Delves Tuning, Sept 12th

Today is the 13th…
click the little “Blizz <–” button below the scroll bar.

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if anything they need to revert it back to where it was for the time
if they cant figure it out since its largely unlplayable to most


If a 1mil hit is 1shotting you, you are probably severely undergeared.

You should be interrupting abilities/cc’ing/stunning/stopping/shrouding. As a rogue you have a fantastic toolkit to deal with these abilities.

Yea, the topic title says 12th so i wasn’t sure if it was updated lol. Thanks.

While you’re at it, Blizzard… you should release everything on the same day. Enough of the timegating.

The whole concept of staggered releases is what causes everyone to go so hard into things like Delves, which come out before mythic plus so high-end players feel obligated to do them. And then they overgear themselves before the rest of us more casual players get the opportunity to play, so the chasm between gear levels in the player base is even more pronounced.

Raids, dungeon levels, delves, “story mode”: everything should come out at once. Do the right thing here.


blank stare

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One massive issue is this new named mob that was added since the hotfix. A single one is worse than the boss, but they’re coming in pairs and Brann doesn’t care about CC. Oh and of course they can’t be CCed, which removes at least one interrupt from hunters (intimidation)

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Next tier it is all coming out in week two of the patch

Heroic week only existed again for this launch

After reading that post, I feel like it’s going to be one of those changes where they address a little, while softly whispering in my ear “this isn’t the fix the players wanted, but it’s our spin on things”.

Now Dance For me, peasant, while throwing money at me. :disguised_face:

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idk about you but my 604 dps has 570k hp or so.

or do you mean that hit gets shaved off to a decent number with defenses? that’s probably a good point actually.

So do I do Delves right now or not? and if I do them do I do them solo as DPS or Tank or do I want a group? Someone enlighten me please because I am really confused as to what is broken and I dont want to go in and start wasting lives.

Huh? You should have about 4.8-5M health at 604.


Solo is better than group right now, they haven’t changed anything yet

You’re missing a zero.

Imo, they’re going to try and choose a happy medium. I’d be shocked if it was a total revert.

oh gosh. silly me. it is millions and not Ks lol!

my b


There was a secret hotfix put in place, the higher the item level on your character, the lower your health and stats. :+1: :disguised_face:


It won’t be, group delves were too easy


they will get their special treatment and hotfixes just like every past race, who are we kidding?


Yeah. I know some of this stuff hits pretty hard, but I was astounded when you said you only had 500k HP lol.

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