Delves Tuning, Sept 12th

Thanks for the heads up, but the devs should have just left Delves alone for the most part. An HP increase here and there? Okay, fine, but upending balance entirely is mind boggling. It’s things like this that lead to animosity within the community. This obviously isn’t your fault Kaivax, and I hope I’m not coming across that way. You’re just telling us what you are told to tell us.


Brann has always been useless from what I’ve seen, so I just don’t rely on him

Raiders just need to be ignored at this point, I dont care that m+ and delves hurt their feelings. Go run your content and stop killing the rest of the game


Loot should match difficulty, it’s an rpg, you don’t expect to get mythic gear in normal

I said in another post that i think delves are a lot more popular than previously expected. So the origional tuning was “whatever” mediocre.

I think they need to really think this out and create fair tuning across the board. Who cares if the way it is lasts a few more days. Another half baked hotfix isn’t going to please anyone.

Good thing you were not getting mythic gear then

Ah, you’ve not done 9+ or Zekvir then

He keeps threat off you at least partially and the heals are pretty decent when he levels up. Not useless to me as a solo delver but don’t rely on him for damage. He does also do some interrupts and dispells as well.

But you can’t rely on him to keep threat indefinitely.

I just wish people were better at pacing themselves. I knew going into this wonderful adventure, I wasn’t going to be able to just burn my way through All the higher level delves. Based on my own item level of gear, it just wasn’t going to happen.

Couple that with the issues with solo play being harder on players than group play, which I was doing with my wife. Then factor in the “well, those people can do it, I should be able too” attitude.

Makes for a messy situation.

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I have.

Immortal Spelunker and Nemesis.

It’s very, very broken.

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It would be helpful to

  1. have a way to lower the tier difficult while in a delve. Getting to the end and being stuck is pretty awful feeling.
  2. have a built in key acquisition tracker per week. It’s minor but would be helpful to remember where I’m at each week.
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Nah, no point, no gear from there, or higher gear

I got ? mode done.

?? smashed my face lol. Was looking forward to trying it with a bit higher level.

i do. I would like to play the game. They can revert the current hotfix to the previous tuning, which paying customers massively preferred over this. They can take their time figuring out how to tune it after that.

Currently Zekvir on ?? hits me for 4.2-4.4m damage per melee swing.

Tanks are taking way more damage than DPS.

No amount of ilvl available this season will make that survivable.

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Yes, but Brann is pretty much necessary, and the fact he is doing considerably less in every metric is a big problem.

Yeah, Zekvir sucks at that difficulty. Before they gutted Brann I was doing pulls at 10%, now it’s laughably broken. It was a mess then to, but since they kneecapped Brann’s output and he dies in 2-3 melees, it’s just not going to happen.

You changed it so that Bran only gets XP through bountiful delves but then I noticed bountiful delves only show up for 80 level characters. I was planning on leveling my alts through delves, multitasking by leveling up Bran at the same time. Now its apparently not possible to do so. Why make this weird restriction?


Bad tuning omg. We need the keys to this (champions items). This not an infinite thing. Stop buffing content that you make for casuals. lol

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It’s definitely weird he doesn’t level up from other things (I think that’s somewhere on the list of things they are looking at). That said, Bountifuls are really designed as gear rewards for max level characters so it makes sense that they don’t funnel alts into them and waste the daily

I don’t take issue with that,but i doubt they do it. I’m just saying. Another knee jerk fix may just break things worse.