be degraded or removed? Would that even be fair or reasonable?

Given the sometimes heavy-handed nature in which bugs, scaling, and player actions have been dealt with, we all have to wonder if we are the priority or if, as it always seems, our money is the priority. I’d wonder how long they expect the players to keep forking over the subscription fees and expansion costs, but we (myself included) have been collectively doing it for twenty years. What’s strange to me is that WoW is kind-of like a “digital gym membership” except that, unlike at a gym where is some sense of customer service and satisfaction along with real humans to talk to, we as members have very little meaningful recourse when our “gym” decides to do something that is viewed by the members as harmful to the membership experience.


Oh, and the new enemy variant for 8s and above, is not soloable, the whole pack plus the big Anub, I forget his name, all pile on and you are dead in no time. Also, the big anub seems to cast his aoe earth spikes endlessly. I mean, they actually do not stop, he just keeps casting them non stop.

One last thing. I really dislike these changes. I think they are really bad. I thought these delves were not supposed to be like this.
This is like hitting a home run and then right before you cross the plate you punch the umpire in the face, and he throws you out of the game and takes away your run.
Very bad move on these changes.

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This was a very succinct way of putting it.

I’m also frustrated at the fact that several people have dozens of Runed Crests when the rest of us got 2 for the week.

Wooo. You can get an Enchanted Runed Crest from delving by July next year, or hit that “upgrade item” button a whopping total of 9 times between now and 2026. Not 2025; 2026.

That’s what I was asking.

Also, what is up with the bountiful bonus map pieces?

I did 9 bountiful delves this week and haven’t seen one.

If keys are capped at 4 per week, how is the randomness of the maps even remotely fair?

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No it doesn’t. As far as I am aware, they didn’t decrease mob health to account for the significantly lower damage that tanks do. They just sneakily increased their damage intake with an aura. Their favorite solution to wanting to nerf tanks, without making it obvious that they’re nerfing tanks in some content they don’t want tanks participating in.

casual ≠ solo

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I just did two 11s no problem and got immortal so it’s not like tanks are bad. If anything they’re great for solo now.


We don’t have infinite sustain any more, we do less damage, we take more damage.

Anyone defending this is delusional.

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might wanna check if hes selected a role, mine reset after i logged last night for some reason, mines an absolute beast

Not entirely sure why you are telling me this but… alright?

Sounds potentially fun. But not something one can talk about in public. Look for other forums that aren’t for that kind of ‘gaming.’

You ever going to learn to stop doing “fun detected, fun removed”? Delves might have been easier to gear, but that hurt no one.